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Le Village aérien

Jules Verne

Le roman se passe en Afrique. Le docteur Yohausen, médecin et biologiste, un grand humaniste, pourtant considéré comme fou dans certains cercles, entreprend une expédition scientifique en Afrique pour étudier les singes hominidés et disparaît sans laisser de trace dans la jungle. Ils essaient de le trouver, mais sans succes et, finalement, ils sont reconnus comme manquants.


The Grisly Horror

Robert E. Howard

The silence of the pine woods lay like a brooding cloak about the soul of Bristol McGrath. The black shadows seemed fixed, immovable as the weight of superstition that overhung this forgotten back-country. Vague ancestral dreads stirred at the back of McGraths mind; for he was born in the pine woods, and sixteen years of roaming about the world had not erased their shadows.


Upiór opery

Gaston Leroux

Powieść o charakterze gotyckim. Główny bohater Eryk jest genialnym kompozytorem. Z powodu swoich defektów fizycznych ukrywa się w piwnicach Opery Paryskiej. Miłość do pięknej solistki Christine ujawnia jego mroczną, jeszcze bardziej przerażającą stronę. Powieść doczekała się wielu ekranizacji i adaptacji teatralnych.


Vie et aventures de Robinson Crusoé

Daniel Defoe

Cest lun des livres les plus célebres de Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoé est un personnage littéraire classique. Le protagoniste passe vingt-huit ans sur une île déserte tropicale isolée pres de Trinidad, ou il rencontre des cannibales, des captifs et des rebelles. La principale question de lhistoire si Robinson Crusoé peut sortir de lîle?


Castle Gay

John Buchan

Castle Gay is the second of Buchans three Dickson McCunn books and is set in south west Scotland in the Dumfries and Galloway region in the 1920s. The plot revolves around the self-discovery of a media mogul named Craw, who is firstly the subject of mistaken identity and then the target of Balkan extremists who wish to use his newspapers to influence their political cause. Mr. Craws journey is overseen by Jaikie Galt, one of the young scamps in Huntingtower, who is now a Cambridge undergraduate and international rugby player. Jaikie and Craw embark on life-changing travels around the Scottish wilderness, where they both re-evaluate their values and choices in life although they arrive at very different conclusions. There is appreciation of the wilds and the simple lives of the shepherds along with the politics and international intrigue. There is the threat of violence, which is averted through quick thinking, which make the story exciting.


La Faute de labbé Mouret

Émile Zola

Toutes ces peintures pittoresques que lauteur peint, au mieux, traduisent latmosphere du conflit du début spirituel et physique, auquel le roman est dédié. Serge Mure un jeune homme de 25 ans. Dans la vie, il na rien vu, il a consacré toute sa vie a léglise. La rencontre avec une fille mignonne, Albina a tout bouleversé dans sa vie.


The Lives of James Allison

Robert E. Howard

The tales of James Allison take place both in modern times and in the far past, in that time after the Hyborian kingdoms of Conan. Allison is a crippled Texan who lost a leg when his horse fell on him. To escape boredom and sadness he ventures into the past, exploring his previous lives as mighty warriors. All these ancestors were members of a migration of Aryans as they traveled the world in search of a homeland.


Penelope of the Polyantha

Edgar Wallace

There is a man in London I guess he is still in London, though I have not had news of him in months hell be useful to you, Penn, if you ever need help. And so begins this story. It is impossible not to be thrilled by Edgar Wallace. Penelope of the Polyantha is a crime novel by this pioneer of detective fiction. One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. During the peak of his success during the 1920s, it was said that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. Many of his novels were made into films and TV dramas.