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Winnetou. Tom II

Karol May

Tło powieści Winnetou stanowią wydarzenia końcowej fazy podboju Dzikiego Zachodu. Dziki, pierwotny, indiański świat przeciwstawiony jest cywilizacji amerykańskiej, przy czym szala sympatii przechyla się często na stronę Indian. May pokazuje białych osadników jako zachłannych i niegodziwych obcych, który działania zaburzają dotychczasowe życie Indian.

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The Romance of the Secret Service Fund

Fred M. White

There are several families, without any secrets or rumors, and the Amory were no exception to this rule. Servants in the house and people in the village used to talk about Lady Amory with a significant look or smile, depending on the circumstances. Sir Gabriel Amory spent most of his time in the south of France and was not in England for many years, while his wife was not seen until he died. All wealth passed to her. It will soon turn out that Lady Amory is not as clean as many think.

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Fortunes Christmas

Max Brand

Fortunes Christmas is a short story by Max Brand originally published in December 20, 1924. Brand was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. Fortunes Christmas is a Christmas story, told from the perspective of Anthony Hazzard, a miser to end all misers. Anthony Hazzard is money lender to the desparate, a man with a dark secret. When Harry Fortune busts out of prison, he comes gunning for Hazzard, and worlds collide...

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The Exploits of Buckner Jeopardy Grimes

Robert E. Howard

This having happened to me I sat still on my brother Bills horse, because thats the best thing you can do when a feller is pinting a cocked.45 at your wishbone. This feller was a mean-looking hombre in a sweaty hickory shirt with brass rivets in his leather hat band, and he needed a shave. He said, Who are you? Where you from? Where you goin? What you aimin to do when you get there?

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The Blind Mans House

Hugh Walpole

The House of the Blind is Walpoles last book before his death. This is a psychological study of the village and people who come in contact with a blind person and his young bride. The letter is impeccable. If you enjoy in-depth character study and enjoy reading old novels, then you will really enjoy it.

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Bolesław Prus

Stanisław Wokulski bogaty, warszawski kupiec zakochuje się w zubożałej arystokratce Izabeli Łęckiej. Nie czuje się jednak jej godnym i aby powiększyć swój majątek wyrusza na tzw. wojnę bułgarską, gdzie zaopatrując rosyjską armię dorabia się ogromnej fortuny. Po powrocie do Warszawy wchodzi w układy finansowe z ojcem Izabeli, Tomaszem, próbuje zdobyć serce ukochanej ofiarowując znaczne sumy na organizowaną przez nią kwestę charytatywną. Ona jednak traktuje jego gesty jako objaw niezdrowych ambicji nowobogackiego nuworysza. Jak potoczą się losy bohaterów powieści Lalka ? Czy Wokulski zdobędzie rękę Łęckiej?

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The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas

L. Frank Baum

If you like the books by Iain Lawrence The Wreckers, The Smugglers, and The Buccaneers youll love the adventures of Sam Steele. The Boy Fortune Hunters series began in 1906 with the novel Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea (later re-published as The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska). The series lasted six novels, ending in 1911 with the novel The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas. Here, Sam Steele and crew are shipwrecked on a forbidding and mysterious island where the natives worship a powerful Pearl God in a temple overflowing with the most luxurious pearls in the world. Sam is delighted at the prospect of such enormous riches but the boy-king of the island is forced to sentence Sam to a watery grave. Airplane rescues, uncharted islands, revolutionaries, a lost king, and riches beyond imagination await you as you travel with the Boy Fortune Hunters to fabulous adventure in the South Seas!

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The Valley of Decision

Edith Wharton

Published in 1902, The Valley of Decision is Edith Whartons first full length novel set in late 18th century Italy. In it, Odo Valsecca, a young Italian raised by peasants, is plucked from poverty and dropped into the lap of luxury as the newly named heir to his cousin, a duke. It is the time leading up to the French revolution, and Europe swirls with conflicting factions and ideologies, some trying to prop up the feudal and religious traditions that empowered them, and others seeking a new way. Meanwhile, in France, a revolution is brewing... Forced to choose between conflicting loyalties those to the forces of social reform with which he allied himself before he came to power, or those of the feudal tradition to which he belongs by blood Odo must define himself.