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Our Mutual Friend

Charles Dickens

The tongues of London high society gossips begin to wag when John Harmon --a young man whose inheritance depended on his marrying a woman he had never met-- is found dead in the River Thames. The fortune passes into the hands of the working-class Boffins, who take into their new home both Bella Wilfer (Harmons would-be bride), and a mysterious secretary known as Rokesmith. Meanwhile, Lizzie Hexam, the daughter of the boatman suspected of Harmons murder, is pursued by two suitors: obsessive and self-righteous Bradley Headstone and roguish and lethargic Eugene Wrayburn. Our Mutual Friend is one of the most sophisticated and sadly the last novel by Charles Dickens with a rare combination of social insight and psychological analysis.The main focus of the novel is on the significance of money in an individuals life but also stresses on the fact that one should never ignore human values in the face of money.


The Republic


Plato was the first Western philosopher to apply philosophy to politics. His ideas on, for example, the nature and value of justice, and the relationship between justice and politics, have been extraordinarily influential. The Republic of Plato is the longest of his works with the exception of the Laws, and is certainly the greatest of them. Presented as a series of dialogue between Socrates and Platos brothers Adeimantus and Glaucon, in eleven parts Plato step by step forms his ideal state, its rulers, their education, womens position and the position of art and poetry in the new state. With remarkable lucidity and deft use of allegory, Plato arrives at a depiction of a state bound by harmony and ruled by philosopher kings. And if you examine carefully, you will see the truth of many of his view points, especially those relating to imperfect societies.


Children of the Wind

M.P. Shiel

M.P. Shiel is a British writer of West Indian descent. He is remembered mostly for supernatural and scientific romances, published as serials, novels, and as short stories. Children of the Wind adventure set in South Central Africa. A lost race novel. An English scientist learns that the White Queen of the Wa-Ngwanyas is his own cousin and heiress to a fortune of which she is being kept in ignorance. There are tribal warfare including biological warfare, lesbianism, and vibrant plotting a full-blooded story done in Shiel s fabulously refreshing style written after a ten-year hiatus. Highly recommended!


Der Schatz im Silbersee

Karl May

Der Schatz im Silbersee mit seinen sagenhaften Reichtümern ist das Ziel einer Bande von Tramps unter Führung des berüchtigten Roten Cornel. In den Rocky Mountains liegt der Silbersee, und er hat reiche Silbervorkommen, wie Old Firehand hofft. Geruhsam verläuft seine Reise dorthin nicht: Unter den zweifelhaften Gestalten an Bord des Raddampfers Dogfish gibt es eine seltsame Tante Droll und den Schurken Cornel Brinkley, Anführer einer Bande Tramps, der im Besitz einer Schatzkarte ist. Bei so vielen schrägen Vögeln lassen Abenteuer nicht lange auf sich warten. Und dann treten auch noch Winnetou und Old Shatterhand auf den Plan. Winnetou und Old Shatterhand jagen hinter dem skrupellosen Ganoven Brinkley her, der mit aller Gewalt versucht, den sagenhaften Schatz im Silbersee zu finden. Mit Mord und Entführungen war es ihm gelungen, den Geheimplan für den Schatz in seine Hände zu bekommen. Die beiden Blutsbrüder werden bei ihrer Verfolgung immer wieder von verfeindeten Indianerstämmen aufgehalten und müssen mit ansehen, wie ihr Widersacher vor ihren Augen die Schatzhöhle erreicht. Brinkley bringt den Wächter der Grotte um und glaubt, nun am Ziel seiner Träume zu sein. Doch der sterbende Hüter des Schatzes kann mit letzter Kraft einen Mechanismus in Gang setzten, der die ganze Höhle zum Einsturz bring.


O duchu praw


O duchu praw to najważniejsze dzieło Monteskiusza, wybitnego myśliciela i pisarza doby oświecenia. Składa się ono z trzydziestu jeden ksiąg, w których autor dokonał analizy znanych ówcześnie form ustrojowych, wydzielając monarchię, despotię i republikę. Wiele miejsca konieczności podziału władzy, popularyzując w ten sposób trójpodział władzy na władzę ustawodawczą, wykonawczą i sądowniczą.


Pattys Fortune

Carolyn Wells

Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American author and poet. She wrote more than 170 books. During the first ten years of her career, she concentrated on poetry, humor, and childrens books. After 1910, she devoted herself to the mystery genre. This is one of the later books in the popular Patty Fairfield series of novels for young readers. In this volume, Patty and her chums hole up at a lavish hotel for a weeks-long reunion party. Then the story takes a dramatic turn when a beloved family member falls ill and seeks out Patty to discuss her future. The story of 20 years old Patty is relatable for most of the girls, especially in the third world countries despite the fact that the setting of the story is much Victorian Europe.


Lieutenant Bones

Edgar Wallace

Wallace was a prolific author responsible for several series of popular novels featuring bold adventurers and crime fighters. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as Bones. However, yet again, the trouble-prone Bones, while meaning to assist, only manages to spread his own unique style of innocent and endearing mischief. Those who love classic adventure especially set against an African backdrop will discover a rich vein of reading pleasure in the six books of the Colonial adventures of Sanders and Bones set on the Dark Continent.


That Affair Next Door

Anna Katharine Green

That Affair Next Door focuses on a mysterious murder that has occurred in a quiet neighborhood, incidentally in the house next door to the home of the curious middle-aged amateur sleuth Miss Butterworth. One night around midnight Miss Butterworth sees a man and woman enter the Van Burnam mansion, which is supposed to be empty. The man leaves soon after, but the woman does not. On the following day, Miss Butterworth and a policeman find the body of a woman crushed to death under a cabinet in the parlor. There are way too many coincidences to be realistic, but the competitive sleuthing of Miss Butterworth and Detective Gryce keep the story moving along with seemingly definitive evidence pulling the reader to believe one person after another must be the actual murderer.