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Hrabina Cagliostro. Córka Józefa Balsamo

Maurice Leblanc

Powieść opowiada o początkach kariery Arsenea Lupinea. Kierowany honorem ratuje on przed śmiercią pewną tajemniczą piękność hrabiankę Cagliostro. Kobieta mimo nieprzeciętnej urody jest zimna i bezwzględna. Pod jej okiem bohater doskonali swój złodziejski fach. Między Arseneem a hrabiną wywiązuje się płomienny romans. Oboje marzą o bogactwie. Rozpoczyna się wyścig po wielki skarb mnichów...

Eлектронна книга

Albert Savarus

Honoré de Balzac

Wonderful tale set in the provincial town of Besançon, and focusing on the de Watteville family the fiercely religious and independently wealthy wife, the ineffectual husband, who absents himself, spending his days working his lathe and 19-year-old daughter, Rosalie. She falls in love with the mysterious stranger who took up residence a few yards away from her familys home. Through her maid, herself in love with Savaruss butler, Rosalie intercepts Savaruss letters to Paris and learns why this brilliant man established himself in Besançon and what he proposes to achieve. She hopes to escape from the dull marriage her mother is planning for her and instead ride on Savaruss growing success. Will Rosalie help Savarus succeed or will he unwittingly fail unaware of her selfish machinations? Written in 1842, Albert Savarus is a work of a circumstance at the same time a personal testimony. In correspondence since 1832, lovers in 1834, Balzac and Madame Hanska were promised to be married. But the death of the old is Mr. Hanski was waiting.

Eлектронна книга

Matka. Niesmaczna sztuka w 2 aktach z epilogiem

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz

Dramat Matka Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza jest w warstwie fabularnej parodią psychologicznego dramatu rodzinnego. W sposób groteskowy przedstawia relacje dorosłego syna z jego matką, które sprowadzają się do finansowego wyzysku matki. Postaci dramatu głoszą katastroficzne poglądy Witkacego, całość można odczytywać jako karykaturę relacji społecznych.

Eлектронна книга

Der Sohn des Bärenjägers

Karl May

Martin Baumann, der Sohn des Bärenjägers macht sich auf die Suche nach seinem von den Sioux entführten Vater. Der dicke Jemmy, der eigendlich Jakob Pfefferkorn heißt, und der lange Yankee David Kroners kommen dem jungen Indianer Wokadeh zur Hilfe, der schließlich Martin Baumann berichtet, dass dessen Vater, ein berühmter Bärenjäger, von den Sioux-Oglala gefangen wurde und ihm die Marter droht. Glücklicherweise helfen ihm und seinen Gefährten Old Shatterhand und Winnetou. Mit ihrer Art machen sie sich die Krähenindianer und die Schoschonen zu Freunden, die mit ihnen zur Befreiung des Bärenjägers reiten. Sie beschließen, den Mann zu retten und machen sich auf den Weg zum Yellowstone.

Eлектронна книга

In the Days of the Comet

Herbert George Wells

In the Days of the Comet is set in early 20th century England and covers Willie, a socialist who is angry and frustrated with everything to do with the world he lives in. The only thing Willie finds beautiful and tranquil is the love of his life, Nettie. The story follows Willie and his lust for Nettie as he finds himself perplexed by what the love of his life decides to do. The comet is referred back to quite often and eventually, when it hits, it brings some sort of cleansing gas with it, ridding the world of hatred and jealousy. People can finally see the world for what beauty it really is. A fantastic tale of the worlds beauty and unity after the Great Change occurs. The novel is divided into three parts: Book I: The Comet; Book II: The Green Vapours; and Book III: The New World and each are distinctive in style, tone and mood.

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The Fourth Plague

Edgar Wallace

The Fourth Plague is an intriguing crime novel that was published in 1913, during the early years of Wallaces career as a novelist. Here again pits a master detective against a powerful crime syndicate, this time with an Italian background. An Italian secret society, burglary, kidnapping, detectives, mysterious artefacts, remarkable coincidences! This is a tale of the Red-Hand, a criminal organization that makes Count Festini, its secret head, the most dangerous man in Europe. But for his hated eldest son, the Red-Hands plans for the downfall of the country may succeed. The cat and mouse game about high treasure, a beautiful woman and a bio-weapon never really leaves the ground and grips the reader.

Eлектронна книга

For Information Received

Edgar Wallace

One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. In total Wallace is credited with over 170 novels, almost 1,000 short stories, and 18 stage plays. This comprehensive work presents a collection of nine short stories, primarily detective fiction of Edgar Wallace. These are largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combine a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence. The stories are well written and definitely a product of their time and place.

Eлектронна книга

The Hermit and the Wild Woman and Other Stories

Edith Wharton

Seven short stories from the prolific Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist Edith Wharton. With a wide variety of protagonists a cloistered monk to a struggling artist to a Governor to a New England lawyers wife she is flexing her writing muscles and trying on personas. Includes The Last Asset, In Trust, The Pretext, The Verdict, The Pot-Boiler, and The Best Man. In the title story, the reader learns that the hermit, as a young boy, witnessed the killing of his parents and sister during an attack on his town. As a result of his trauma, he has retreated into isolation until he meets a wild woman who comes to live nearby. Highly recommended when you want something short but stimulating between longer reads!