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Amidst the conspiracy of the Holy League to make the Duke of Anjou king, Bussy dAmboise falls in love with a lady of the court of Henry III a lady with a very jealous husband! This sequel to Dumas Marguerite de Valois begins four years after the sudden death of King Charles IX and succession of his brother Henry III. Bristling with political plots, secret assignations, mysteries, daring escapes, duels, surprising alliances and betrayals, Dumas orchestrates two plotlines: one of the love ignited between le Comte de Bussy and la Dame de Monsoreau, and another of the friendship between King Henry III and his truly unique jester, Chicot (Jean-Antoine dAnglerais). All these come together in a very scene-driven, absolutely over-the-top novel. Concerning one of Dumass most well-known and marvelously crafted characters, Chicot the Jester is a must-read for fans of Dumass seminal work, and is not to be missed by the discerning collector.
Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans lAfrique australe
Apres avoir reçu des nouvelles du début de la guerre entre la Russie et la Grande-Bretagne, lexpédition sest scindée en deux parties: russe et anglaise, qui poursuivent leurs recherches séparément. Les Britanniques se retrouvent lombre de Macolo, une tribu célebre pour ses vols. Cependant, ils ne suivent pas seulement le groupe de scientifiques anglais, mais aussi le russe. Ces voyous dAfrique du Sud attaquent lexpédition russe et assiegent le mont Scorsef, sur lequel les Russes sont fixés.
Mark Twain veröffentlichte seinen berühmten Roman 1876 zu Beginn seiner literarischen Karriere. Twains Blick auf seine Helden ist getragen von der Erinnerung an seine eigenen Kindertage, und er weiß, was sie bewegt. Es geht um Lust auf Abenteuer und eine Freundschaft, auf die man sich verlassen kann. Die beiden unzertrennlichen Freunde Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn verbringen ihre Tage und Nächte lieber in Freiheit, voller Spaß und Spannung. und davon gibt es in dieser Geschichte jede Menge. Mit seinen Freunden heckt Tom immer neue Streiche aus: Die Kinder verfolgen geheimnisvolle Gestalten, kreuzen im Wald die Schwerter wie edle Ritter, schlagen als Piraten ihr Lager auf einer Insel auf und heben einen Schatz in einem Höhlenlabyrinth.
Figliki to zbiór około pięćdziesięciu krótkich utworów wierszowanych Mikołaja Reja, w których autor przedstawia jedną sytuację z życia dworskiego lub szlacheckiego w tonacji komicznej lub satyrycznej. Figliki stanowią doskonałe źródło wiedzy o poziomie życia towarzyskiego w dworkach szlacheckich w XVI w. Wiersze rubaszne, a czasami wręcz sprośne przeplatają się z lekkimi, pomysłowymi żartami o codziennym życiu i postawach ludzi. Figlik, który stanowi odmianę epigramatu, jest polskim gatunkiem literacki stworzonym przez Mikołaja Reja.
One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. Over the rest of his life, Wallace produced some 173 books and wrote 17 plays. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence. This hitherto uncollected mini-series of four delightful stories features the veracious but impecunious Right Honorable George Mortimer, the son of a British lord, who earns his living as a London taxi-driver.
Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peters School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing employment circumstances, Wallace went into the military. He served in the Royal West Kent Regiment in England and then as part of the Medical Staff Corps stationed in South Africa. Over the rest of his life, Wallace produced some 173 books and wrote 17 plays. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence. "The Black Avons" is a novel by this pioneer of crime fiction. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme.
E. Phillips Oppenheim, writing as Anthony Partridge, in 1912. A curious tale in three parts. The Court of St. Simon, by E. Phillips Oppenheim tells the story of Monsieur Simon with his consort Josephine, who lives in the demi-monde of Paris, consorts with criminals and artists, and exacts contributions from various evil-doers in the Court of St. Simon an underground tribunal of, for, and by, the criminal class. One evening, he brings along with the jaded youth Eugene dArgminac who falls under the spell of blood lust and becomes a criminal himself. Edward Phillips Oppenheim provides a thrill of another sort!
Real Dramas. Being Some Leaves from the Notebook of a Late Theatrical Agent
Frederick Merrick White (18591935) wrote a number of novels and short stories under the name Fred M. White including the six Doom of London science-fiction stories, in which various catastrophes beset London. These include The Four Days Night, in which London is beset by a massive killer smog; The Dust of Death, in which diphtheria infects the city, spreading from refuse tips and sewers; and The Four White Days, in which a sudden and deep winter paralyses the city under snow and ice. Fred M. White is mostly known for mysteries and is considered also as one of the pioneers of the spy story. Real Drama (1909) is a series of stories published under the subtitle Being Some Leaves From The Notebook Of A Late Theatrical Agent. It includes: His Second Self, An Extra Turn, Not In The Bill, The Plagiarist, The Man In Possession, A Pair Of Handcuffs.