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The Golden Calf

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

The plot tells the story of Ida Pallizer, the daughter of a poor Anglican pastor. Miss Pughs teacher and a wealthier student named Urania Pallizer often taunts and makes silly remarks about her poverty. The best line from this part of the book is when Ida is excluded. Miss Pugh says: You can stay here as long as you need to pack your bags. Not that it takes a long time.


A Victor of Salamis. A Tale of the Days of Xerxes, Leonidas, and Themistocles

William Stearns Davis

This is historical fiction. The author retells the classic struggle of Xerxes invasion of Greece leading to Thermopylae, Salamis and Plataea. Seen through the eyes of a fictional Athenian, it interweaves fictional love and honor restored with historical characters.


Dworzanin polski

Łukasz Górnicki

Dworzanin polski to dzieło Łukasza Górnickiego, stanowiące parafrazę traktatu Il cortegiano Baltazara Castiglionea. Jest to dialog pomiędzy takimi postaciami jak Wojciech Kryski, Stanisław Maciejowski, Andrzej Kostka, Aleksander Myszkowski, Jan Dreśniak, Stanisław Wapowski, Stanisław Bojanowski i Stanisław Lupa Podlodowski. Z rozmów, które odbyły się w 1549 r. na krakowskim Podgórzu, wyłania się obraz idealnego dworzanina, który łączy w sobie dobre maniery, pochodzenie oraz honor.


My Ántonia

Willa Cather

The story of a boy who grew up in a wealthy farming family, not avoiding hardships and always ready to lend a helping hand. The story of a love that didnt happen, but rather happened, between the main character or Antonia, turns out to be more than growing up, more than just about the history of one country. This is a story about a change of mind.


Leviathan. Or, The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil

Thomas Hobbes

Leviathan is a multilevel treatise that, by the type of gradation, begins to explain simple concepts, moving on to more complex categories, revealing the essence of a persons life, his actions and actions; essence of the state, supreme authority and contract; religion and Christianity. This book is very useful for understanding how the English Revolution influenced peoples minds; to understand some of the basics of English courts, moral philosophy. This book has had a great influence on the development of philosophy and is still read with great interest.


Svarta fanor. Sedeskildringar frn sekelskiftet

August Strindberg

Boken är en satir över det samtida Sveriges radikala författare, som kallade sig själva Det unga Sverige, och en av den svenska litteraturens mest kända och beryktade nyckelromaner. Den kan betraktas som tredje delen i en trilogi som inleds med Röda rummet och fortsätter med Götiska rummen.


Amulet Ozirisa

Wacław Filochowski

Wacław Filochowski to polski dziennikarz oraz pisarz literatury fantastycznej. Zadebiutował w 1921 roku zbiorem nowel Chińskie cienie, a w swoich powieściach często odwoływał się do baśni i tematów okultystycznych. Jest autorem takich utworów jak: Amulet Ozirisa, Czarci młyn, Legenda nowej Warszawy, Znak, Człowiek w ciemnych okularach, Przez kraj wód, wichrów i zwierząt czy Cierpkie pobratymstwo.


The Winds of Chance

Rex Beach

Young Pierce Phillips, green, naive, opinionated and with little money, ends up in Daya, Alaska. Soon he is separated from the money by eloquent players. Now penniless, hungry and unable to reach the Klondike, he is forced to take a job delivering supplies to other would-be prospectors across the perilous Chilkoot Pass.