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The Way of the Spirit

H. Rider Haggard

This is another Haggard novel in which the characters lived their lives in anticipation of love after death. A history of pain, supernatural and love that survives death. In the book, the reader meets a young man named Rupert Ullershaw. When we first meet him, he is in a difficult situation, he enters into a love affair with the wife of his elder cousin, Lord Deven. However, this is not the love that he wanted to find and he goes in search of that one.


Katherine Christine

Hugh Walpole

Nicholas Harris, his father, and Rosamund Harris, his mother, looked at him with love and pride. Nicholas, a huge man, was 1603 fifty-nine years old this year, and his wife thirty-seven. They were in their own house in Westminster, and everything was fine with them. Robert, their only child, was three years old. He was wide and well-built, but not tall, his strong legs lay firmly on the ground, his round head sat well on his thick neck, his eyes were steady and piercing. He was still a child, but already had self-confidence and independence. Now he was a serious child: he only laughed when his father was at hand.


Florian z Wielkiej Hłuszy

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Małe miasteczko na kresach w czasie I wojny światowej. Kiedy do miasta wkraczają Niemcy, mieszkańcy ukrywają przed rekwizycją dzwon, zwany Florianem. Na tle akcji z dzwonem toczą się wątki obyczajowe. Dziedzic Alfred Rupejko kocha się z wzajemnością w Bronce, wnuczce dziadka Wereszczyńskiego. Wkrótce idzie do legionów. Po pewnym czasie Niemcy opuszczają miasto, które zostaje z kolei zaatakowane przez Armię Czerwoną. Jednak na odsiecz przybywają legioniści... Florian z Wielkiej Hłuszy to ciekawa i wciągająca od pierwszego akapitu lektura.


Genghis Khan

Jacob Abbott

The most amazing thing about this story is that we can feel the life story of Genghis Khan. Starting from being the son of a minor chieftain in Mongolia to becoming the ruler of arguably the largest empire in history. His name itself caused so much terror in the minds of the countries he invaded, that most of them just gave him the keys to their kingdoms hoping that he wont kill them all.The book Genghis Khan will tell you the story of the great ruler.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 13). Ród Rodrigandów. Maskarada w Moguncji

Karol May

Kurta Ungera spotyka niesamowite szczęście. Przed laty jego ojciec wysłał z Meksyku spadek, który niestety zaginął. Teraz podczas pobytu Kurta w Moguncji spadek niespodziewanie się odnajduje. W aferę zamieszany jest snujący szpiegowskie plany Landola. Następnie Unger i Sępi Dziób, po wizycie u Bismarcka, wyjeżdżają do Meksyku, by odszukać zaginionych bohaterów.


Puszcza jodłowa

Stefan Żeromski

Głównym bohaterem utworu Puszcza jodłowa jest narrator, a zarazem port parole samego autora. Narrator snuje wspomnienia dotyczące dzieciństwa. Wychowywał się na Kielecczyźnie. Wspomina góry, po których chodził za młodu: Łysicę, Klonową, Kamień. Wspomina młodość jako życie niewinne, czyste w swej prostocie. Aż dochodzi do wniosku, że on sprzed lat to nie ten sam człowiek co dzisiaj. Dawne czasy i natura, która wspomina, jawią mu się niczym baśń.


The Day. Or The Passing of a Throne

Fred M. White

Many stories by Fred M. White have a spy theme. This story is no exception. The events take place during the First World War. Two men, Manuel and his young companion Luigi, are on a mission. The men have a problem: namely, a German wireless transmitter that they desperately wanted to find and stop.


Courier to Marrakesh

Valentine Williams

Perhaps Valentine Williams finest mystery thriller. Set in WW2, folk singer and guitarist Andrea Hallam gets caught up in a Nazi spy ring while travelling alone in Morocco. Kidnapped by Nazis who believe she holds a dossier on Hitler, the tale travels from entertaining wartime banter to sinister suspense and back again. She is swept into a plot to destroy or blackmail Hitler with some secret documents. But that enterprising villain Clubfoot (Dr. Grundt), wants to retrieve these documents. An exciting and emotional book from beginning to end. Courier to Marrakesh is the last entry in the seven book series about the evil Dr. Adolph Grundt. There are 7 books in the Clubfoot series of secret agent action novels, featuring Dr Grundt, an agent of the German government as the baddie.