Wydawca: Packt Publishing
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The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit. Kubernetes: Deploying and managing highly-available and fault-tolerant applications at scale

Viktor Farcic

Building on The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit, The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm, and The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit: Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the DevOps Toolkit as he takes you on a journey to explore the features of Kubernetes.The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes is a book in the series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book in the series looks at Kubernetes, the tool designed to, among other roles, make it easier in the creation and deployment of highly available and fault-tolerant applications at scale, with zero downtime.Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide range of emerging topics, including what exactly Kubernetes is, how to use both first and third-party add-ons for projects, and how to get the skills to be able to call yourself a “Kubernetes ninja.” Work with Viktor and dive into the creation and exploration of Kubernetes with a series of hands-on guides.


Building RESTful Web services with Go. Learn how to build powerful RESTful APIs with Golang that scale gracefully

Naren Yellavula

REST is an architectural style that tackles the challenges of building scalable web services and in today's connected world, APIs have taken a central role on the web. APIs provide the fabric through which systems interact, and REST has become synonymous with APIs. The depth, breadth, and ease of use of Go, makes it a breeze for developers to work with it to build robust Web APIs. This book takes you through the design of RESTful web services and leverages a framework like Gin to implement these services. The book starts with a brief introduction to REST API development and how it transformed the modern web. You will learn how to handle routing and authentication of web services along with working with middleware for internal service. The book explains how to use Go frameworks to build RESTful web services and work with MongoDB to create REST API. You will learn how to integrate Postgres SQL and JSON with a Go web service and build a client library in Go for consuming REST API. You will learn how to scale APIs using the microservice architecture and deploy the REST APIs using Nginx as a proxy server. Finally you will learn how to metricize a REST API using an API Gateway. By the end of the book you will be proficient in building RESTful APIs in Go.


QlikView for Developers. Design and build scalable and maintainable BI solutions

Miguel Angel Garcia, Barry Harmsen

QlikView is one of the most flexible and powerful Business Intelligence platforms around. If you want to build data into your organization, build it around QlikView. Don't get caught in the gap between data and knowledge – find out how QlikView can help you unlock insights and data potential with ease. Whether you're new to QlikView or want to get up to speed with the features and functionality of QlikView, this book starts at a basic level and delves more deeply to demonstrate how to make QlikView work for you, and make it meet the needs of your organization. Using a real-world use-case to highlight the extensive impact of effective business analytics, this book might well be your silver bullet for success.A superb hands-on guide to get you started by exploring the fundamentals of QlikView before learning how to successfully implement it, technically and strategically. You'll learn valuable tips, tricks, and insightful information on loading different types of data into QlikView, and how to model it effectively.You will also learn how to write useful scripts for QlikView to handle potentially complex data transformations in a way that is simple and elegant. From ensuring consistency and clarity in your data models, to techniques for managing expressions using variables, this book makes sure that your QlikView projects are organized in a way that's most productive for you and key stakeholders.


Learning ASP.NET Core 2.0. Build modern web apps with ASP.NET Core 2.0, MVC, and EF Core 2

Jason De Oliveira, Michel Bruchet

The ability to develop web applications that are highly efficient but also easy to maintain has become imperative to many businesses. ASP.NET Core 2.0 is an open source framework from Microsoft, which makes it easy to build cross-platform web applications that are modern and dynamic. This book will take you through all of the essential concepts in ASP.NET Core 2.0, so you can learn how to build powerful web applications. The book starts with a brief introduction to the ASP.NET Core framework and the improvements made in the latest release, ASP.NET Core 2.0. You will then build, test, and debug your first web application very quickly. Once you understand the basic structure of ASP.NET Core 2.0 web applications, you'll dive deeper into more complex concepts and scenarios. Moving on, we'll explain how to take advantage of widely used frameworks such as Model View Controller and Entity Framework Core 2 and you'll learn how to secure your applications. Finally, we'll show you how to deploy and monitor your applications using Azure, AWS, and Docker. After reading the book, you'll be able to develop efficient and robust web applications in ASP.NET Core 2.0 that have high levels of customer satisfaction and adoption.


Odoo 10 Implementation Cookbook. Explore the capabilities of Odoo and discover all you need to implement it

Mantavya Gajjar

Odoo is a Python-based ERP system and is completely open source. Odoo is a comprehensive suite of business applications offering a wealth of functionalities that can be deployed to meet your business needs.This book will help you manage the different functionalities of your business and optimize it. You will learn in detail about the various facets of the business process such as sales, accounting, purchases, manufacturing, and inventory. We will cover each of these topics in detail and learn how Odoo handles all these tasks with much ease. With its modular approach, you will be able to build customized solutions, take advantage of the Odoo 10 system in your organization, and master basic administration. We will cover modules and applications in Odoo that will help optimize quality checks. You will also be able to customize major reporting functions for your teams and set up forms and documents for sales, purchase, inventory, and so on. By the end of the book, you will be able to use the major functionalities of Odoo 10 and fully implement them into your business.


Mastering Python Networking. Your one-stop solution to using Python for network automation, DevOps, and Test-Driven Development - Second Edition

Eric Chou

Networks in your infrastructure set the foundation for how your application can be deployed, maintained, and serviced. Python is the ideal language for network engineers to explore tools that were previously available to systems engineers and application developers. In this second edition of Mastering Python Networking, you’ll embark on a Python-based journey to transition from traditional network engineers to network developers ready for the next-generation of networks. This book begins by reviewing the basics of Python and teaches you how Python can interact with both legacy and API-enabled network devices. As you make your way through the chapters, you will then learn to leverage high-level Python packages and frameworks to perform network engineering tasks for automation, monitoring, management, and enhanced security. In the concluding chapters, you will use Jenkins for continuous network integration as well as testing tools to verify your network. By the end of this book, you will be able to perform all networking tasks with ease using Python.


Mastering Apache Solr 7.x. An expert guide to advancing, optimizing, and scaling your enterprise search

Sandeep Nair, Chintan Mehta, Dharmesh Vasoya

Apache Solr is the only standalone enterprise search server with a REST-like application interface. providing highly scalable, distributed search and index replication for many of the world's largest internet sites.To begin with, you would be introduced to how you perform full text search, multiple filter search, perform dynamic clustering and so on helping you to brush up the basics of Apache Solr. You will also explore the new features and advanced options released in Apache Solr 7.x which will get you numerous performance aspects and making data investigation simpler, easier and powerful. You will learn to build complex queries, extensive filters and how are they compiled in your system to bring relevance in your search tools. You will learn to carry out Solr scoring, elements affecting the document score and how you can optimize or tune the score for the application at hand. You will learn to extract features of documents, writing complex queries in re-ranking the documents. You will also learn advanced options helping you to know what content is indexed and how the extracted content is indexed. Throughout the book, you would go through complex problems with solutions along with varied approaches to tackle your business needs. By the end of this book, you will gain advanced proficiency to build out-of-box smart search solutions for your enterprise demands.


Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi. Build applications using idiomatic, extensible, and concurrent design patterns in Delphi

Primož Gabrijelčič

Design patterns have proven to be the go-to solution for many common programming scenarios. This book focuses on design patterns applied to the Delphi language. The book will provide you with insights into the language and its capabilities of a runtime library.You'll start by exploring a variety of design patterns and understanding them through real-world examples. This will entail a short explanation of the concept of design patterns and the original set of the 'Gang of Four' patterns, which will help you in structuring your designs efficiently. Next, you'll cover the most important 'anti-patterns' (essentially bad software development practices) to aid you in steering clear of problems during programming. You'll then learn about the eight most important patterns for each creational, structural, and behavioral type. After this, you'll be introduced to the concept of 'concurrency' patterns, which are design patterns specifically related to multithreading and parallel computation. These will enable you to develop and improve an interface between items and harmonize shared memories within threads. Toward the concluding chapters, you'll explore design patterns specific to program design and other categories of patterns that do not fall under the 'design' umbrella.By the end of this book, you'll be able to address common design problems encountered while developing applications and feel confident while building scalable projects.