
The Yellow Snake

Edgar Wallace

The Yellow Snake is an entertaining and breathtaking 1926 thriller by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Fing-Su is a graduate of Oxford and head of the dread Society of the Joyful Hands, which he leads in his quest to dominate the world. The name Yellow Snake was bestowed on him by his opponent, Clifford Lynne. A bit more practical than Fu Manchu, Fing-Su employs terrestrial strategies like blackmail, bribery, and kidnapping to further his own nefarious aims. Under his satanic leadership they planned to take over China and dominate the world! A Chinamans dreams of world domination, secret societies, Scotland yard, kidnapping, ect. In other words typical Edgar Wallace.


In the Misty Seas. A Story of the Sealers of Behring Strait

Harold Bindloss

When your country is small and poor, people have two choices. Some decide to stay and raise it from poverty, while others go to seafaring. So most New Zealanders did. So said one of the inhabitants of this country: Our country is a kind of difficult country, and most of our people go to sea from time to time when they cannot achieve more. In the same way, our main characters went to seafaring, where there were many prizes on their way.


Pollyooly. A Romance of Long Felt Wants and the Red Haired Girl Who Filled Them

Edgar Jepson

Edgar Alfred Jepson was an English writer, principally of mainstream adventure and detective fiction, but also of some supernatural and fantasy stories that are better remembered. The story Pollyooly. A Romance of Long Felt Wants and the Red Haired Girl Who Filled Them (1912) takes place prior to World War I. Pollyooly, whose given name is Mary Bride, is the 12-year-old housekeeper of John Ruffin, a London barrister. Pollyooly and her younger brother, Roger are orphans. Raised by their aunt in a village, they come to London when her aunt is swindled out of her lifes savings and forced to find work as Ruffins cook and housekeeper. When their aunt is killed by a motorist, Pollyooly tries to fill in for her aunt in order to keep both her and her brother out of the workhouse.


The Range Dwellers

B.M. Bower

Rich west coast spoiled brat meets rich east coast girl. Both are spending the summer in cattle country and neither expected the outcome of their adventures. Of course there is a feud involved here, a pretty young woman, some cowboy hijinks, and some amazing coincidences to bring all the characters together. This short but engaging novel contains all of the elements that made B. M. Bowers books a mainstay of the genre of classic Westerns. B. M. Bower was one of the most prolific and popular writers in the early days of the Western genre, and stories like The Range Dwellers explain the authors abiding popularity.


Hill O the Winds

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Clorinda is for everyone except her husband and a few old people. She was so sweet and dignified. However, she was born Cooper. She was a plump woman who, at sixty, still retained the girls questioning look. She was fond of wearing light dresses, which she calmly recognized were too young for her. Now she wore one, a muslin with pink flowers and a lampshade of hats. Despite her age, she was very energetic. This instructive story is a must-read.


W stronę Swanna

Marcel Proust

Pierwszy tom quasi-autobiograficznego cyklu W Poszukiwaniu Straconego Czasu. Główny bohater, Marcel, przywołuje wspomnienia ze swego dzieciństwa. Chorowity, nadwrażliwy i rozpieszczony chłopiec relacjonuje życie rodzinnego miasteczka Combray. Książka pozwala czytelnikowi przenieść się w świat dzieciństwa autora i obserwować jego otoczenie z perspektywy dziecka.


Jim Maitland

H.C. McNeile

Jim Maitland is a crazy, wandering wanderer. He crosses the globe wherever he pleases. At the beginning of the book, he is in the southern seas and meets storyteller Dick Leyton, who becomes his traveling companion. Wherever they go, they will need to prove their decency and face criminals.


Miasto pływające

Jules Verne

Powieść z cyklu literackiego Niezwykłe Podróże. Opisuje wrażenia autora z podróży do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Juliusz Verne płynął na tę wyprawę największym parowcem świata SS Great Eastern. Wycieczka była krótka, ale podróż zrobiła na pisarzu ogromne wrażenie.