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Dan Lyons Doom

Mary Fortune

This novel was published as a series in several Australian newspapers. The action takes place on a small Victorian gold mine. This is a story about murder, retribution, guilt and cruel justice.


The Silver Horde

Rex Beach

A former American football star, Boyd Emerson has failed in several businesses. He did all this in order to get the hand of his rich lover, but failure seems to haunt him at every turn. Now he is trying his hand at salmon fishing in Alaska.


A Task for Leonardo

Henry Bedford-Jones

The incomparable Leonardo da Vinci had great plans for the magic Sphinx Emerald but though the King of France was his friend, he had also made a bitter enemy. Written by Henry James OBrien Bedford-Jones (April 29, 1887 May 6, 1949) who was a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer and who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908.


Liberum veto. Wybór felietonów

Aleksander Świętochowski

Zbiór felietonów polskiego pisarza, publicysty i działacza społecznego, w którego pismach zawarte są założenia programowe pozytywizmu. Głosił idee postępu, krzewienia oświaty i kultury, walczył o równe prawa dla kobiet, Żydów, zwalczał konserwatyzm, wstecznictwo i klerykalizm. Wybrane w tomie felietony pochodzą z takich pism jak Nowiny, Prawda czy Myśl Narodowa.


The Greene Murder Case

S.S. Van Dine

Gracie Allen in this case is not a famous artist, but a worker in a perfume factory. She involuntarily gives the enchanted Philo Vance all the important clues in this murder of a gangster, in those days when Riverdale in the Bronx was a rural paradise. Vance meets her when she interacts with nature, and then again in a trendy restaurant where her brother plays an important role. For a moment, her mother appears, a gentle, faded lady who turns out to be as sharp as Gracie.


Burmese Days. A Novel

George Orwell

Burmese Days is an early novel by Orwell, in which the future great English writer enters into a kind of literary confrontation with his no less brilliant predecessor, Kipling. The life of the British colonists in Burma, united in a sense of superiority over the natives, but internally divided, exhausted by snobbery and petty strife. The fate of the local inhabitants, who seem to have become Europeanized, but who have preserved deep inside the eastern mentality, inaccessible to the understanding of the British.



Prosper Mérimée

Kolomba to powieść Prospera Mérimée o młodej Korsykance, która z zemsty zmusza swojego brata do popełnienia morderstwa. Prosper Mérimée był francuskim dramaturgiem, historykiem, archeologiem oraz mistrzem krótkich opowieści, które zrewolucjonizowały powieść romantyczną. Inspirację stanowiła dla niego literatura francuska i rosyjska (przede wszystkim Puszkin), a jego powieści poruszały tematy mistyczne, niezwykłe oraz bardzo przygnębiające.


The Singing Bone

R. Austin Freeman

In this collection of short stories, the reader learns the killers identity long before the brilliant medical detective takes the stage. These are brilliant early examples of open secrets where the question is not who, but how will they be caught?