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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Microsoft Office
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Web development
Malware analysis and memory forensics are powerful analysis and investigation techniques used in reverse engineering, digital forensics, and incident response. With adversaries becoming sophisticated and carrying out advanced malware attacks on critical infrastructures, data centers, and private and public organizations, detecting, responding to, and investigating such intrusions is critical to information security professionals. Malware analysis and memory forensics have become must-have skills to fight advanced malware, targeted attacks, and security breaches.This book teaches you the concepts, techniques, and tools to understand the behavior and characteristics of malware through malware analysis. It also teaches you techniques to investigate and hunt malware using memory forensics. This book introduces you to the basics of malware analysis, and then gradually progresses into the more advanced concepts of code analysis and memory forensics. It uses real-world malware samples, infected memory images, and visual diagrams to help you gain a better understanding of the subject and to equip you with the skills required to analyze, investigate, and respond to malware-related incidents.
The stories generally tell about the childhood of 3 boys and 2 girls. Children call adults Olympians and believe that adults no longer know how to have fun. Each of the chapters is an adventure story that children make or imagine. The book will help you get rid of the everyday hustle and bustle of a simple, but spiritual story.
Is Lily Bart a victim of circumstance or an agent of her own destruction? Edith Whartons acutely observed novel poses this question as it follows Lilys tragic path through the country houses, card tables and drawing rooms of New Yorks beau monde at the turn of the 20th century. Impoverished but well-born, Lily realizes a secure future depends on her acquiring a wealthy husband. Her desire for a comfortable life means that she will not marry for love without money, but her resistance to the rules of the social elite endangers her many marriage proposals and leads to a dramatic downward spiral into debt and dishonor. More a tale of social exclusion than of failed love, The House of Mirth reveals Whartons compelling gifts as a storyteller and her clear-eyed observations of the savagery beneath the well-bred surface of high society.
Being able to create and maintain data-oriented applications has become crucial in modern programming. This is why Microsoft came up with Entity Framework so architects can optimize storage requirements while also writing efficient and maintainable application code. This book is a comprehensive guide that will show how to utilize the power of the Entity Framework to build efficient .NET Core applications. It not only teaches all the fundamentals of Entity Framework Core but also demonstrates how to use it practically so you can implement it in your software development. The book is divided into three modules. The first module focuses on building entities and relationships. Here you will also learn about different mapping techniques, which will help you choose the one best suited to your application design. Once you have understood the fundamentals of the Entity Framework, you will move on to learn about validation and querying in the second module. It will also teach you how to execute raw SQL queries and extend the Entity Framework to leverage Query Objects using the Query Object Pattern. The final module of the book focuses on performance optimization and managing the security of your application. You will learn to implement failsafe mechanisms using concurrency tokens. The book also explores row-level security and multitenant databases in detail. By the end of the book, you will be proficient in implementing Entity Framework on your .NET Core applications.
"Romanica Silesiana" 2016, No 11. T. 1: La Peur
red. Katarzyna Gadomska, Krzysztof Jarosz
Sous la rédaction de Katarzyna Gadomska, Krzysztof Jarosz Tematem prezentowanego numeru Romanica Silesiana jest strach jako motyw wiodący w literaturze fantastycznej i w gatunkach pokrewnych. Ze względu na dużą liczbę zgłoszonych tekstów artykuły zebrano w dwa tomy: pierwszy obejmuje szkice napisane w języku francuskim, drugi – w języku hiszpańskim i angielskim. Autorzy ukazują zagadnienie strachu w literaturze i filmie, zwracając uwagę na ewolucję źródeł strachu i lęków na przestrzeni wieków. Jako materiał analiz wykorzystują dzieła takich twórców, jak: Jan Potocki, Théophile Gautier, Erckmann-Chatrian, Emile Gaboriau, André de Lorde, Jean-Pierre Andrevon, Anne Duguël, Marie José Thériault, Nadine Monfil, a także pisarzy, których nazwiska nie są kojarzone z gatunkiem fantastyki, m.in.: Madame de Staël, Victora Hugo, Laurenat Gaudé, Nicole Calligaris, Kena Bugula, Rolanda Barthes’a, Georges’a Bataille’a.
Le Mystere de la chambre jaune
Le jeune reporter Joseph Rouletabille, réputé pour avoir démlé de difficiles énigmes, se rend, en compagnie de son ami lavocat Sainclair le narrateur de lhistoire au château du Glandier pour y éclaircir une agression. Le château appartient au professeur Joseph Stangerson, physicien renommé qui y mene des expériences avec sa fille Mathilde, la victime du crime. Qui est donc lagresseur ? Quel est son mobile ? Et surtout comment a-t-il pu séchapper de la chambre jaune qui était fermée de lintérieur ?
Powieść mistrza i klasyka fantastyki, Juliusza Verne'a, z cyklu "Niezwykłe podróże".
"Pragnęłam i lękałam się zarazem zobaczyć pana Rochestera nazajutrz po tej bezsennej nocy. Pragnęłam znów usłyszeć jego głos, ale lękałam się spotkać z jego oczami. Podczas rannych lekcji każdej chwili spodziewałam się, że przyjdzie..." [FRAGMENT] Tagi: romans, klasyka,