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Мастер и Маргарита (Mistrz i Małgorzata)

Михаил Афанасиевич Булгаков, Michaił Afanasjewicz Bułhakow

Роман 201eМастер и Маргарита201d без преувеличения является великим литературным творением XX века. Пик творчества Михаила Булгакова, роман, над которым он работал до последнего дня своей жизни, а, умирая, сказал: 201eМожет это и правильно... Что я мог написать после 201eМастера201d? 201e. В «Мастере и Маргарите» есть все: веселое озорство и щемящая печаль, романтическая любовь и колдовское наваждение, магическая тайна и безрассудная игра с нечистой силой. Фантастический и в тоже время реалистичный, со сложной структурой, остросюжетный, философский и трагический, этот роман вмещает целый мир и творит новые миры в душах читателя, продолжая оставаться романом загадкой, над которой бьются все новые и новые поколения читателей.

Eлектронна книга

Fanny Hill. Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

John Cleland

Fanny Hill, also known as Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, is an erotic novel by English novelist John Cleland. It is one of the most prosecuted and banned books in history of literature. The book is written as a series of letters from Frances Fanny Hill to an unknown woman, with Fanny justifying her life-choices to this individual. This fictional account of a young womans unconventional route to middle-class respectability is, in fact, a lively and engaging comic romp through the boudoirs and brothels of Augustan England, with a heroine whose adventures and setbacks never lessen her humanity or her determination to find real love and happiness. Fannys story offers modern readers sensuality and substance, as well as an unusually frank depiction of love and sex in the eighteenth century. The edition contains 12 original illustrations by Édouard-Henri Avril, a French painter and illustrator of erotic literature.

Eлектронна книга

The Silent Bullet

Arthur B. Reeve

Enter an American Sherlock Holmes solving crimes in the early twentieth century. Craig Kennedy is a Columbia University chemistry professor by day and New Yorks premier sleuth by night. With the help of his roommate and partner in detection, newspaper reporter Walter Jameson, Kennedy uses his mastery of technology to solve the most puzzling of mysteries. It is interesting to see the different cases they take on and how they solve them. Originally published in 1910, these twelve short stories are as follows: The Scientific Cracksman, The Bacteriological Detective, The Deadly Tube, The Seismograph Adventure and others. The Silent Bullet is a first volume in the Arthur B. Reeve Detective Series.

Eлектронна книга

W 80 dni dookoła świata. Zajmująca powieść z życia podróżników

Jules Verne

Powieść przygodowa, której głównym bohaterem jest stroniący od ludzi bogacz, niejaki Phileas Fogg. Podczas gry w wista zakłada się ze znajomymi, że objedzie świat. Ma na to tylko osiemdziesiąt dni, a stawką jest 20 000 funtów szterlingów. Wraz ze swoim służącym, Obieżyświatem, rusza w emocjonującą podróż. Nietypowa decyzja o wyprawie rzuca podejrzenia popełnienia przestępstwa na Fogga. Czy słuszne?

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A Golden Argosy

Fred M. White

A Front of Brass is more of a detective story. The author invites readers to be real detectives. Hubert Grant bought a manor near the cliff and married Mary. It seems strange that Grants partner Paul offered an estate for a very modest price. Paul received a telegram, a message because of which his hands shook.

Eлектронна книга

The Green Ribbon

Edgar Wallace

In The Green Ribbon an insurance investigator researches the accidental death of a jockey. His inquiry leads to an illegal gambling organization, as well as the knowledge that the jockeys death was not accidental. He also saves the life of another jockey who has been the victim of a couple of accidents. One of Edgar Wallaces occasional horse racing novels which centers of a betting syndicate involving the jovial Mr. Trigger, the sinister Dr. Blanter, the strange Mr. Goodie, and the slippery disbarred lawyer Rustem. How does the Green Ribbon tipping agency keep on picking winners? Looks like theres dirty work going on at the race track...

Eлектронна книга

Steve Harrison. Detective of the Occult

Robert E. Howard

Steve Harrison is a police detective. His cases are not always easy but for sure very, very weird. Robert E. Howard delivers an impressive tour de force of weird fiction awesomeness with Steve Harrison, Detective of the Occult! . Three short masterful stories in the Steve Harrison series from one of the greatest fantasy writers of the 20th century, the uncontained, uncontainable, Mr. Robert E. Howard: Fangs of Gold Names in the Black Book Graveyard Rats. Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He is well known for his character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.

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Before Adam

Jack London

Before Adam is a striking story about our distant Neanderthal ancestors, who are just starting to become aware of themselves as people. According to the plot of the story, the protagonist has dreams in which he watches a movie about his adventures in prehistoric times in the person of the Big Tooth boy living with his mother in a nest in a big tree... The author tried to diversify the heros dreams with various adventures: problems with his mother, constantly changing husbands; complex relationships between different subspecies of modern people; cruel relationships between people and so on.