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The Awkward Age

Henry James

The Aawkward age nonetheless analyzes the English character with great subtlety. The Awkward Age, which is highly praised for its natural dialogue and the subtlety of the sensation that it conveys, illustrates Conrads remark that James never dwells in deep darkness or in strong sunlight. But he feels deep and bright every gentle shade.


As We Forgive Them

William Le Queux

To allow so young and delicate a girl to tramp England aimlessly in search of some vague and secret information which seemed to be her erratic fathers object, was, we decided, an utter impossibility; therefore, following that night of our first meeting at Helpstone, Burton and his daughter remained our guests for a week, and, after many consultations and some little economies, we were at last successful in placing Mabel at school, a service for which we later received her heartfelt thanks


Fur Brigade. A Story of the Trappers of the Early West

Hal G. Evarts

From the first pages we see what light feelings the main character feels for the river and the beautiful girl. It would appear that they can bind? However, near the river he met a beautiful woman. And the beauty of the girl helped the river make it even more amazing. This story will impress with its epithets and romantic story.


The Strength of the Strong

Jack London

The book tells about the Neanderthal tribe: life, hunting, customs, their relationship. The life of ancient people is difficult and full of hardships, but they are happy. Their happiness is in unity. There is a clash with others. Neanderthals are at a lower stage of development, but they recognize themselves as people: they have a language, they care for the elderly and children, maintain fire, bury the dead... But the principle of Others The strongest survives; Kill before they kill you. It is not difficult to guess whose heirs are humanity.


Quo vadis

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Quo vadis opisuje wydarzenia z pierwszego wieku naszej ery, Imperium Rzymskim rządzi despotyczny cesarz Neron. Na jego dwór zostaje sprowadzona niewolnica Ligia, córka króla Ligów, chrześcijanka. W pięknej niewolnicy zakochuje się jeden z pretorianów Nerona Marek Winicjusz. Chce uczynić z dziewczyny swoją nałożnicę. Z opresji wybawia Ligię jej przyjaciel, potężny Ursus. Winicjusz jednak nie ustępuje. Wkrótce dowiaduje się, gdzie mieszka Ligia. Postanawia ją porwać. Pod osłoną nocy udaje się wraz z gladiatorem Krotonem do domu dziewczyny. Po raz drugi Ligię ratuje dzielny Ursus, który zabija Krotona i ciężko rani Winicjusza. Ligia opatruje rany swojego krzywdziciela. Wyznaje mu przy tym, że jest w nim zakochana. Marek postanawia zostać mężem Ligii. Przyjmuje chrześcijaństwo. Tymczasem Neron podpala Rzym. Za radą głównego dowódcy armii Tygellina oraz swojej kochanki Poppei Sabiny winą za spalenie miasta obarcza chrześcijan. Rozpoczynają się masowe prześladowania ludzi wyznających wiarę w Chrystusa. Są oni krzyżowani, paleni na stosie, rzucani lwom na pożarcie a wszystko na oczach uradowanego rzymskiego tłumu...


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

L. Frank Baum

In the first of L. Frank Baums time-Honoréd Oz novels, country girl Dorothy Gale and her little dog Toto are caught in a tornado, they and their Kansas farmhouse are suddenly transported to the fantastical Land of Oz where Munchkins live, monkeys fly and Wicked Witches rule, wild beasts talk, silver shoes have magic powers, and good witches offer protection with a kiss. Desperate to return to her native Kansas, and, aided by the Good Witch of the North, she and Toto together with new friends the Tin Woodsman, Scarecrow and cowardly Lion set out for the Emerald City at the heart of Oz to get help from the legendary, all-powerful Wizard of Oz and to ask him to grant each of them what they most desire only to find that they already possess it. With quirky illustrations, an amusing sense of logic, and delightful characters, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a gratifying start to a well-loved series.


Love and Other Stories

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

This is a collection of many outstanding stories of Chekhov. There is a pleasant and patient satire in all Chekovs stories, most of which are tragic, some are political, and all of them are revealed in many complex topics. The stories in this anthology bring back memories of a different time and place when life was completely different. These stories will hook everyone.


Im Schmiedefeuer

Georg Ebers

Georg Ebers (1837-1898) war ein deutscher Ägyptologe und Schriftsteller. Die Themen der Romane wählte er teilweise aus dem Umfeld seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, also der ägyptischen Geschichte, aber auch aus anderen Epochen. Neben populärwissenschaftlichen Büchern, schrieb Ebers auch historische Romane. Im Schmiedefeuer ist eine historische Romanze aus Nürnberg. Dieser Roman handelt von den Schwestern Eva und Els Ortlieb und einer spätmittelalterlichen Romanze in Nürnberg.