Verleger: Packt Publishing
Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt's mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and information services to IT professionals. Working towards that vision, we have published over 6,500 books and videos so far, providing IT professionals with the actionable knowledge they need to get the job done - whether that's specific learning on an emerging technology or optimizing key skills in more established tools. As part of our mission, we have also awarded over $1,000,000 through our Open Source Project Royalty scheme, helping numerous projects become household names along the way.

Learning AWK Programming. A fast, and simple cutting-edge utility for text-processing on the Unix-like environment

Shiwang Kalkhanda

AWK is one of the most primitive and powerful utilities which exists in all Unix and Unix-like distributions. It is used as a command-line utility when performing a basic text-processing operation, and as programming language when dealing with complex text-processing and mining tasks. With this book, you will have the required expertise to practice advanced AWK programming in real-life examples. The book starts off with an introduction to AWK essentials. You will then be introduced to regular expressions, AWK variables and constants, arrays and AWK functions and more. The book then delves deeper into more complex tasks, such as printing formatted output in AWK, control flow statements, GNU's implementation of AWK covering the advanced features of GNU AWK, such as network communication, debugging, and inter-process communication in the GAWK programming language which is not easily possible with AWK. By the end of this book, the reader will have worked on the practical implementation of text processing and pattern matching using AWK to perform routine tasks.


Hands-On Software Architecture with Golang. Design and architect highly scalable and robust applications using Go

Jyotiswarup Raiturkar

Building software requires careful planning and architectural considerations; Golang was developed with a fresh perspective on building next-generation applications on the cloud with distributed and concurrent computing concerns.Hands-On Software Architecture with Golang starts with a brief introduction to architectural elements, Go, and a case study to demonstrate architectural principles. You'll then move on to look at code-level aspects such as modularity, class design, and constructs specific to Golang and implementation of design patterns. As you make your way through the chapters, you'll explore the core objectives of architecture such as effectively managing complexity, scalability, and reliability of software systems. You'll also work through creating distributed systems and their communication before moving on to modeling and scaling of data. In the concluding chapters, you'll learn to deploy architectures and plan the migration of applications from other languages.By the end of this book, you will have gained insight into various design and architectural patterns, which will enable you to create robust, scalable architecture using Golang.


Learning Salesforce Einstein. Add artificial intelligence capabilities to your business solutions with Heroku, PredictiveIO, and Force

Mohit Shrivatsava

Dreamforce 16 brought forth the latest addition to the Salesforce platform: an AI tool named Einstein. Einstein promises to provide users of all Salesforce applications with a powerful platform to help them gain deep insights into the data they work on. This book will introduce you to Einstein and help you integrate it into your respective business applications based on the Salesforce platform. We start off with an introduction to AI, then move on to look at how AI can make your CRM and apps smarter. Next, we discuss various out-of-the-box components added to sales, service, marketing, and community clouds from Salesforce to add Artificial Intelligence capabilities. Further on, we teach you how to use Heroku, PredictionIO, and the Force platform, along with Einstein, to build smarter apps. The core chapters focus on developer content and introduce PredictionIO and Salesforce Einstein Vision Services. We explore Einstein Predictive Vision Services, along with analytics cloud, the Einstein Data Discovery product, and IOT core concepts. Throughout the book, we also focus on how Einstein can be integrated into CRM and various clouds such as sales, services, marketing, and communities. By the end of the book, you will be able to embrace and leverage the power of Einstein, incorporating its functions to gain more knowledge. Salesforce developers will be introduced to the world of AI, while data scientists will gain insights into Salesforce’s various cloud offerings and how they can use Einstein’s capabilities and enhance applications.


ServiceNow IT Operations Management. Demystifying IT Operations Management

Ajaykumar Guggilla

ServiceNow ITOM enables infrastructure and processes to be managed in a highly automated manner. It contains various segments that ensure its applications and enterprise infrastructures are optimized for high performance and helps in creating a lean and agile organization through service?level visibility and automation.This book will be a comprehensive guide that will be based on Geneva release and will help you discover how IT activities can be connected to your business needs, rather than just focusing on internal IT process. It will take a service-centric approach to operations management and consolidate all your resource data into a single system IT record. You will learn about discovery, orchestration, MID server and cloud management, helping you take full advantage of ServiceNow IT Operations Management to improve the quality of service & increasing the service availability.By the end of the book, you will be able to achieve improved service availability, immediate visibility of vital business services and much more, all from the convenience of your single screen.


Troubleshooting OpenVPN. Click here to enter text

Eric F Crist

OpenVPN, the most widely used open source VPN package, allows you to create a secure network across systems, keeping your private data secure. Connectivity and other issues are a pain to deal with, especially if they are impacting your business. This book will help you resolve the issues faced by OpenVPN users and teach the techniques on how to troubleshoot it like a true expert. This book is a one stop solution for troubleshooting any issue related to OpenVPN. We will start by introducing you to troubleshooting techniques such as Packet Sniffing, Log Parsing, and OpenSSL. You will see how to overcome operating system specific errors. Later on, you will get to know about network and routing errors by exploring the concepts of IPv4 and IPv6 networking issues. You will discover how to overcome these issues to improve the performance of your OpenVPN deployment. By the end of the book, you will know the best practices, tips, and tricks to ensure the smooth running of your OpenVPN.


Keras 2.x Projects. 9 projects demonstrating faster experimentation of neural network and deep learning applications using Keras

Giuseppe Ciaburro

Keras 2.x Projects explains how to leverage the power of Keras to build and train state-of-the-art deep learning models through a series of practical projects that look at a range of real-world application areas. To begin with, you will quickly set up a deep learning environment by installing the Keras library. Through each of the projects, you will explore and learn the advanced concepts of deep learning and will learn how to compute and run your deep learning models using the advanced offerings of Keras. You will train fully-connected multilayer networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, autoencoders and generative adversarial networks using real-world training datasets. The projects you will undertake are all based on real-world scenarios of all complexity levels, covering topics such as language recognition, stock volatility, energy consumption prediction, faster object classification for self-driving vehicles, and more. By the end of this book, you will be well versed with deep learning and its implementation with Keras. You will have all the knowledge you need to train your own deep learning models to solve different kinds of problems.


Hands-On Data Science with R. Techniques to perform data manipulation and mining to build smart analytical models using R

Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta, Nataraj Dasgupta, Ricardo Anjoleto Farias

R is the most widely used programming language, and when used in association with data science, this powerful combination will solve the complexities involved with unstructured datasets in the real world. This book covers the entire data science ecosystem for aspiring data scientists, right from zero to a level where you are confident enough to get hands-on with real-world data science problems.The book starts with an introduction to data science and introduces readers to popular R libraries for executing data science routine tasks. This book covers all the important processes in data science such as data gathering, cleaning data, and then uncovering patterns from it. You will explore algorithms such as machine learning algorithms, predictive analytical models, and finally deep learning algorithms. You will learn to run the most powerful visualization packages available in R so as to ensure that you can easily derive insights from your data.Towards the end, you will also learn how to integrate R with Spark and Hadoop and perform large-scale data analytics without much complexity.


RESTful Web API Design with Node.js 10. Learn to create robust RESTful web services with Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.js - Third Edition

Valentin Bojinov

When building RESTful services, it is really important to choose the right framework. Node.js, with its asynchronous, event-driven architecture, is exactly the right choice for building RESTful APIs.This third edition of RESTful Web API Design with Node.js 10 will teach you to create scalable and rich RESTful applications based on the Node.js platform. You will be introduced to the latest NPM package handler and understand how to use it to customize your RESTful development process. You will begin by understanding the key principle that makes an HTTP application a RESTful-enabled application. After writing a simple HTTP request handler, you will create and test Node.js modules using automated tests and mock objects; explore using the NoSQL database, MongoDB, to store data; and get to grips with using self-descriptive URLs. You’ll learn to set accurate HTTP status codes along with understanding how to keep your applications backward-compatible. Also, while implementing a full-fledged RESTful service, you will use Swagger to document the API and implement automation tests for a REST-enabled endpoint with Mocha. Lastly, you will explore some authentication techniques to secure your application.