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The Deep-Lake Mystery

Carolyn Wells

If you like Golden Age locked room mysteries this is a good one! Deep Lake Mystery (1928) by Carolyn Wells, author of The Clue, is set in the lake region of Wisconsin. Our narrator Gray Norris is invited to join his old friend, the detective Keeley Moore, and his new wife at their vacation cottage at Deep Lake, Wisconsin for a relaxing month of fishing, swimming, boating, and just getting away from the hustle and bustle of the East Coast. That goes by the wayside when one of the Moores neighbors, a millionaire Sampson Tracy, is found murdered in a locked room with a nail driven into his skull and his corpse festooned with bizarre ritualistic items, and other seemingly meaningless articles. Find the motive and you find the criminal!


The Lion and the Lamb

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another great novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. David Newberry is released from Wandsworth prison having served a year for burglary. He was briefly a member of The Lambs, a London gang run by Tottie Green, with the help of the beautiful, coarse, but alluring Belle. Vowing revenge, Newberry buys a gym and assembles and trains a crew of willing fighters using the techniques of Juiy Jitsu which he learned from Asians while in Australia. Oppenheim provides a mystery of another sort!


Und Friede auf Erden!

Karl May

Und Friede auf Erden! ist Band 30 von Karl Mays Gesammelten Werken, ist eine Reiseerzählung. Das Buch entstand unter dem unmittelbaren Eindruck von Karl Mays großer Orientreise 1899 1900. Und Friede auf Erden! gehört zu den interessantesten Werken von Karl May und spielt in China. In Kairo lernt der Erzähler seinen zukünftigen Diener Sejjid, den religiösen Fanatiker Waller und dessen Tochter, sowie zwei Chinesen kennen. Nach ersten Abenteuern in Gizeh beschliessen die fünf Reisenden, gemeinsam weiterzuziehen. Über Ceylon, die malaiische Halbinsel und Penang führt sie der Weg bis nach China.


Gabriel Samara, Peacemaker

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Miss Sadie Loyes, the manageress of the Hotel Weltmore Typewriting and Secretarial Bureau, set down the receiver of the telephone which had its place upon her desk and looked thoughtfully around at the eleven young ladies who comprised her present staff. She stood there, an angular, untidy-looking person, tapping a pencil against her teeth, unconscious arbitress, not only of the fate of two very interesting people, but also of the fate of a great nation. Portentous events depended upon her decision. A mans life in this teeming city of New York was a small enough matter of itself.


Die Nilbraut

Georg Ebers

Zwei Mädchen ein Junge. Wer ist der Liebe wert? Ist es möglich, die Liebe des Verrats zu bekommen? Und welchen Preis für den Verrat und Reue bezahlt? Bis zum Ende von Georg Ebers Leser in Spannung hält bis zum Ende leben werden, die von den Mädchen unbekannt ist und glücklich sein und die in den Gewässern des Nils zugrunde gehen wird. Dieser Roman über Liebe und Verrat, Träume und Errungenschaften des Anstands und Gemeinheit.


Mieszczanin szlachcicem. Komedia w 5 aktach z baletem


Mieszczanin szlachcicem to wyborna komedia pióra mistrza tego gatunku Moliera. Gdy tylko mieszczanin Jourdain postanawia zostać szlachcicem, rozpoczyna się cała seria zabawnych aż do niedorzeczności wydarzeń. Bohater dwoi się i troi, aby osiągnąć swój cel, przyprawiając rodzinę o ból głowy i doprowadzając do finansowej ruiny. Czy jego wysiłki zostaną nagrodzone?


Fighting Stars

H.A. Cody

Although Charles Stanfield was a wealthy man he was far from happy. Everything that money could buy was at his command. He had merely to give the order and it would be fulfilled without delay. From a worldly point of view he was an outstanding example of a prosperous man who had fought his way to the top of the ladder of success. By many he was admired for his keen business qualities; by others he was feared and hated. He was considered a hard man, and merciless in any transaction where money was the object of his pursuit. Written in 1927, Fighting Stars is a novel by Archdeacon Hiram Alfred Cody (1872-1948), who was a Canadian author, poet, clergyman and editor.


The Viper

Hulbert Footner

A collection of crime fiction short stories featuring Mme. Rosika Storey and her resourceful assistant Bella Brickley. Mme. Storey unravels complex cases with thorough investigation and an understanding of human nature. Her way to resolve the mystery is original and bring you in a new world. She is Madame Storey, like Sherlock has fantastic powers of deduction and understanding of psychology, and her secretary is like Watson though she doest have a degree in medicine. These short stories are written through Bella Brickleys point-of-view. It is definitely recommended for a wide circle of readers who want to have a couple of hours of fascinating reading.