
Петербургские повести (Petersburskie opowiadania)

Николай Васильевич Гоголь, Nikołaj Wasiljewicz Gogol

В сборник вошли такие повести Николая Гоголя, как «Невский проспект», «Нос», «Портрет», «Шинель», «Записки сумасшедшего», «Коляска». Их объединяет не только место действия 2013 красочные картины северной столицы России первой половины 19-го века, но и тема «маленького человека» в городе на Неве, его бесправие и угнетенность. Языком сатиры и тонкого юмора автор показывает социальные противоречия, нравы и быт различных слоев общества того времени.


The Tragedy of Coriolanus

William Shakespeare

The Tragedy of Coriolan the tragedy of Shakespeare, based on the ancient biographies of the semi-legendary Roman leader of the times of the Republic of Gnay Marcia Coriolanus. Heroes are alive and you can not even read who said what: everyones speech is easily distinguished. The images of the tragedy are complex and multifaceted, the problems raised in the play are deep and serious. Reading and re-reading Shakespeare you always find something new that you missed during the previous reading.


Les Milliards dArsene Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

Lorganisation secrete, que sappele Maffia, les pires crimes, les meurtres, les tournures des événements, une jolie femme avec sa histoire tragique, un jeu du chat et de la souris entre Lupin et policiers... Rien ne manque le sujet qui fait le héros exceptionnel. Lupin, il est amoureaux, il avait courtisé la jolie femme isolée et séduisante. Quelques mois de bonheur, et puis la rupture déchirante... Pourquoi nous sommes moins sr dArsene Lupin dans laction?


The Slave of Silence

Fred M. White

It is difficult to make a choice and make the right choice. Our hero was in such a situation. Helpless businessman forced to sell his daughter to marry. Though his daughter is against this idea, because she does not like her husband at all. But she must for the sake of her father and his money. Will she be in such slavery all her life?



Honoré de Balzac

Fans of Romeo and Juliet will delight in the novella Vendetta, Honoré de Balzacs unique take on the timeless theme of star-crossed lovers. This short novel is a story of love and revenge, dealing with the vendetta between two families of Corsican origin, set in early 19th century Paris just after the fall of Napoleon. It relates the tragic fate of Ginevra Piombo, the daughter of proud Corsican immigrants, who has the misfortune of falling in love with another Corsican Luigi Porta. When it becomes known that Luigi is the sole survivor of a massacre in which the rest of his family were the victims of a bloody vendetta with Ginevras family, Ginevras father Bartolomeo is determined to complete the act of vengeance by having him killed. But Ginevra refuses to yield to her fathers demands and she and Luigi are married...


Die Verwandlung

Franz Kafka

Gregor Samsa wacht eines Morgens als Käfer auf kein Alptraum, sondern traurige Realität. In Tiergestalt hält Gregor Samsa der Welt den Spiegel vor. Trotz seines friedfertigen und unschuldigen Lebens als Ungeziefer wird er von seiner Familie verstoßen und schließlich in den Tod getrieben. Kafkas Verwandlung ist die groteske Parabel einer stillen Revolte gegen die Unmenschlichkeit. Ein schweigender Protestschrei, der am Ende ohnmächtig bleibt, aber bis heute eines der aufregendsten Werke der Weltliteratur.



E.F. Benson

Arundel is the name of the country house where most of the events take place. Elizabeth, like every good girl heroine of Benson, is completely devoted to her father... but not as much as it may seem. Many heroes are filled with negative characteristics. They are mean and cunning. Although this is a novel, but there are echoes of comedy.


Gniazdo Białozora

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Mieszkańcy zubożałych kresowych dworków na Podlasiu po odzyskaniu niepodległości muszą zmierzyć się z idącymi od wschodu bolszewikami. Łączą swe wysiłki dla osiągniecia jednego celu zachowania tego, co dopiero odzyskali.