
The Lost World

Arthur Conan Doyle

The restless, questing intellect of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle spurred him far beyond the ingenious puzzles he constructed for Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyles The Lost World focuses on a story about an expedition in the South American Rainforest, leading its four protagonists on a plateau which seems to surround a world believed to be long-gone. Professor Challenger is the one defending his findings, Professor Summerlee is the skeptic, and there are two unbiased observers: the guide, Lord John Roxton, and a reporter Ned Malone, who also servers as the Narrator of the story. Confronted with dinosaurs like pterodactyls, iguanodons or stegosaurus, our main characters have to solve many difficult or even dramatic situations, and its one enjoyable thing to read it. Originally published in 1912, this imaginative fantasy unfolds with humor and good-natured satirical eye for pedantry.


Мать (Matka)

Максим Горький, Maksim Gorki

Роман 201eМать"- одно из лучших произведений М.Горького. История о яростной борьбе революционеров-подпольщиков против самовластия. Основная героиня романа 2013 пожилая русская женщина, примкнувшая к революционерам вслед за своим сыном.


Les Esclaves de Paris

Émile Gaboriau

Quand Paris a devenu la proie dun immense chantage? Une redoutable association de trois malfaiteurs fait trembler la capitale. Les passions humaines si banales que sont lamour, lambition et largent transforment les gens en personnes tres dépendant. Paris manque de quelquun, qui peut assembler toutes les pieces du puzzle arrter la formidable machination. Qui sera en mesure de sauver la capitale?


Madejowe łoże

Walery Przyborowski

Legenda o zbóju Madeju, od którego imienia powstało madejowe łoże tortur, w fabularyzowanej historii z XI wieku. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w okresie bezkrólewia, panującego po śmierci Mieszka II.


The Tomb of Tsin

Edgar Wallace

Inspector Tillizinni is back, this time involved in the quest to locate an ancient tomb of the Great Emperor the first Emperor of the Chinese, who died two centuries before the birth of Christ and its world-changing secret. The Society of Joyful Intention the most bloodthirsty organization the world has known. It concerns Tillizinni also, for Scotland Yard placed him on his mettle, set him a challenging task, which threatened at one time to bring ruin to the greatest detective in Europe. The story just moves from one scene to another with a very tenuous narrative thread keeping the reader turning the pages. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!


The Phoenix on the Sword

Robert E. Howard

Over shadowy spires and gleaming towers lay the ghostly darkness and silence that runs before dawn. Into a dim alley, one of a veritable labyrinth of mysterious winding ways, four masked figures came hurriedly from a door which a dusky hand furtively opened. They spoke not but went swiftly into the gloom, cloaks wrapped closely about them; as silently as the ghosts of murdered men they disappeared in the darkness.


Olga Romanoff

George Griffiths

The daughter of the Romanoff is trying to get on the right path. She wants to restore what her parents destroyed during the Second World War. We manage to learn about the miracles of science and the arts. However, the world is still on the verge of disaster.


Scepter und Hammer

Karl May

Den Inhalt nachzuerzählen ist fast unmöglich, da sich eine verwirrende Fülle von Neben- und Randhandlungen sowie nach und nach entdeckten Vorgeschichten und Rückblenden auftut. Jedoch der Roman erzählt auf mehreren Handlungsebenenn die spannend-abenteuerliche Geschichte um Max Brandauer, den Sohn des königlichen Hofschmieds von Norland, und seinen Freund Arthur von Sternburg, den Gegenspieler des tollen Prinzen von Süderland, sowie auf einer anderen Zeitebene die Geschichte von Katombo, dem ehemaligen Geliebten der geheimnisvollen Zigeunerin Zarba, dessen Flucht vor dem intriganten und mächtigen Herzog von Raumburg ihn bis an die Ufer des Nils führt, wo er als Schwarzer Kapitän ein phantastisches Schicksal als Seeräuber erlebt. Scepter und Hammer ist ein Abenteueroman, der alle typischen Mittel der Kolportage wie familiäre Verstrickungen, Verschwörungen, Geheimbünde und das Motiv der Verfolgung rund um die Erde in einem spannungsreichen Bilderbogen zur Anwendung bringt.