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Casey Ryan

B.M. Bower

American author Bertha Muzzy Sinclair (18711940) was known by her pen name B. M. Bower. She wrote novels and screenplays, mainly about the American Wild West. This is one of her novels. Casey Ryan loves speed but his passion led to his unemployment. He, known as the most reckless stage driver ever to carry the mail, was bitten by the speed bug and deserted his stage coach for a Ford; but not even a Ford could stand Caseys handling and he eventually found himself bereft of machine, job, and bankroll. To rebuild his fallen fortunes Casey must search out a legendary gold mine, the secret of Injun Jim. Thats when Casey discovered his other passion: hunting for a missing treasure.


The Orange-Yellow Diamond

Joseph Smith Fletcher

This novel takes place in the London parish of Paddington. The story opens with the murder of an old Jewish pawnbroker. Our Scottish hero, Andrew Lauriston, a penniless aspiring writer, has the misfortune of finding the body, and is accused of killing and robbing the old man. But then its found the pawnbroker had had in his possession an extraordinary South African diamond worth over eighty-thousand pounds a diamond thats now missing. It falls to Melky Rubenstein to unravel the mystery and prove the young mans innocence. This is a great tale which you can immerse yourself in and will appeal to anyone who likes the old style crime/ mystery novels.


The Four Just Men

Edgar Wallace

Written in 1905, it is one of Wallaces many popular thriller novels. Four Just Men was the start of a series about a determined band of European vigilantes who decide to kill off people in the world whom the law cannot punish. Their ingenuity and ability to keep several steps ahead of those who would thwart them, including police, are the essence of the plot. When the British Foreign Secretary Sir Philip Ramon decides to push through a law which will allow the enforced return of political refugees to their countries of origin, he becomes a target of the Four Just Men. These are iconic stories of adventure, intrigue and retribution set in the time immediately following the First World War. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.


The Malefactor

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This 1907 novel was one of the early popular novels of society by E. Phillips Oppenheim. The story revolves around the conflict between a gentlemans obligation to defend the honor of a lady, and his responsibility to his own feelings, family, and freedom. Sir Wingrave, imprisoned wrongfully for killing a man, finishes his sentence and plans his vengeance against those who would not tell the truth to help him during his trial. He becomes misanthropic, seeking only revenge. He wishes to be a malefactor, doing only evil. His class, upbringing, and social ties all mitigate his evil. A young journalist, enamored with the thought of spending time with a man with such a history, offers himself as a secretary. Does Sir Wingrave succeed in taking his vengeance? Does his secretary betray him or help him?


The Country of the Knife

Robert E. Howard

This early work by Robert E. Howard was originally published in 1936. Knife Country is a novel from the El Borak series of Texans in the early 20th century in Afghanistan. Very interesting book.


The Nursery Alice

Lewis Carroll

This is a simplified version of Alice in Wonderland for the little ones. Added a few new digressions that still add color to this childrens fiction. Easy to read and easy to understand, which is the most important. As always, amazing creatures will meet on the path of the protagonist.


Rosa Mundi and Other Stories

Ethel M. Dell

Another great book of six hot romantic stories by Edith M. Dell, one of her best romantic collections including an adventure and suspense story titled. Rosa Mundi is a story of redemption, forgiveness and making peace with oneself. A needy young woman becomes a dancing girl to feed and succor her dying mother. After many years, she learns how to have self respect once again, through the words of reclusive author. The book includes also: A Debt of Honor, The Deliverer, The Prey of the Dragon, The Secret Service Man, The Penalt. Entertaining short stories and novellas mostly set in various British colonial locales, full of passion and a little intrigue and hot enough to get the juices flowing.


W szponach szantażu. Współczesna powieść sensacyjna

Antoni Hram

Bohaterką powieści jest Anita Childs, pochodząca z zamożnej rodziny, prowadząca szczęśliwe życie u boku swego narzeczonego. Sielskie życie kończy się jednak, kiedy dziewczyna zostaje uprowadzona przez tajemniczego Kameleona.