
Maître Zacharius ou lHorloger qui avait perdu son âme

Jules Verne

Maître Zacharius était un horloger célebre et ses montres étaient tres appréciées dans de nombreux pays. Les horlogers genevois ont maudit davoir vendu son âme au diable et il a affirmé que si Dieu créait léternité, il créait le temps. Mais tout coup, un événement étrange sest produit. Toutes les montres fabriquées par lui étaient totalement frustrées. Et sa santé a commencé se fondre sous ses yeux, comme sils étaient reliés par un fil invisible...


The Hand in the Dark

Arthur J. Rees

An ancient English country house with a storied and bloody history is the setting for this intriguing mystery. The new Mrs. Meredith has invited all her friends from her freer, wilder life in London to meet with her at her husbands family home. However, she is seemingly taken ill and cant accompany the party on their final jaunt to a neighbors house after dinner. Later she is dead of a gunshot wound, an heirloom pearl necklace is missing, and Scotland Yard is homing in on possibly the wrong suspect. Can the famous private detective Mr. Colwyn bring the murderer to justice? From the Golden Age of Detective Fiction comes a neatly plotted thriller in which atmosphere and mystery mix to produce a tight and satisfying tale.


Alexander the Great

Jacob Abbott

Jacob Abbott gave us the opportunity to plunge past. To step back in time a read about a man who had such an impact of the world. The author takes you into the tent of Alexander and you can see with his eyes that very way to the top. The author in detail show chronological events of Alexander, right from his birth to his death.


Mrs. William Jones and Bill

Edgar Wallace

This mystery collection, written by British author Edgar Wallace, contains the following works: Mrs. William Jones and Bill, The Adventures of George, According to Freud, Bondage, The Society of Bright Young People, The King and the Editor, Christmas Presents. Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. Although Wallace wrote many stand alone novels it is, perhaps, for his series based material-always popular with readers-that he remains best known. He was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era.


Pieśń o Rolandzie

Joseph Bédier

Pieśń o Rolandzie to najstarszy i najbardziej znany francuski epos rycerski, należący do tzw. chansons de geste (pieśni o bohaterskich czynach). Anonimowy utwór datowany jest na XI w., a znany jest z anglo-normandzkiego rękopisu oksfordzkiego z 1170 r. Utwór to opowieść o starciu dwóch cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej i muzułmańskiej (chociaż wykreowanej w sposób odległy od rzeczywistości). Przedstawia dzieje wyprawy wojennej Karola Wielkiego do Hiszpanii przeciw Saracenom w 778 r., a szczególnie bitwę w wąwozie Roncevaux. Ambitny hrabia Roland, siostrzeniec Karola, zostaje wciągnięty w zasadzkę i ponosi śmierć wraz z towarzyszącymi mu rycerzami. Ginie nie wzywając posiłków, gdyż taki gest uważał za niehonorowy. Utwór w opracowaniu Josepha Bédiera, badacz średniowiecznej literatury francuskiej.


The Kahm Syndicate

Aidan de Brune

The Kahm Syndicate is another breathtaking novel by the master of mystery Aidan de Brune, a colorful and prolific Australian writer whose opus is well worth saving from oblivion. Who will control the mean streets of Darlinghurst? This and another answers you can find here. The story is fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read. This genuine mystery story takes the reader from one exciting episode to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of de Brunes previous successful books. An entertaining tale of mystery and intrigue, this book constitutes a must-read for lovers of crime mystery.


Peter the Great

Jacob Abbott

What Jacob Abbott really appreciates is his ability to uncover and animate well-known characters. So, for example, he did with Peter the Great. Most of the story is dedicated to the achievements of the great leader. But at the same moment he can describe the cruelty that lives in Peter the Great. What was particularly interesting in this book was Peters conflict with his son Alexis; it was an emotionally powerful narrative.


Many Dimensions

Charles Williams

The main task of Charles Williams was to show that man must obey God. The main thing in Many Dimensions is the all-powerful stone that can fulfill any desire. Above of all, Many Dimensions is a complex image of good and evil. Williams fascinatingly shows how evil is not in a particular thing, but in what we do with these things.