
The Comedy of Errors

William Shakespeare

The comedy is surprisingly lively, sparkling and witty, despite the fact that the plot is set by conventions that seem to be implausible: two pairs of separated twins, and even with the same names, because of which there are ridiculous confusions. Here, there is the atmosphere of the Italian Renaissance, and the topicality of the Shakespearean era, and some special Greek flavor, and a little lyricism, and satire on family customs, and the touchingness of meeting and reuniting family people, and all this is so naturally intertwined that its just a delight.


Nowele i opowiadania pozytywistyczne. Wybór

Praca zbiorowa

Najsłynniejsi pisarze polskiego pozytywizmu Maria Konopnicka, Eliza Orzeszkowa, Bolesław Prus i Henryk Sienkiewicz mają w swoim dorobku oprócz licznych powieści także setki nowel i opowiadań. Utwory te poruszały aktualne problemy, opisywały życie środowisk zacofanych, nawoływały do poprawy warunków na wsiach. Te zwięzłe, jednowątkowe utwory wypowiadały protesty pisarzy, którzy starali się w ten sposób walczyć z niesprawiedliwością i krzywdą ludzką. Pozytywiści podejmowali próby pracy u podstaw, pragnęli działać na rzecz klas najuboższych. Głoszono również hasła emancypacji kobiet i asymilacji Żydów. Odzwierciedlenie haseł epoki pozytywizmu można było przede wszystkim odnaleźć właśnie w nowelistyce. Utwory typu: Gloria victis, Antek, Sachem, Janko Muzykant czy Nasza szkapa, zebrane w tomie Nowele i opowiadania pozytywistyczne, nie tylko tworzą kanon literatury, lecz także pozwalają zobaczyć, jak bardzo świat zmienił się od drugiej połowy XIX stulecia.


The Glimpses of the Moon

Edith Wharton

Set in the 1920s, Glimpses of the Moon details the romantic misadventures of Nick Lansing and Susy Branch, a couple with the right connections but not much in the way of funds. They are in love and decide to marry, but realize their chances of happiness are slim without the wealth and society that their more privileged friends take for granted. Nick and Susy agree to separate when either encounters a more eligible proposition. Their conditional marriage begins to falter as Susy grows jealous of her husbands attentions to a wealthy young woman and Nick becomes increasingly disgruntled by the moral compromises arising from his wifes social negotiations. An expertly drawn portrait of two young lovers, caught between bright-eyed passion and the bitter allure of wealth.


The Manderpootz Series

Stanley G. Weinbaum

The Manderpootz Series includes the three stories of Stanley G. Weinbaums early science fiction trilogy. He is best known for his short story A Martian Odyssey which has been influencing Science Fiction since it was first published in 1934. Weinbaum is considered the first writer to contrive an alien who thought as well as a human, but not like a human. In a series of comedies featuring the eccentric scientist Professor Manderpootz including the Alternate-History story The Worlds of If, The Ideal and The Point of View he flippantly devised absurdly miraculous Machines. The humorous stories follow the doings of Dixon Wells, a perpetually late playboy who runs afoul of the inventions of his friend and former instructor in Newer Physics, Professor Haskel van Manderpootz, a supremely immodest genius who rates Einstein as his intellectual equal.


Black Jack

Max Brand

"Black Jack" is a grand western adventure story told by a masterful storyteller Max Brand about the son of a murdered bad guy who is raised as a fine gentleman. But, in truth, Terry is the son of the outlaw Black Jack Hollis. The story is about a bet between sister and brother whether genetics is stronger and the child will turn bad like his father or environment shall prove stronger and the child will become an outstanding citizen. As usual, Brands West is peopled with characters from mythology grander and much more eloquent than average dime-novel heroes.



Maria Rodziewiczówna

Zbiór nowel pisanych przez Marię Rodziewiczównę przede wszystkim w okresie, gdy Polska była pod zaborami. Stąd ich tematem jest często obrona majątku, kultury, języka i dziedzictwa narodowego. W kręgu zainteresowań autorki znajdowała się również emancypacja i oświata wiejskich kobiet. Dzięki epickiemu talentowi autorki odkrywamy świat już nieistniejący, będący częścią naszej bogatej i złożonej historii. Bohaterowie opowieści są jak zawsze u Rodziewiczówny osobami z krwi i kości. Bywają dobrzy albo źli, kochają albo nienawidzą, często nie potrafiąc znaleźć swego miejsca w świecie. Zbiór zawiera utwory: Światła, Złe, Na tokach, Skręt, Wydaleni, Pięć koron, Skrzypek, Surma, Drwal, Siódmy syn, Tajemniczy medalik oraz Wrażenia i przeżycia. Lato 1915.


The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras

Jules Verne

"The Forward Brig" sailed from Liverpool Port with eighteen crew members on board. But neither during the sailing, nor even for a long time after him, none of them knew the purpose of the voyage, nor even the name of the captain. And only having plunged far into the Arctic waters, the sailors learned that the famous navigator John Hatteras, who set the ambitious task of becoming the first person to reach the North Pole, was leading the expedition.


Sanctuary Island

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

1936. Sanctuary Island is a crime novel by the pioneer of detective fiction Edgar Wallace (an adaption by Robert Curtis). Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peters School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing employment circumstances, Wallace went into the military. He served in the Royal West Kent Regiment in England and then as part of the Medical Staff Corps stationed in South Africa. Over the rest of his life, Wallace produced some 173 books and wrote 17 plays. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence.