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Honoré de Balzac

Ursula novel is one of the pillars of the Scenes of Provincial Life section of Honoré de Balzacs story cycle The Human Comedy. Through a series of tragedies and coincidences, a kind and pious teenager named Ursula has been taken in by an octogenarian wealthy doctor, Denis Minoret. Inspired by Ursulas goodness, Minoret decides to make her his chief heir. This incites the ire of his other relatives, and a ruthless war for Minorets estate breaks out. In this book Balzac examines the manners and morals in the French provinces and penetratingly depicts the small-mindedness, avarice, and envy of the provincial lower middle classes. In Ursula, no limitations based on morality or decency will hold these people back in their effort to acquire wealth and influence.


In New York with the Tucker Twins

Emma Speed Sampson

In New York with the Tucker Twins is a sixth book in the Tucker Twins series, written by an American author of juvenile fiction and a movie censor Emma Speed Sampson and published between 1915 and 1924. Nominally its a boarding school series, but actually only two of the books are set at school. Our heroine is 15 year-old Page Allison, a doctors daughter, raised in a rural Virginia community where she has no companionship with girls her own age. On her way to school for the first time, she meets the Tucker family, a set of twins nicknamed Dee and Dum who will be her best friends, and their startlingly young and sprightly widowed father. In it, Page Allison and the Tucker Twins head to New York City for a great adventure...


Szatan i Judasz (Tom 8). Szatan i Judasz. U stóp puebla

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz. U stóp puebla to ósma część z 11-tomowego cyklu przygodowego autorstwa Karola Maya. Znani z innych serii bohaterowie przemierzają świat wzdłuż i wszerz są zawsze tam, gdzie coś się dzieje i gdzie potrzebna ich pomoc. Znakomicie radzą sobie w najtrudniejszych sytuacjach, dzięki czemu udaje im się ocalić wiele istnień. Nagrodą często bywają odnalezione skarby.


Poezja polskiego renesansu

Praca zbiorowa

W renesansie polszczyzna rozwinęła się w mistrzowskie poetyckie formy Jana Kochanowskiego, Mikołaja Reja czy Szymona Szymonowica. Do dziś zachwyca różnorodność gatunków błyskotliwe, żartobliwe i refleksyjne fraszki, podniosłe pieśni i psalmy czy opisujące proste życie sielanki. Godnym podziwu bogatym i kunsztownym językiem poruszane są rozmaite tematy od lekkich, zabawnych czy wręcz rubasznych, przez obyczajowe, aż po tragicznie przejmujące.


The River Fury

H.A. Cody

It was a windy day and why not go out with your boats to the sea? Sail sags were filled, people began to act, and for a long time the boats beat heavily downstream. The race began in earnest, and the spirit of rivalry revived the hearts of these tumultuous river drivers. Captain Nat was driving, and his eyes shone with pleasure as he gradually turned away from his rival.


Spinster of This Parish

W.B. Maxwell

The romance story of a hearty well-known explorer, who finally, at the age of 62 crosses the Antarctic and the spinster who accompanies him on his journey to the Andes in 1895. Here we have a young Victorian womans unconventional romance with a man, who was already married, had various adventures, was disowned by her family, etc. So, what happened in between? Did their romance end when he left for his next expedition? Will his crazy wife ever die so that they can get married? Find all answers in Spinster of This Parish (1922) novel from a British novelist William Babington Maxwel. Born on June 4, 1866, he was the third surviving child and second eldest son of novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon.


Братья Карамазов (Bracia Karamazow)

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

201eБратья Карамазовы201d 2013 великий роман, в котором испепеляющая страсть, борьба за наследство, поиски Бога переплетены так, что подводят к решению глобальных вопросов о самой сущности человека, о его природе. Загадка, связанная со смертью и кражей, полная накала и страстей любовная история, разворачивающаяся на глазах читателя семейная драма, сложные психологические события, множество дополнительных остросюжетных линий 2013 все это вместилось в роман 201eБратья Карамазовы201d, главной проблематикой которого является вопрос о Боге и бессмертии души. А в центре повествования, как всегда у Достоевского 2013 человек, терзаемый сомнениями, раздираемый страстями, жаждущий любви, власти, денег, мечущийся от добра ко злу и от зла к добру, ищущий свой путь, свою веру, своего Бога.


Mariages daventure

Émile Gaboriau

Pourquoi Pascal Divorne donna sa démission moins de quinze jours apres sa sortie de lécole des ponts-et-chaussées, dont il était un des éleves distingués, on ne la jamais su au juste. Il ne prit pas la peine dexpliquer, et ne donna aucune raison, peut-tre parce quil nen avait pas des bonnes donner. Jentends de ces raisons admirables, basées sur un intérét certain et un égosme prudent, seules admissibles et conculantes pour des judes payant patente.