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Bomba, the Jungle Boy and the Moving Mountain

Roy Rockwood

This is the second book in the Bomba the Jungle Boy series following Bomba the Jungle Boy. It is a series of adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate between 1926 and 1938 in a youthful imitation of the highly successful Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Bomba is kind of a mixture of Tarzan and Mowgli. He is an orphaned boy who lives in the jungle. A common theme of the Bomba books is that Bomba, because he is white, has a soul that is awake, while his friends, the dark-skinned natives, have souls that are sleeping. In this case he has to rescue some white travelers from a band of headhunters and other dangers, and at the same time try to investigate his heritage and discover who his parents were. Strongly recommended this book for every teenager who wants to discover the exciting world of reading adventure fiction and for their parents!

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W kraju Mahdiego (Tom 3). W kraju Mahdiego. W Sudanie

Karol May

Książki Karola Maya przyciągają czytelników egzotycznymi sceneriami i ekscytującymi przygodami rozgrywającymi się na tym tle. W kraju Mahdiego to seria opowieści o Karze ben Nemzim oraz jego służącym i przyjacielu Halefie. Bohaterowie podróżują po krajach Bliskiego Wschodu, poznają przy tym różnych ludzi, odkrywają tajemnice i umykają licznym czyhającym na nich niebezpieczeństwom.

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Le Crime dOrcival

Émile Gaboriau

On retrouve la comtesse de Trémorel morte au château dOrcival, propriété du comte de Trémorel. Le comte et tout les domestiques sont absents, une forte somme dargent a disparu... Les policiers croient que tous les indices dans la maison et lextérieur. Heuresement, cest lagent de Surté Lecoq sur la scene, investigateur de génie aux méthodes quelques peu atypiques. Allors, qui est vraiment la victime du crime crapuleux?

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The Shadow of the Dead Hand

Fred M. White

Roy Kindermere hated one thing more than anything else: the business of Man from Blankney, whom he was forced to make a living. He had no choice because he quarreled with the last of his relatives. Mrs. Leverson is ready to pay Roy to attend her party, where guests can meet with the heir of Count Kindale. And Roy, desperate for money, readily joined this scheme.

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Les Aventures du capitaine Hatteras

Jules Verne

Equipage avec dix-huit personnes bord. Mais ni pendant la navigation, ni mme longtemps apres lui, aucun dentre eux ne connaissait ni le but du voyage ni mme le nom du capitaine. Les marins ont appris que lexpédition était dirigée par le célebre navigateur John Hatteras, qui sest donné pour mission ambitieuse de devenir le premier homme atteindre le pôle Nord.

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The Box with Broken Seals

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Box with Broken Seals is a thrilling cat and mouse murder mystery following the narrative of Jocelyn Thew and the English Service. This skillfully written and an exciting espionage story of intrigue, unfolding in the Oppenheims best style. The reader will follow with avidity the daring moves of Thew from the time he sails from New York on the City of Boston, accompanied by a dying man and a special nurse in the person of Katharine Beverley, a society girl who is under special undisclosed obligations to Thew. The eventful trip across the Atlantic and the attempts of an agent to outwit his enemies in England lead to the climax which will surprise even the inveterate Oppenheim reader.

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Paul Quentin

Fred M. White

All people feel fear, even the bravest. So our hero, John Dugdale, was a very brave man. Suddenly, he is called to the police, accusing him of being a swindler. John is afraid that no one will believe his words. He becomes very nervous, which may affect future events.

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Mr Britling Sees It Through

Herbert George Wells

This story is essentially the history of the opening and of the realisation of the Great War as it happened to one small group of people in Essex, and more particularly as it happened to one human brain. Mr. Britling Sees It Through begins with a lighthearted account of an American visiting England for the first time, but the outbreak of war changes everything. Day by day and month by month, Wells chronicles the unfolding events and public reaction as witnessed by the inhabitants of one house in rural Essex. Each of the characters tries in a different way to keep their bearings in a world suddenly changed beyond recognition. The novel was written and published before the war ended, so there is no victory, no Versailles Treaty and no notion of what is to come.