
The Pearls of Bonfadini

Max Brand

Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. His love for mythology was a constant source of inspiration for his fiction, and it has been speculated that these classical influences accounted in some part for his success as a popular writer. "The Pearls Of Bonfadini" is an adventurous historical romance set in 16th-century Italy. The main character is Tizzo, a master swordsman, known as "Firebrand" because of his flaming red hair and flame-blue eyes.



Jacob Abbott

Fascinating short history of the life and legends of Romulus and the foundation of Rome and the Roman empire. There is political intrigue, social foundation and mystery/magic in this telling of this long distant time in history. It is a fitting way to encounter the stories of Romulus. This book will not leave indifferent those who love the history of ancient mythology.


Washington Square

Henry James

The main character Katherine is a girl who does not differ in anything special, but is at the same time quite an enviable bride, she has a good dowry. And the bridegroom appears on the horizon, love, everything, but the father is against their relationship, because this Maurice squandered all his fortune, and aunt Catherine, on the contrary, for real happiness. The whole book revolves around the relationship between Catherine and Maurice, Maurice and the girls father, Catherine and the aunt. The book interestingly spelled out the characters, but still truly breathes the feeling of the time in question. This is the beauty of this work.



Jacob Abbott

This book takes you inside the life and times of one of the most notoriously monstrous emperors of history. This story helps to expand your knowledge of history. Easy-to-read story about an ominous leader. We all hear some of the horror stories about Nero, but this provided a better look in the situations around him at the time.



Maria Rodziewiczówna

Roman Niemirycz jest osobą małomówną i niezbyt lubianą. Ma niezwykle surowy osąd świata i ludzi, czemu daje wyraz, drukując swoje opinie w Pręgierzu. Przełomowym momentem w jego życiu jest spotkanie z biednym księdzem, który puka do jego drzwi, prosząc o jałmużnę dla upadłych kobiet. Niemirycz ateista i przeciwnik Kościoła zaczyna dostrzegać w biednym księdzu prawdziwego sługę Bożego. Pod wpływem kapłana zaczyna inaczej patrzeć na świat. Jednak jego życie osobiste jest pasmem porażek. Ukochana kobieta okazuje się mężatką, dawny uczeń arystokrata który miał aktywnie działać i pracować, wsiąka w sferę arystokracji, bo nie umiał i nie chciał przeciwstawić się panującym w niej obyczajom. Najboleśniejsza jest jednak śmierć księdza, który zginął z rąk biedaków swoich podopiecznych. Z tego Niemirycz już sam nie może się otrząsnąć. Tymczasem w jego otoczeniu pojawia się Hilda... Ragnarök to ciekawa i wciągająca od pierwszego akapitu lektura.


The Moving Finger

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Uncommon Oppenheim novel tells a strong story of the complicated love affairs, thrilling and mystifying revelations in the life of a young occult. Mr. Henry Rochester is an honest and honorable landowner in rural England. One evening he is walking his estate when he happens across the boy who is meditating on a hillside, and after a conversation, takes it into his head to give the boy money and see what hell make of himself. Unfortunately, he also tells the boy that if he fails, hed be better off killing himself. Seven years later the boys has become Mr. Bertrand Saton, a mystical adventurer, adopted son of the Comtesse Rachael, and ravisher of female London. The two become enemies, with several women at stake in the contest. Henrys wife, Lady Mary; his ward Lois, and his great love Pauline.


The World Peril of 1910

George Griffiths

George Griffiths probably touched the most difficult topic war. Insidious continental powers invaded Britain with the help of the technological genius of the cunning Irishman. The world is engulfed in war. A giant comet is on its way to Earth to destroy it.


Gipsy Tales

Fred M. White

Frederick Merrick White wrote a number of novels and short stories under the name Fred M. White including the seven Gipsy Tale. The story of how the small town began to go crazy. The dining room was closed until sunset on Saturday, and thus eight thousand people scattered in huts along a beautiful valley were thrown at their own expense. They played cricket with some energy, they bathed in mountain ponds, hiking and long training walks were held. Rabbits, too, were getting scarce, and Sir Myles Llangaren protested against the slaying of pheasants in August.