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The Touch of Abner

H.A. Cody

This is a novel that tells the story from a dramatic moment when Abner signs $ 1,000 to a shelter fund and detonates a financial bomb at a close gathering of Glucom people. Abner Andrews is a naughty old farmer who promises a thousand dollars, which he does not have, to a new shelter. How will he fulfill his promise, especially with a crooked lawyer, to prevent him?

Eлектронна книга

The Boy Fortune Hunters in Egypt

L. Frank Baum

Writing under a pseudonym, the prolific Wizard of Oz author created a series of far-flung adventure tales starring Sam Steele, a resourceful young sailor. In this story of mystery, deceit, and murder, Sam and his companions seek the legendary wealth of Karnak a 2,000-year-old treasure buried in the desert sands. The adventure begins when Sam rescues an escaped cabin boy from a sinking dinghy in Boston Harbor. Runaway Joe Herring, along with pampered aristocrat Archie Ackley, accompany Sam to Alexandria, Egypt. There, the trio learn of the legendary lost riches of Karnak and Luxor a wealth of pearls, gold, precious gems, and historic papyrus rolls, all hidden from invading Persians. Relying upon their pluck, luck, and quick wits, the American boys follow an ancient caravan route to uncover a secret from beyond the grave. Unusually for Baum, the tale of The Boy Fortune Hunters in Egypt is told in the first person, by the title character.

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The Inevitable Millionaires

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In this funny satire, Oppenheim offers us an argument that has been used in several movies: Two brothers come into a large inheritance with a pre-condition that they need to spend a big amount of money within a month. In the letter from their deceased father, they are enjoined to learn how to spend as well as that have learned how to save. The story deals with their noble efforts to spend their money without waste or ostentation. They back a musical comedy, finance a gold club, back an inventor who wants to extract rubber from sea weed will they be able to get rid of their fortune? Join the likeable Mr. Steven and Mr. George Henry Underwood in this goodhearted comedy of The Inevitable Millionaires.

Eлектронна книга

Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa (Tom 35). Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa. Tom 35: Inżynier szacha


Sherlock Holmes to jeden z tych bohaterów popkultury, którego nikomu przedstawiać nie trzeba. Inżynier szacha to jedno z wielu nieautoryzowanych przez Arthura Conan Doylea opowiadań o przygodach legendarnego londyńskiego detektywa i jego ucznia Harryego Taxona. Holmes rozwiązuje kryminalną zagadkę, nie tylko wykorzystując swoje niezwykłe talenty w dziedzinie dedukcji i szeroką wiedzę z zakresu chemii i psychologii, lecz także bezpośrednio stawiając czoła przemocy przy użyciu... pięści. Zagadkowe morderstwa, tajemnicze zaginięcia, zuchwałe kradzieże sprawiają, że czytelnik poczuje, że jest otoczony przez wszechogarniające zło.

Eлектронна книга

Carried by Storm. A Novel

May Agnes Fleming

A mystical and a little detective story. A dark and terrible tragedy occurred within the walls of this gloomy red farmhouse. In this room a man was killed stabbed to death. A riddle for a real detective. Only an attentive reader will understand everything in advance.

Eлектронна книга

Das indische Tuch. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Lord Willie Lebanon, Herr auf Schloss Marks Priory, könnte ein glücklicher Mann sein. Aber der alte Lord Lebanon wurde mit einem indischen Tuch erdrosselt. Die Erben versammeln sich und vernehmen den vorletzten Willen des Verblichenen: Die untereinander verfeindete Familie soll sechs Tage und Nächte in seinem Schloss verbringen, um sich auszusöhnen, erst dann werde das endgültige Testament verlesen. Die Erben fügen sich der Bedingung und werden bald immer weniger. Bei ihrer Spurensuche nehmen Tanner und Totty von Scotland Yard zunächst Lady Lebanon ins Visier: Was hat sie hinter der verschlossenen Tür im Obergeschoss zu verbergen?

Eлектронна книга

The Last Adventure

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. Although Wallace wrote many stand alone novels it is, perhaps, for his series based material always popular with readers that he remains best known. The Last Adventure is a story packed with intrigue, treachery, assassinations, and machinations, and it highlights Wallaces unmatched skill in setting a pulse-pounding pace. As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice. Edgar Wallace provides a thrill of another sort!

Eлектронна книга

The Green Pack

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

The Green Pack is a novel adapted from a successful play by the playwright Robert Curtis. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1916, he was discharged from the service after contracting malaria. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task of copying out Wallaces dictations, this task he accomplished at such a speed that he was known as the fastest secretary in England. He accompanied Wallace on his travels, and was rarely from the side. After Wallaces death, he completed some of Wallaces unfinished manuscripts and turned several plays and film scripts into novels in the style of Wallace as well as writing several original novels.