

H. Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard combines romance and travel in his story. This is a story about how Allan Quatermain met his first wife, Marie. Two dangerous criminals are trying to kill the main character and take away his wife. This story captures the reader from the first pages, because first we see the greatest battle. However, in the end, readers will witness the emotional ending of this story.


Дым (Dym)

Иван Сергеевич Тургенев, Iwan Siergiejewicz Turgieniew

«Все великое земное разлетается, как дым... Но добрые дела не разлетаются дымом, они долговечнее самой сияющей красоты...» В романе русского классика Ивана Тургенева «Дым» раскрывается тема трагедии русского интеллигента, честного, умного, одаренного, но вечно мятущегося, не способного ни жить в мире с собой, ни отдаться любви, ни быть полезным обществу.


The Terrible Twins

Edgar Jepson

The twins are living in relatively straightened circumstances, as their father has died, and get up to all kinds of mischief, while being governed by their own set of values. The children, however, have little dread of poverty, for when ever they desire a luxury, such as a bicycle, or a fur stole for their mothers Christmas present, they devise some means to raise the necessary funds, and they stop at nothing from inducing a rich great-aunt to endow a home for cats to poaching for pheasants, and no matter what they do they always come out victorious, even when it comes to making or marring marriages. The Terrible Twins is written in a bright and amusing style and the author has indeed drawn upon a vivid imagination to think of all the scrapes and escapades in which the terrible twins are involved.


Polskie hymny i pieśni patriotyczne. Śpiewnik wydany w 100-lecie odzyskania niepodległości

Praca zbiorowa

Pieśni hymniczne i patriotyczne warte są wyodrębnienia spośród poezji różnych autorów i epok, pełniły bowiem rolę wyjątkową. Przez wieki podtrzymywały na duchu, zagrzewały do walki bądź wyrażały marzenia i dążenia kolejnych pokoleń Polaków. Przez ponad 120 lat nieobecności Polski na mapie Europy zastępowały lekcje historii i programy polityczne. Na niniejszy zbiór składa się 60 najważniejszych polskich pieśni hymnicznych oraz patriotycznych obejmujących okres od czasów bitwy pod Grunwaldem do czasu epopei legionowej i walk o granice odradzającej się Polski w XX wieku. Poszczególne utwory zostały pogrupowane w siedem części: 1. Polskie hymny narodowe; 2. Pieśni religijne; 3. Śpiewy, pieśni i piosenki z okresu Pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej; 4. Pieśni powstań narodowych XIX wieku; 5. Popularne piosenki z XIX stulecia; 6. Pieśni i piosenki legionowe; 7. Pieśni i piosenki harcerskie. Teksty najpopularniejszych utworów zostały uzupełnione zapisem nutowym.


The Vintage of Yon Yee

Louise Jordan Miln

The novel is about a young woman of both English and Chinese descent, who must choose between lovers of both races, between East and West. Neither effort, nor suffering, nor experience can give perfection to any person, nor any race. Humanity, individual or herd, can only strive never fully triumph or to fulfill. But there are separate people, there are different people: vintage masculinity, vintage nation.


Elegant Edward

Edgar Wallace

This collection includes 7 mystery short stories, set in Victorian England. These stories depict adventures and misadventures of Elegant Edward, a charming London crook and his attempts to commit the perfect crime. The stories are pleasant and well written and definitely a product of their time and place. Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. Although Wallace wrote many stand alone novels it is, perhaps, for his series based material-always popular with readers-that he remains best known.


The Wings of Victory

Fred M. White

Lanson Place has always been famous for its magnificent history and beauty. Today, Lanson Place consists of half a dozen rooms, simple shells, hidden behind thick shafts of stone covered with climbing plants. Twenty years ago, a catastrophic fire destroyed most of Lanson Place. This is a tragic story about a cunning family. Two generations of reckless Dorns had wrecked the fortunes of the family and brought themselves to the verge of ruin.


The Pearl of Lima. A Story of True Love

Jules Verne

This is a short romantic romance. The Pearl of Lima one of the lesser-known works of Verne, and for good reason. This is one of his short novels, with a very simplified plot lovers with crossed stars and a very sharp ending. This book is romantic and intended for those who love classic prose.