
The Rajahs Sapphire

M.P. Shiel

The M. P. Shiels second book and first novel. The Rajahs Sapphire is a story of the final chapter in the history of a famous gem that haunts all who chance to own it. M. P. Shiel wrote twenty-five novels and dozens of short stories, most of them romantic mysteries or fast-paced adventures, several dealing with world conquest. Others are distinctly supernatural or border on science fiction. Most are interspersed with discourses on his philosophy and sociology of the Overman. And most, regardless of genre, were written in Shiels patented poetic prose.



Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallaces humorous tales of British Army life, centered around the characters of Smithy and Nobby. The stories, collected in 1905, are supposed to tell us about the every-day life of the soldiers and are supposed to be, in turns, funny, moving, or even sometimes tragic. This substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army during the First World War. Although this book like the earlier Smithy and The Hun was published during the First World War, the stories it contains, unlike the other book were all written and deal with events Pre-War.


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 8). Leśna Różyczka. Pantera Południa

Karol May

Pantera Południa to ósmy tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Nasi bohaterowie spotykają nowych sprzymierzeńców, ale niestety wciąż nie mogą pokonać swych wrogów, którzy z bezwzględnością niszczą wszystko co dobre. Drużynie przyjdzie zmierzyć się z nie jednym niebezpieczeństwem.


A Mayfair Magician

George Griffiths

George Griffiths is popular with science and science fiction novels. The desire of every person is to have the power to read minds. George Griffiths decided to make it into reality. A Mayfair Magician is a science fiction novel about a device that allows you to read minds.


The Captives

Hugh Walpole

Strikingly bright characters. Such a well-designed image of moods, places and feelings. Maggie Cardinals father dies very suddenly, leaving her alone, not very upset, since he never showed special love for her. She is strange, misunderstood a captive in a world in which others fit in, but she does not.


The Wallet of Kai Lung

Ernest Bramah

The Wallet of Kai Lung is a collection of fantasy stories by Ernest Bramah in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. These tales of an unlikely but marvelous China are classic works of fantasy, with each story holding a story-within-a-story. Ernest Bramahs Kai Lung is a storyteller in an imagined China, telling tales of earnest examination candidates, corrupt mandarins, beautiful maidens, alchemical potions, grasping merchants, and assorted other stereotypes from the Western imagination of China. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of the fantasy Land of Fable, and many of the embedded tales are fantasy; all are told in an ornate manner which ironically, often hilariously, exaggerates the old Chinese tradition of understatement and politesse.


Facing the Flag

Jules Verne

The flag of the homeland, tells the story of Tom Rock, the inventor of a devastating means of tremendous power. The desire to cash in on his invention makes Rock crazy, and his fulgurator becomes the property of international pirates. Based on this novel, the famous film by Karl Zeman The Secret of the Back Island Cap.


Odludki i poeta. Komedia w jednym akcie wierszem

Aleksander Fredro

Opowieść o dwojgu młodych ludzi, który wierzą, że miłość przezwycięży wszystkie przeszkody. Sztuka spotkała się ze szczególnym uznaniem wśród polskich romantyków. Lektura godna polecenia.