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Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski
В романе, как в зеркале, отразились собственные сомнения, переживания и чаяния автора. Человек азартный, игрок по природе, по складу характера, Достоевский каждый раз словно бросал вызов судьбе, играл с ней, и она отвечала ему тем же. Испытывая серьезные материальные трудности и обещая написать новый роман, писатель заключил с издателем контракт, согласно которому должен был сдать текст в определенный срок, в противном случае лишался прав на издание своих сочинений. 201eИгрока201d он надиктовал за 26 дней своей стенографистке, по совету друзей вызвавшейся помогать знаменитому литератору. Работа была сдана четко в срок, а молодая ассистентка стала женой, с которой в счастливом браке Достоевский прожил до конца жизни. Увлекательный сюжет, любовные коллизии и тяга к игре как смысл бытия 2013 основные темы романа, способного захватить читателя целиком не хуже, чем самая увлекательная игра.
There were various rumors about house No.13. There were no lights, badly painted blinds were always lowered, windows were black over the years. The feeling of loneliness and secrecy permeated the interior of No.13. Surprisingly there lived a young beautiful lady, about 20 years old. However, she was very frightened. And all this darkness was displayed on it.
Le livre de la pitié et de la mort
Pour le lecteur moderne, le nom de Pierre Loti est presque oublié, et au tournant des XIX XX siecles. ses uvres ont été lues et raffinés esthetes et large lectorat. Le livre Mercy and Death contient les meilleures uvres de lécrivain, attisées par le parfum magique des aventures errantes et romantiques. En mettant en valeur des peintures exotiques dans ses uvres, P. Loti déploie de superbes drames damour sur leur fond.
The Confidence-Man. His Masquerade
A post-modern masterpiece; a century ahead of its time. The novel portrays a Canterbury Tales-style group of steamboat passengers whose interlocking stories are told as they travel down the Mississippi River toward New Orleans. The novel is written as cultural satire, allegory, and metaphysical treatise, dealing with themes of sincerity, identity, morality, religiosity, economic materialism, irony, and cynicism. And the novel itself tests the confidence of the reader as each character slides away beneath the muddy prose waters of the river. Melville introduces characters who change identities so rapidly that the reader is confronted with a portrait of the American frontier as perceived through a series of disguises.
The Riddle of the Spinning Wheel
Hamilton Cleek is a renaissance man for the ages: an intellectual giant with the brawn of ten men, he serves as a consulting detective, often helping Scotland Yard with particularly challenging cases. With the power to distort and transform his visage and mimic any mannerism he desires, Cleek, with the assistance of his cockney assistant Dollops, makes a super natural detective! In The Riddle of the Spinning Wheel, a young woman concerned that the turmoil in her family could lead to her fathers murder seeks help from Mr. Cleek of Scotland Yard. Her fear comes to pass when a room is pitched into darkness and the strange sound of a spinning wheel is the omen of death. Cleek finds himself at the center of a confounding whodunit. Will this be the mystery that finally pushes him over the edge?
Brentwood is a romance novel of a young woman adopted by a well to do couple. Marjorie Wetherill had always known she was an adopted child; her adoptive parents, the Wetherills, whom Marjorie loved deeply, had made no secret of it. But when she faces her first Christmas alone after her parents deaths, she starts to wonder about finding her first family. A letter among Mrs. Wetherills things gives her the key to start a search that will change her life. Is Marjorie strong enough to learn of the past and face the reality of meeting her birth relations? Grace Livingston Hill is the beloved author of more than 100 books. Read and enjoyed by millions, her wholesome stories contain adventure, romance, and the heartwarming triumphs of people faced with the problems of life and love.
Biggers third book in the Charlie Chan series involves the detective in a case that spans decades and continents, culminating in the city of San Francisco. This time Charlie pulls aside the curtain that conceals a mystery far in the past. The plot links a present day murder with another murder some year previously, combined with a series of disappearances of young women. Charlie Chan is still trying to leave San Francisco after a vacation that turned into a job of detection. Once again hes kept from leaving by a case: the murder of Sir Frederick Bruce, ex-head of the Criminal Investigation Unit at Scotland Yard. Despite his retirement, Sir Frederick cant resist pursuing certain unsolved cases to their end. His end comes before his success, and its Charlie Chans fate to carry on. How Charlie gets involved is a part of the deliciously complex plot that the reader can look forward to.
The village of Rieseholm worships Queen Lucia. She completely commands the village, the ever-benevolent dictator of all things that really matter. However, someone had the pleasure of overthrowing a queen so great. And it was Olga Braisley, an opera singer from London. She is a real celebrity, not at all like that queen. Can she do it?