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Pustelnia parmeńska


Pełna intryg, napięcia i niedomówień opowieść o miłości. Główny bohater, Fabryc del Dongo, zostaje odrzucony i wydziedziczony przez własnego ojca z powodu odmiennych poglądów politycznych. Chłopak przyzwyczajony do wystawnego życia i kontaktu z ojcem czuje się zagubiony i nieszczęśliwy. Szuka pocieszenia wśród znanych sobie kobiet. Powieść idealnie oddaje klimat dworski przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku.


The Hollow Needle. Further Adventures of Arsene Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

A story of Arsene Lupin, the greatest, most ingenious and most daring criminal in modern fiction. Translated by Teixeira de Mattos Alexander, The Hollow Needle by Maurice Leblanc, is one of the many novels featuring the celebrated thief Arsene Lupin. Once again, Lupin crosses paths with the famous Holmlock Shears. The novels complex plot is made up of a number of interconnected threads, including a spate of thefts at a castle, the disappearance and apparent death of a young aristocratic woman, and a quest to uncover the hidden treasure of the kings of France. But the greatest danger may be the woman with whom Lupin has fallen in love, for she has made him promise to give up his life of crime forever! Find out everything you need to know about The Hollow Needle in a fraction of the time!



Edgar Wallace

Die junge Edna Gray kommt nach dem Tod ihres Vaters aus Argentinien zurück nach England. Edna möchte ihr Leben auf dem Landsitz Ihrer Familie verbringen, doch es gibt Personen, die etwas dagegen haben. Das gefällt dem bisherigen Pächter Elijah Goodie überhaupt nicht. Der skrupellose Rennstallbesitzer versucht Ednas Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Dafür ist jedes Mittel recht.


The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

There is a trial of the bare and thin peasant Denis Grigoriev. He is accused of unscrewing the nut, which rails are attached to the cross ties. The little man does not deny this, but does not see his guilt. The investigator finds out that Denis, like other men, unscrews the nuts in order to make them sinkers. The defendant sincerely does not understand that such unscrewing can lead to train accidents and death. The investigator sends the attacker to prison, but he still does not understand what he did.


The Metal Monster

A. Merritt

Abraham Merritt tells a tale of awe and wonder as well as horror and dread to the speculative fiction and fantasy. The Metal Monster features the return of Dr. Walter T. Goodwin who first appeared in The Moon Pool. In the wilds of the Trans-Himalayan region, a quartet of adventurers led by Dr. Goodwin stumbles upon a tribe of human primitives forgotten since the age of Alexander the Great, and an awesome being of living metal commanded by the exiled Norhala. As Norhalas guests, Goodwin and his team witness the mind-boggling marvels that are the Metal Monsters way of life, and the unspeakable horrors it commits when Norhala takes it to war against her persecutors. An awesome battle between man and the metal beings ensues.


The Jack-knife Man

Ellis Parker Butler

Another lighthearted tale from American author Ellis Parker Butler (December 5, 1869 September 13, 1937) which revolves around old Peter Lane, who lives on a decrepit houseboat on the Mississippi River and mostly whiles away his time whittling with his jack-knife and not really doing much else. That is, until one night, a sickly woman knocks at his boat door holding her son in her arms. This encounter would change Peters life, as the old man befriends little Buddy and is determined to keep him and raise him as his own, provided he is able to keep a host of others from laying claim to the orphan. The two outcasts share many adventures over the storybook, enjoying a happy ending despite several difficulties.


Czerwony Krąg

Edgar Wallace

Detektywi ze Scotland Yardu próbują wyśledzić członków tajnego stowarzyszenia szantażystów o nazwie Czerwony Krąg. Dynamiczny rozwój akcji, żywe dialogi, umiejętność utrzymania czytelnika w napięciu oraz oddany z wielką precyzją klimat Londynu lat dwudziestych minionego wieku to wszystko znajdziemy w tym klasycznym kryminale Edgara Wallacea, autora wielu bardzo poczytnych powieści awanturniczo-przygodowych, sztuk teatralnych oraz scenariuszy hollywoodzkich przebojów kinowych, m.in. słynnego King Konga.


The Swindler and Other Stories

Ethel M. Dell

The Swindler and Other Stories is a collection of stories first published in 1923 by the hugely successful English writer of popular romances Ethel May Dell. The Swindler: As a young girl Cynthia holds a professional swindler in admiration, since he cleverly swindled her out of five hundred pounds. On a voyage she meets a private detective called West who is bent on capturing this swindler called Nat Verney. Little did Cynthia know what the favor she asked of West would lead to. What follows is a mans lies to save the woman he loves from herself and another mans love for Cynthia, and how far he will go to make her happy, at his own expense. The rest of the stories are love stories and have many surprises.