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Romeo i Julia

William Shakespeare

Romeo i Julia to dramat angielskiego pisarza Williama Szekspira, napisany we wczesnym stadium jego kariery, a wydany w 1597 r. Historia dzieje się w Weronie i Mantui. Członkowie dwóch zwaśnionych rodzin, zakochują się w sobie. Pewnego dnia Romeo Montecchi dowiaduje się o balu w domu rodziny Capuletich, gdzie ma pojawić się jego wybranka. Udaje się tam wraz z grupą przyjaciół i poznaje Julię. Wkrótce dochodzi do pierwszych pocałunków tych dwojga. Pod osłoną nocy Romeo udaje się pod balkon Julii i wyznaje jej miłość. Ta jednak ze względu na mrok nie wie, kto czeka pod balkonem. Odpowiada więc, że jedyną osobą, którą kocha, jest członek zwaśnionego rodu, Romeo Montecchi. Słysząc to młodzieniec postanawia ujawnić swoją tożsamość. Następnego dnia nastolatkowie biorą ślub w celi ojca Laurentego... Romeo i Julia przedstawia historię tragicznej miłości dwojga młodych ludzi, którzy stali się wzorcami romantycznych kochanków.



Max Brand

Trailin is a classic Western tale of vengeance meted out by six-guns. It tells the story of Anthony Bard, a motherless young man raised among the aristocracy of the East, who possesses a desperate hunger for the adventure that only the Western life could bring him. One day he sees his father murdered in the yard of their home. This starts young Anthony on a trail of vengeance that leads him to the far west. Here, Anthony, a tenderfoot with a knack for survival must track down a legendary outlaw who waits for him, not with a gun, but with a story. Along the way he braves the elements, resists a band of cold-blooded killers and finds love. It is a moving and emotional story of loves and lives lost in a time of lawlessness and turmoil.


Night and Day

Virginia Woolf

Night and Day by Virginia Woolf is her second novel and was published in 1919. But the novel is very forward-looking in its examination of relationships under the stress of the culture shift was occurring in the early 20th century. The story takes place in pre-war England and involves four characters and their relationships. Kathryn Hillbery the middle class privileged girl whose idea of success is marriage. Ralph Denham the middle class lawyer who supports his whole family and looks for his own peace of mind. William Rodney the mediocre poet and the suffragette, looking for the kind of romanticism one finds in books. Mary round out the main characters, involved in womens rights, who regards work as her precept of living. Also in the mix is Kathryns slightly ditzy mother who while working on a book seems to be easily distracted. The characters all work well together.


Młodość i inne opowiadania

Joseph Conrad

Tytułowa Młodość to opowieść znanego z Lorda Jima Charlesa Marlowa, opisująca dramatyczny rejs statku Judea, na którym Malow zdobywał pierwsze morskie szlify jako kapitan okrętu. Ponadto w skład tomu wchodzą dwie inne morskie opowieści Josepha Conrada Jądro ciemności oraz U kresu sił.


The Incredulity of Father Brown

G.K. Chesterton

The Incredulity of Father Brown is the third collection of short mysteries by G.K. Chesterton about that character. In The Incredulity of Father Brown, all the stories involve murders and conflicts between Catholicism and atheism and spiritualism. We find the usual Chesterton moral landscape -- in which the author paints a picture of nature somehow mirroring the fact that something is very wrong. In The Incredulity of Father Brown, G.K. Chesterton treats us to another set of bizarre crimes that only his stumpy Roman Catholic prelate has the wisdom and mindset to solve. As usual, Chesterton loves playing with early twentieth-century class distinctions, common-sense assumptions, and the often anti-Catholic biases of his characters.


When the Sleeper Wakes

Herbert George Wells

This book was written in 1899, and is one of the last science-fiction books Wells wrote before his turn towards social realism in his writing. In this dystopian novel, Graham falls into a coma-like sleep, a sleep that he wakes from some 203 years in the future. But times have changed. Due to the wise investments of a board of trustees, Grahams money has compounded into the greatest fortune the world has ever seen, and the trustees have used it to virtually enslave the entire planet. But when he comes out of his trance he is horrified to discover that the money accumulated in his name is being used to maintain a hierarchal society in which most are poor, and more than a third of all people are enslaved. This struggle is the main focus of the larger part of the novel. The novel proposes that whatever is done officially for the good of society, individual ambition is unlikely to address the failure of capitalist structures to create a good standard of living for those whose work supports the system.


Collected Short Stories (Vol. 10). Collected Short Stories. Volume 10

Arthur Conan Doyle

The collection includes the famous stories about Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective. Sherlock Holmes, the common man, often lying around, rereading favorite books, the best detective in England. Sherlock Holmes, possessor of an incredible mind, and strength, will surprise you not once, not giving you time to realize the complexity and mystery of the crime and the quickness of its opening. There are 4 Novels and 43 Short Stories. When Sherlock Holmes begins investigating the mystery of a dropped hat and Christmas goose, little does he suspect that such a trivial thing will lead to a much larger mystery. When the goose is cleaned, its crop is found to contain the Blue Carbuncle, a recently stolen gemstone of great value. So, what Holmes needs to find out is how the stone got from its rightful owner to the goose, and who took it. The game is afoot once again!


Nick Carter. Najsławniejszy detektyw Ameryki. Tom 1. Człowiek z hebanową ręką


Czym Nick Carter zasłużył na tytuł najsławniejszego detektywa Ameryki? Prowadzący podwójne życie prywatny detektyw z niezrównanym zapałem tropi niebezpiecznych przestępców, aby oczyścić Amerykę z plugastwa i zbrodni, czym zaskarbia sobie wdzięczność społeczeństwa. Postać Nicka Cartera rzeczywiście osiągnęła wielką sławę, pojawiając się w filmach na całym świecie, radiu i komiksach.