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In Search of the Castaways. Or, The Children of Captain Grant
Children of Captain Grant is one of the best novels of the outstanding French writer Jules Verne, a wonderful example of a classic work of youthful literature. From the book, the reader learns about the amazing adventures that occurred with the heroes of the novel during their extraordinary journeys in South America, Australia and other places where they find themselves in search of Captain Grant.
Thrilling detective novel taking place in the Engadine Express from Calais to Lucerne. It is a well-planned, logical detective story of the better sort, free from cheap sensationalism and improbability, developing surely and steadily by means of exciting situations to an unforeseen and satisfactory ending. A mysterious woman, followed by two detectives, shows up at the last minute to book a compartment for her servant, an infant and herself. The lady is afraid that someone is following her. What is her secret and who is she? And is she a criminal or a victim? Find the answers to these questions and others on a thrilling railway journey spanning Europe.
What else can impress in the history of Queen Elizabeth? However, Jacob Abbott was able to show us the other secret aspects of the queens life. The author is doing a tremendous job describing the area in which she lived, as well as a thorough description of the people who formed her. She was a queen to be admired.
Jiří Hájíček powraca z kolejną powieścią, która uzupełnia jego cykl wiejskiej trylogii moralnego niepokoju. Tym razem ważną rolę odgrywa ziemia, a dokładnie dziedziczne pola i spór wokół ich własności. Zbyněk pracuje jako urzędnik zajmujący się nieruchomościami. Życie wydaje mu się pasmem nudy, do tego cierpi na bezsenność, a jego małżeństwo przechodzi poważny kryzys. Jedyną ucieczką od trosk jest wizja wyprawy na Spitsbergen. Pewnego dnia rutyna ulega zaburzeniu jedno spotkanie z dawną miłością zmienia wszystko. Zbyněk odżywa: angażuje się w rozwiązanie pozornie prostej sprawy dotyczącej prawa do dziedziczenia ziemi i wraca do rodzinnej wsi. Szybko okazuje się, że nie jest tam mile widziany. Zbyněk próbuje przerwać zmowę milczenia i zaczyna mu grozić poważne niebezpieczeństwo Choć na pierwszy plan zdaje się tu wysuwać kryminalny wątek utraconej ziemi i walki o jej odzyskanie, w historii opowiedzianej przez Hájíčka kryje się o wiele więcej. Dzięki temu ta niewielka i na pozór prosta książka niepokoi, zmusza do rozmyślań i nie daje szybko o sobie zapomnieć. Nad wszystkim zaś majaczą białe widmo Spitsbergenu oraz postać pewnego osiemnastowiecznego szaleńca, który marzył o maszynie latającej symbole ucieczki, oczyszczenia i wyzwolenia od problemów monotonnego, zbiurokratyzowanego życia. Anna Maślanka | Literackie skarby świata całego
Książka opracowana przez zespół specjalistów – łowczych – stanowi wademekum każdego, kto chce zgłębić arkana sztuki łowieckiej. Tradycje myśliwskie, kuchnia, gospodarka łowiecka, polowania i zwierzyna łowna to tylko niektóre z poruszanych zagadnień. Interesującym treściom towarzyszą fachowe schematy, rysunki, tabele oraz fotografie
Game Audio Development with Unity 5.X. Design a blockbuster game soundtrack with Unity 5.X
Game Audio is one of the key components in making a game successful and it is quite popular in the gaming industry. So if you are a game developer with an eye on capturing the gamer market then this book is the right solution for you. In this book, we will take you through a step by step journey which will teach you to implement original and engaging soundtracks and SFX with Unity 5.x. You will be firstly introduced to the basics of game audio and sound development in Unity. After going through the core topics of audio development: audio sources, spatial sound, mixing, effects, and more; you will then have the option of delving deeper into more advanced topics like dynamic and adaptive audio. You will also learn to develop dynamic and adaptive audio using the Unity Audio Mixer. Further, you will learn how professional third party tools like FMOD are used for audio development in Unity. You will then go through the creation of sound visualization techniques and creating your own original music using the simple yet powerful audio workstation Reaper. Lastly, you will go through tips, techniques and strategies to help you optimize game audio performance or troubleshoot issues. At the end of the book, you’ll have gained the skills to implement professional sound and music. Along with a good base knowledge audio and music principles you can apply across a range of other game development tools.
Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a methodology that helps you to write as little as code as possible to satisfy software requirements, and ensures that what you've written does what it's supposed to do. If you're looking for a practical resource on Test-Driven Development this is the book for you. You've found a practical end-to-end guide that will help you implement Test-Driven Techniques for your software development projects.You will learn from industry standard patterns and practices, and shift from a conventional approach to a modern and efficient software testing approach in C# and JavaScript. This book starts with the basics of TDD and the components of a simple unit test. Then we look at setting up the testing framework so that you can easily run your tests in your development environment. You will then see the importance of defining and testing boundaries, abstracting away third-party code (including the .NET Framework), and working with different types of test double such as spies, mocks, and fakes.Moving on, you will learn how to think like a TDD developer when it comes to application development. Next, you'll focus on writing tests for new/changing requirements and covering newly discovered bugs, along with how to test JavaScript applications and perform integration testing. You’ll also learn how to identify code that is inherently un-testable, and identify some of the major problems with legacy applications that weren’t written with testability in mind. By the end of the book, you’ll have all the TDD skills you'll need and you’ll be able to re-enter the world as a TDD expert!
Learning VMware NSX. Next-generation network administration skills revealed - Second Edition
VMware NSX is a platform for the software-defined data center. It allows complex networking topologies to be deployed programmatically in seconds. SDNs allow ease of deployment, management, and automation in deploying and maintaining new networks while reducing and in some cases completely eliminating the need to deploy traditional networks. The book allows you a thorough understanding of implementing Software defined networks using VMware’s NSX. You will come across the best practices for installing and configuring NSX to setup your environment. Then you will get a brief overview of the NSX Core Components NSX’s basic architecture. Once you are familiar with everything, you will get to know how to deploy various NSX features. Furthermore, you will understand how to manage and monitor NSX and its associated services and features. In addition to this, you will also explore the best practices for NSX deployments. By the end of the book, you will be able to deploy Vmware NSX in your own environment with ease. This book can come handy if you are preparing for VMware NSX certification.