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Der weiße Wolf

Max Brand

Max Brand (18921944), war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und gilt als einer der wichtigsten und bekanntesten Western-Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Max Brand erzählt sachkundig und mit viel Gefühl die Geschichte eines Bull terriers(der weiße wolf),der in den Rocky Mountains bei Wölfen aufwächst. Es wird der Überlebenskampf des Hundes bis zur Rückehr zu den Menschen beschrieben. Nicht nur für Bullterrier Freunde, sondern für alle Hundefreunde ein sehr schönes Geschenk. Es ist wie eine schöne Weihnachtsgeschichte im Winter vor dem Kamin. Ein schönes Buch das den Leser bis zur letzten Seite in seinen Bann zieht!


W dżunglach Bengalu. Powieść podróżnicza

Karol May

Dżungle Bengalu historycznej, azjatyckiej krainy ulokowanej na terytorium Indii i Bangladeszu ociekają krwią ofiar składanych groźnej bogini Kali. Podróżujący przez dzikie zakątki dżungli biali poszukiwacze przygód próbują zapobiec rytualnym mordom, jednak sami przy tym narażają się na potworne niebezpieczeństwo. A mimo to podejmą nierówną walkę z okrucieństwem.


The Splendor of Asia

Elizabeth Louisa Moresby

The Splendor of Asia (1926) is the Story and Teaching of the Buddha. Elizabeth Louisa Moresby was already sixty years old by the time she started writing her novels, which commonly had an oriental setting, and then became a prolific author. She wrote under various pseudonyms, depending on the genre. As Louis Moresby, she wrote nonfiction, including a history of Egypt. As E. Barrington, she wrote historical romances, including a tale of Napoleon and Josephine (1927). As Lily Adams Beck, she wrote stories set in Asia and influenced by Oriental philosophy and religion. She was also known as Elizabeth Louisa Beck, Eliza Louisa Moresby Beck and Lily Moresby Adams. She was a staunch Buddhist and strict vegetarian, highly critical of the materialism of the West.


The Life of Timon of Athens

William Shakespeare

A very instructive story about not doing good is not getting evil. The main character is a tragic personality. At first he loved people with all his soul, who was eager to help them selflessly and ruined as a result of this, in one day he would know all human ingratitude, self-interest and anger. In anger, Timon of Athens kills one of his insulters, for which he is expelled from Athens.


Lucius. Adventures of a Roman Boy

Alfred J. Church

Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at Kings College London, and Lincoln College, Oxford, he took holy orders and was an assistant-master at Merchant Taylors School for many years. Church wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. Lucius Adventures of a Roman Boy, follows Lucius as he talks with Cicero, meets Spartacus, falls in love, is kidnapped by pirates, joins the Roman army, is captured by king Mithridates, and finds pirate treasure! Sounds exciting? Follow the young Lucius Marius who leads an adventurous life in Ancient Rome from the time of his capture by Spartacus.



Bolesław Prus

Głównym bohaterem utworu jest kilkunastoletni Antek. Razem z rodzicami i siostrą Rozalką mieszkają na wsi na terenie zaboru rosyjskiego. Sytuacja finansowa rodziny jest fatalna. Antek już jako pięciolatek musiał pracować i pomagać matce. Początkowo był świniopasem, jednak nie umiał skupić uwagi na pilnowaniu zwierząt. Chłopiec najbardziej lubi wykonywać zabawki z drewna i ma do tego wielki talent. To jednak nie podoba się matce chłopca. Pierwszym jego dziełem był wystrugany z drewna wiatrak, zapewne z powodu fascynacji chłopca wiatrakiem obserwowanym przez niego po drugiej stronie rzeki. Przez stałe zajmowanie się majsterkowaniem i struganiem często nie dopełniał swoich obowiązków. Dla matki jest oczywiste, że z takiego odmieńca wyrośnie tylko nic nie wart darmozjad i pośmiewisko. Nowela Prusa podejmuje tematykę trudnego życia na wsi w XIX wieku, a co za tym idzie niełatwego losu dzieci.


The Man without Nerves

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In this novel we have Oppenheims as it best, with the story of a man hunt set in an English village, and involving a well-known banker and the Lord of the Manor. The story is a thriller built on several interlaced mysteries which are suddenly thrust on the sleepy village of Sandywayes: three men committing shockingly unexpected suicides, three strangers with questionable backstories but no obvious connections simultaneously appearing in town, and large amounts of money quietly disappearing from the bank. This 1935 novel focuses on the conduct of bankers, their clients, and wealthy merchants in the English suburbs surrounding London in the interwar period. The comfortable society of tennis and golf, private cars in trains, and unspoken secrets of money and privilege are the keys to unlocking the mystery.



Honoré de Balzac

This is the coming of age story of a young sculptor named Sarrasine and the choices he will face on his journey towards his destiny. We follow Sarrasine as he travels from France to Italy to search for his passion and find the love of his life. The story of Sarrasine is intertwined with that of the beautiful La Zambinella, and Italian singer with whom the young sculptor will fall madly, deeply in love with. From that moment, he was no longer the owner of his thoughts. However, La Zambinella has a secret that Sarrasine has no idea of and would no doubt shake him to his very core. This shocking tale of fate and love is one of the first to truly ground the genre into realism and adds in the dark and sometimes painful truth that is prevalent in real life. Sarrasine, written by legendary author Honoré de Balzac is widely considered to be one of the greatest books of all time.