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Death at the Inn

R. Austin Freeman

John Gillum arrives in London from Australia apparently a wealthy man and then proceeds to cheerfully gamble his entire fortune away. During this period he cultivates the friendship of Mortimer, the bank official after meeting him at the scene of a murder near the bank. He mentions in conversation that he felt suicide was a very understandable option to someone who had lost everything. When Gillums body is found, the inquest duly returns a verdict of suicide and blackmail is suspected of being a contributory factor. However Gillums cousin is so convinced that he would never have killed himself, he engages Thorndyke to try to find the blackmailers and bring all the issues to light. The problem is, no one knows who the blackmailers are or even what the man was being blackmailed for.


The Red Ranger

H.A. Cody

The main character from the very beginning meets with difficulty. The storm does not allow you to continue your journey through the sea. He lands on an unknown shore. Where is the difficulty to overcome, and find out the difficult situation. The air seemed suffocating, and dark memories made his brain wince. He called himself a fool for coming here, and he decided never to visit this place again.


The Survivor

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A striking romantic novel of 1913 of a young Englishmans uphill fight. Douglas Guest is an orphan, raised by a stern, religious, and uncompromising uncle, Gideon Strong, in the North of England. His uncle orders him to marry his cousin and take up the post of cleric in their small town but he confronts his uncle, takes money which was intended for his education, and escapes to London. On the train, he meets the beautiful Countess Emily de Reuss, who takes an interest in him. Douglas has aspirations to be a writer in London but is frustrated when no publisher will buy his work. Emily has spread the word that no one should support him. Meanwhile, his uncle is found murdered, and his two cousins, Cicely and Jane, have come to London to find the murderer.


General Besserleys Second Puzzle Box

E. Phillips Oppenheim

General Besserley sat before his writing-table, drawn close up to the wide-flung windows of his summer-house, his pen clasped in his idle fingers, his eyes wandering though a tangle of drooping roses and clematis beyond the gardens below to where a car was crawling up the mountain road. He leaned a little sideways and touched a bell. In a few moments a white-coated butler opened the door and approached the table.



Jack London

The novel Adventure in an acute, exciting form tells about the life of American and European settlers on the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean. The main characters are no less pathos than villains who are so colorful in their villainy that they set their teeth together. Jack London, in the preface, writes that this book came out of the movie script. And truly, it is full of adventure, changing locations, colorful descriptions of snow-white beaches.


Sir Adam Disappeared

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Scotland Yard unearths the mysterious disappearance of a wealthy, eccentric banker, the reason for a dead man in his bank, and the vanishing of the banks funds. The background shifts from the bank to the club, and the missing millionaires known habits give necessary leads to the unscrambling of the mystery. Oppenheim continues to hold up his end. An enjoyable read! E. Phillips Oppenheim was a British author who wrote nearly 150 novels during his career. He styled himself as the prince of storytellers, and is credited with creating the rogue male genre of adventure thrillers and was one of the earliest writers of spy fiction.


The Wisdom of Father Brown

G.K. Chesterton

In Chestertons second Father Brown book, The Wisdom of Father Brown, we get a series of bizarre, sometimes dangerous mysteries that Father Brown must puzzle out. Some of the crimes are simple once Brown explains them, but others are devious, chilling things that are wrapped in Chestertons poetic prose. In the stories that follow, the priest investigates many other mysteries: a sinister voodoo cult, a nobleman with a deformed ear, a gang of Italian thieves, a lie-detector with one major problem (the operator), a girl who is blackmailed for a crime nobody knows she committed, a burning tower, a murder that may be suicide, and a man who is under a horrible death curse. Father Brown solves things by observation and thought, in some ways like Poirot, but in an unassuming and modest manner. The stories are each very different, but are very good reading.


Ein gerissener Kerl. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Lord Frensham ist Toten. Inspektor Elk und Tony Braid finden Lord tot in seinem Büro. Er lag mit dem Oberkörper auf dem Schreibtisch. Seine rechte Hand umklammerte den Revolver,und neben dem Toten fand man einen Abschiedsbrief. Offensichtlich Selbstmord, aber Elk ist nicht überzeugt. Inspektor Elk muss seine Ermittlungen aufnehmen. Und am Ende siegt, wider Erwarten, die Ehrlichkeit, die niemand hier wirklich erwartet.