Wydawca: KtoCzyta.pl

The Lord of the Sea

M.P. Shiel

The story is of Richard Hogarth, a man of lofty spirit who on discovering a cache of giant diamonds inside a fallen meteor undertakes a bold project to re-shape the human condition on a global scale. He builds huge steel forts with his wealth, places diamonds at the cross-roads of the earths oceans to control all sea-traffic for tribute to benefit the citizens of his mammoth iron islands. The Lord of the Sea (1901) develops a network of mid-19th-century motifs incredible coincidences, swapped babies, hidden identities, chance-found incredible wealth, documents in a trunk, festering revenges, elaborate prison escapes, frustrated romance, Napoleonic megalomania yet, though written to an aesthetic outdated for its time, in embodies that aesthetic with enormous elan and vitality.


Mrs. Thompson. A Novel

W.B. Maxwell

British novelist William B. Maxwell (1866-1938), the son of novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon, wrote both plays and novels. He is well known for his drama The Last Man In (1910) and the satire The Naked Truth (1910). Maxwell wrote almost 40 novels which include Tudor Green (1935), The Ragged Messenger (1904) and The Devils Garden (1913). He also enlisted as a lieutenant in the Royal Fusiliers at the age of 50, with the outbreak of World War I. Written in 1911, Mrs. Thompson: A Novel novel is a well crafted story about a woman struggling to support her loved ones in the face of adversity. We follow her through the years, and share her sorrows and joys set in a small town, with good supporting characters, and a strong and impressive heroine. If you enjoy the works of W. B. Maxwell then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.


The Sea Fairies

L. Frank Baum

Enchanting fantasy novel from creator of beloved Oz stories L. Frank Baum whisks young readers away on an exciting underwater adventure! The Sea Fairies (1911) was designed as the first volume in a new series for children, to replace the Oz books. It was followed by Sky Island in 1912. Trot, the hero of the tales is a girl, like Dorothy in the Oz stories. An old captain, peg-legged Capn Bill taught her to love the sea. The sailor told her that mermaids is fairies, and aint meant to be seen by us mortal folk. One day while out sailing around, the pair is greeted by a beautiful mermaid who extends an invitation for them to come and visit their underwater kingdom and even become mermaids themselves for the adventure. The mermaids are hospitable and introduce them to the ways and other fantastic creatures of the sea. But as they make their way from place to place they must be cautious of the evil, magic sea serpent Zog...


Martin Crusoe. A Boys Adventure on Wizard Island

T.C. Bridges

A few minutes passed, and Martin, lazily tapping his pencil on paper, seemed to have little interest in sounds. Then suddenly his attitude changed, his back straightened, and a look of passionate interest illuminated his sharp gray eyes. The door of the large room opened, and a boy came in quickly, a boy about the same age as Martin, but as dark and thin as Martin, tall and bright.


Trójkolorowa bandera

Jim Poker

Jim Poker to jeden z pseudonimów literackich Juliana Mieczysława Ginsberta (18921948), używany obok Inż. J.G. i Kpt. Nemo. Ginsbert był polskim inżynierem mechanikiem, porucznikiem Wojska Polskiego i komandorem porucznik Marynarki Wojennej. Brał udział w obu wojnach światowych. Pracował jako dziennikarz, pisarz, publicysta oraz reżyser w dziedzinie marynistyki. Pisał powieści przygodowe, podróżnicze i marynistyczne. Stworzył typ powieści historyczno-awanturniczej, zrodzony z bogatej fantazji autora podpartej gruntowną wiedzą techniczną i wojskową.


The Mirror of the Sea

Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrads Mirror of the Sea was a compelling read. From love to death, Conrad explains all this, using his life in the sea to match the human condition. The Mirror of the Sea is mainly about the adventures of Joseph Conrad when he was at sea. In the adventures described above, the author discusses the risks, struggles and dangers of sailing for sailors. While he and the crew sailed, they often encounter a great terrible storm. Sailors always run the risk of a storm, and their ship is sinking. The good thing about this book is that it has a lot of personification.


Przygody komendanta Wilczka. Powieść

Jerzy Bandrowski

Jerzy Bandrowski to polski pisarz, dziennikach oraz tłumacz z języka angielskiego, żyjący w latach 18891940. Pisał powieści obyczajowe oraz dla dzieci, np. W kraju orangutanów i rajskich ptaków (1922), Na polskiej fali (1927), a także powieści sensacyjne w postaci scenariuszy filmowych, np. Przygody komendanta Wilczka (1929). W 1951 roku wszystkie jego powieści zostały objęte cenzurą i wycofane ze wszystkich bibliotek w Polsce.


The Dynamiter. More New Arabian Nights

Robert Louis Stevenson, Fanny Stevenson

The reader will meet with the wise caliph Prince Florisel, with the insignificant but important villain-Dynamite, with the new Scheherazade the charming clever Clara, and with listeners of her fairy tales three noble and trusting young gentlemen. And he learns that being a terrorist is not only bad, but just shameful and bad. And that love is the strongest.