
The Treasures of Tartary

Robert E. Howard

An Irish-American warrior passes himself of as a Kurd and sets out to steal the treasure of Tartary. This is one of Robert E, Howards fast-paced short stories, featuring lots of fights and sliced entrails. Not one of his best works, in my opinion, as it somehow lacks substance. It seemed all hell and no notion.


The Intriguers

Harold Bindloss

Churches, banks, offices and accommodations curiously combining the old and the newest pink tiers on a par with the magnificent red Frontenac Hotel. It would seem such a simple city. However, it was something unusual mystical. The people who lived here enjoyed life at first until something went wrong. The story is full of mysteries, and the answers to which lie at the very end.


Na marne

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Na marne to debiut beletrystyczny Henryka Sienkiewicza z 1872 r. Powieść osnuta jest na tle życia młodzieży uniwersyteckiej w Kijowie. Główny bohater, Józef Szwarc, studiuje medycynę. Sienkiewicz realistycznie opisuje życie studenckie. Przy okazji powieść krytykuje na pozytywistyczną modłę powierzchowny romantyzm młodzieży polskiej i pokazuje wyższość pracy organicznej nad patriotycznymi mrzonkami.


Peter Ruff and the Double Four

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is a connected collection of short stories about the leader of a secret society pledged to protect England and their German adversary. In The Double Four, Peter is called out of retirement by that organization, which, since his departure, has morphed into a sort of private diplomatic secret service. Peter acquires a title, some nice clothes, and a new archenemy, a German spy, Bernadine. Light hearted with a bit of romance along with the action and fancy pants English dialogue. This novel is an Oppenheim classic from 1919 about a high society villain: characteristic of Oppenheims typical works, with the characters living in luxury, and a very flowing and exact story.


Przestrogi dla Polski. Z teraźniejszych politycznych Europy związków i z praw natury wypadające

Stanisław Staszic

Przestrogi dla Polski zostały wydane po raz pierwszy anonimowo z datą 4 stycznia 1790 r. W publikacji tej rozwija Staszic swoje poglądy, które zawarł w Uwagach nad życiem Jana Zamoyskiego. Na plan pierwszy wysuwają się dwie sprawy ustrój Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej oraz koncepcja narodu. Zasady ustroju zostały oparte na oświeceniowym prawie człowieka, które miało gwarantować równość wolność i własność wszystkim członkom społeczeństwa. Podstawą do udoskonalenia ustroju w Polsce, mającej kształt monarchii konstytucyjnej, ma być nowa koncepcja narodu. Zamiast wyłącznictwa magnacko-szlacheckiego, typowego dla feudalizmu, postuluje autor system oparty na hegemonii szlachecko-mieszczańskiej.


Seven Faces. A Mystery

Max Brand

Rival police detectives Angus Campbell and Patrick ORourke find themselves working together to locate the millionaire who disappeared while under their protection on a train bound for Chicago. Manhattan millionaire John Cobb has been receiving threatening letters, and so leaves for Chicago, hoping that by hopping the night-train hell escape from his anonymous ill-wisher. Assigned as guards, Campbell and ORourke go along. When, after signing his $15 million will over to his cousin, Cobb disappears from his Pullman, Campbell and ORourke must check the train for their missing charge. Hes not on the train, though, and not in Buffalo, so they scour Chicago - and, as it happens, mean old Cobb has enemies galore from some slick deals hes pulled.


Sinners Beware

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another collection of interlinked short stories about the good life in Monte Carlo and Beausoleil after the first World War. Ten stories about Peter Hames, the former Inspector on the New York police department that got tossed off the force when he tried to stop an innocent man being railroaded by a corrupt police force. Disillusioned, but after inheriting a million dollars, he moves to France to become a painter. But the detective instincts never left and he gets involved in various adventures. Oppenheim follows three characters through adventures wherein they solve crimes, thwart criminals, and are duped by professionals.


The Desert Pilot

Max Brand

Seattle-born author who worked as a cowhand in California, attended Berkeley, joined then deserted the Canadian Army, and finally settled down to writing full-time. He was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. Today he is best known for his work published as Max Brand, including the classic Western "Destry Rides Again" and his popular series Dr. Kildare. In "The Desert Pilot", Reverend Reginald Ingram arrives in the town of Billman hoping to defeat the lawless. Then Ingram realizes he must make a choice between his peaceful ways and survival. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.