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The Long Chance

Max Brand

This work is written not in the traditional western spirit. We are talking about a mercenary who guardes the Chandlers shop with a gun. When the marshal himself said that I was no other than the murderer, I told him that I would leave Bostwick and try to start a new life without a gun. This is a great nigga, recommended for those who are looking for something else in the western genre.

Eлектронна книга

The Wonderful Visit

Herbert George Wells

Like The Time Machine, this book may be considered as a further romance of the fourth dimension. The Wonderful Visit was paid by an angel, who by some accident, had got out of the angel into the human world, where his is accidentally shot by a vicar. The angel had trouble adjusting to life in a small English town. The Wonderful Visit is an 1895 novel by H. G. Wells. With an angel a creature of fantasy unlike a religious angel as protagonist and taking place in contemporary England, the book could be classified as contemporary fantasy, although the genre was not recognised in Wellss time. The Wonderful Visit also has strong satirical themes, gently mocking customs and institutions of Victorian England as well as idealistic rebellion itself.

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The Girl of O.K. Valley. A Romance of the Okanagan

Robert Watson

Great story with an intriguing ending. Raising furry eyebrows and putting his hands on his back, rancher Jackson walked across the floor of his large, spacious kitchen. He was in one of his frequently recurring tantrums of anger-madness on petty matters.

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Le Pays des fourrures

Jules Verne

Lexpédition de la compagnie Le Pays des fourrures est lun des romans géographiques les plus intéressants de Jules Verne. La baie dHudson a fondé un poste de traite sur locéan. Soudain, ils se retrouvent sur une banquise soudée au continent. Le courage et la connaissance des voyageurs les aident sortir dune situation apparemment désastreuse avec honneur.

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Kilmeny of the Orchard

Lucy Maud Montgomery

A sweet and moving romance from the author of the beloved Anne of Green Gables series! Eric Marshall is all that a well brought-up young man should be. Handsome, steadfast, and full of ambition, he is expected to expand the Marshall&Company empire and to marry a woman suitable to replace his mother in Nova Scotias finest circles. Eric has a bright future in the family business and has taken the two-month teaching post on Prince Edward Island only as a favor to a sick friend. Then fate, which has been more than generous to Eric, throws in his path a beautiful, mysterious girl named Kilmeny Gordon. Mute since birth, she lives sequestered at home with her aunt and uncle who the town considers odd. Soon after that first meeting, a friendship between the two begins to bloom towards love.

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O żołnierzu tułaczu

Stefan Żeromski

Okres walk republikańskiej armii francuskiej z austriacką. Polski chłop Matus Pulut cieszy się wśród Francuzów prawami wolnego obywatela. Jest ceniony za osobiste męstwo. Po powrocie do ojczyzny, gdzie panuje jeszcze feudalne bezprawie, zostaje potraktowany jako zbieg pańszczyźniany... Utwór O żołnierzu tułaczu związany jest z podróżą Żeromskiego do Szwajcarii. Autor zamieszcza w nim refleksję na temat wojen napoleońskich i czasów rewolucji francuskiej.

Eлектронна книга


Max Brand

Marbleface is a an ex-prize fighter who becomes a fugitive after a failed robbery attempt lands him on the wrong side of the law. Hed almost been middleweight champion of the world, but then his heart went bad. So he trains himself to complete nerve control he takes up poker as a living he gets trapped into an escapade from which his victims daughter rescues him. With a bum ticker, Marbleface believes his days are numbered and sets out to reform, landing himself in the town of Piegun where he becomes the towns hero. He stays honest and eventually finds himself well again and able to settle down with the girl he loves.

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Горе от ума (Mądremu biada)

Александр Сергеевич Грибоедов, Aleksandr Siergiejewicz Gribojedow

Комедия «Горе отума» 2013 сатира нааристократическое московское общество первой половины 19века 2013 одна извершин русской драматургии ипоэзии. К старому московскому барину Павлу Афанасьевичу Фамусову, неожиданно возвращается бывший его воспитанник Александр Чацкий. Молодой человек давно влюблен в дочь барина Софью и очень ждет встречи с ней. Вернувшись с учебы в Европе, Александр воодушевлен свободой личности, равенством и братством. А в Москве ничего не изменилось 2013 так же процветает лицемерие, крепостничество, лжепатриотизм и невежество. Чацкий понимает, что в этом обществе для него места нет, но его удерживает любовь к Софье. Но и здесь его ждет разочарование...