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John Walters

H.C. McNeile

The story goes on the background of a heavy war. A person whose physical growth is impressive, but his mental state is not considered the best. This is a story about the wonderful awakening of the main character on one hot May day, when he serves in the trenches of the front line. The reader also learns about the exciting military experience of the protagonist.


Two Gentlemen of Verona

William Shakespeare

Shakespeares first play, a comedy about friendship, love, deception and a change of character, shows wit and humor, funny dialogues and fast-paced, two-faced actions, which soon crown him the undeniable king of drama. With the forgiving, unifying prospect of double marriage after a dramatic conflict, one feast, one house, one mutual happiness, this has a bright, sweet, happy ending.


Świat pani Malinowskiej

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Bogna Malinowska zasiada w radzie nadzorczej banku, w którym jej mąż Ewaryst pracuje jako referent. Uchodzi za skrupulatnego, obowiązkowego i uprzejmego urzędnika bankowego. Wkrótce żona załatwia Ewarystowi posadę wicedyrektora. Od tej chwili życie obojga ulega radykalnej zmianie. Ewaryst staje się pozbawionym skrupułów szefem. Bez najmniejszych wyrzutów sumienia eliminuje swoich konkurentów. Nie lepiej wiedzie się życie osobiste obojga bohaterów. Ewaryst dopuszcza się zdrady małżeńskiej. Czy Bognie uda się uwolnić od cynicznego karierowicza, który ją bezustannie wykorzystuje i poniża? Czy kobieta odzyska utraconą godność? Świat pani Malinowskiej to pasjonująca opowieść o losach wytwornej kobiety, która z miłości wyszła za mąż za sympatycznego urzędnika, a przyszło jej dzielić życie z pozbawionym uczuć karierowiczem.


Cabbages and Kings

O. Henry

Cabbages and Kings is a 1904 novel made up of interlinked short stories, written by O. Henry and set in a fictitious country. A series of stories which each explore some individual aspect of life in a paralytically sleepy Central American town called the Republic of Anchuria while each advancing some aspect of the larger plot and relating back one to another in a complex structure which slowly explicates its own background even as it painstakingly erects a town which is one of the most detailed literary creations of the period. This work is O. Henrys first published volume and is considered to be his only novel. The plot is composed of several short stories, which were inspired by the authors six-month stay in Honduras in the late 1890s. In this book, O. Henry coined the term banana republic.


Micah Clarke

Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrated by the character for whom the title is named and set in the late 1600s, Micah Clarke describes the battle of peasants against the existing king of England in the hopes that they can replace the monarch with his brother who feels he has been unjustly denied the throne. Micah Clarke, a young, innocent peasant joins forces with other peasants, among the Puritans, to fight for this pathetic dukes cause. It was attempt by Conan Doyle to present the story of the Puritans in a more favorable light than generally thought of in England at the time the book was written a historical romance about the Monmouth rebellion and Hanging Judge Jeffries told by a humble adherent of the Duke of Monmouth the whole story of the rising in Somerset, the triumphant advance towards Bristol and Bath, and the tragic rout at Sedgemoor (1685).


The Fate of a Crown

L. Frank Baum

Need an adventure story with plots and counterplots? Intrigue? A love interest? Politics? Murder? Follow our young American hero, Robert Harcliffe, as he goes on the adventure of his lifetime. A young man just out of college goes to Brazil as secretary of the prime mover in the revolution, and by so doing begins a series of adventures that run from tragic to comic, ending with the success of the conspiracy, a straightening out of many tangles, and the marriage of the hero to one of the most brilliant and beautiful conspirators. Written by the famous Oz author L. Frank Baum under the alias of Schuyler Staunton, The Fate of a Crown is a stirring novel of the events of a South American revolution against the monarchy at the turn of the 20th Century. It was Baums first novel for an adult readership.


Wiersze. Wybór

Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński

Poezja Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego, zebrana w tomie Wierszy, jest głosem pokolenia tragicznego ludzi, których wejście w okres dorosłości naznaczone zostało przez świat wojny i okupacji. Doświadczenie to odcisnęło bardzo wyraźny piętno na twórczości poety, na kształcie artystycznym utworów, na tematyce wierszy, także na poglądach i moralnych ukształtowaniu twórcy. Zrodziło to katastrofizm utworów bijący z nich pokoleniowy katastrofizm, pesymizm, przekonanie o nieuchronnym zbliżaniu się śmierci i końcu przedwojennego porządku. Cała twórczość młodego Baczyńskiego wyraża więc wątek apokalipsy dokonanej, spełnionej.


The Four Faces. A Mystery

William Le Queux

Michael Berrington is a bachelor leading a quiet life in London. Overhearing a conversation at his club one day, he becomes interested in a discussion regarding a man named Gastrell. Gastrell is somewhat of a mystery to the club members in spite of his renting a house from one of them. Berringtons interest in Gastrell intensifies as his fiancé, Dulcie Challoner, befriends a wealthy widow, Mrs. Connie Stapleton who evidently has some type of relationship with Gastrell. As the plot progresses, Berrington finds himself involved with sensational robberies, brutal murders, coded messages, and even mind control! As in many Le Queux books, there are twists and turns as new characters and locations are introduced.