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Journey to the Center of the Earth

Jules Verne

The book has a lot of scientific component from various fields: geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, physics. But everything is very accessible and understandable. The plot focuses on a exploratory journey to the center of the earth through a volcano crater. The starting button for him was an encrypted message on half-decayed parchment. By happy coincidence, it fell into the hands of the famous and very gambling scientist. How could he remain indifferent? Of course not such people do not miss the opportunity to discover something new and are not afraid of dangerous adventures.



Georg Büchner

Dramat zainspirowany procesem sądowym tragicznego mordercy Woyzecka. Franz Woyzeck, mimo pełnienia służby wojskowej, nie posiada wystarczającej sumy pieniędzy, aby ożenić się z Marią, matką swojego dziecka. Ta zaś zakochuje się w postawnym majorze. Franz postanawia wyładować swoją frustrację na niewinnej osobie. Georg Büchner to niemiecki pisarz i rewolucjonista, a także wykładowca anatomii na uniwersytecie w Zurychu. Zmarł w wieku 23 lat na tyfus.


Gullivers Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World

Jonathan Swift

This story is not as simple as it seems. It has two plans. The first is adventure literature, for which the first two parts of the book are responsible in these two books, he actually describes adventures, and it is these two journeys that are adapted for children. Whereas in the adult version all four journeys and in each of these stories we observe how Swift uses his pamphletist gift and, using the grotesque, satire and hyperbole, rigidly ridicules the morals and attitude of the British.


Женитьба (Ożenek)

Николай Васильевич Гоголь, Nikołaj Wasiljewicz Gogol

К чему может привести нерешительность? На какие поступки готов пойти надворный советник, чтобы избежать 201eсемейного счастья201d? Надворный советник Подколесин решает, что пора женится. В подобных ситуациях прибегают к помощи профессиональной свахи. Он решает воспользоваться услугами свахи Феклы Ивановны, у которой на примете есть купеческая дочь с богатым приданным, которое осталось ей после смерти маменьки и папеньки. В истории, которую написал известный русский и украинский писатель Николай Васильевич Гоголь в 183320131835 гг., сваха Фекла 2013 не ординарная личность. Она и 201eпсихолог201d, и 201eторговка201d, и 201eподружка201d, и 201eмать родная201d 2013 смотря как ситуация сложится. Когда же Феклу Ивановну решают обойти, она решается на коварную месть. Тут то вся история и начинается...


7 Best Western Stories. MultiBook

Max Brand

These are the legends of courageous people who conquered the vast expanses of the American Wild West. The heroes of Max Brands westerns are cowboys, gunfighters, sheriffs the fearless conquerors of the Wild West, who made America their homeland and homeland. For example, the hero of the novel The Night Horseman a brilliant scientist Randall Byrne, a man of remarkable intelligence but poor health, goes to the Wild West to gain strength, and unexpectedly becomes one of the courageous desperate people who can survive in the harsh conditions of the prairies. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: The Untamed, The Night Horseman,The Seventh Man, Dan Barrys Daughter, Ronicky Doone, Ronicky Doones Treasures, Ronicky Doones Rewards.


Happy Jack

Max Brand

If you enjoy a fast moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, youll like Happy Jack (1936) by Max Brand. One bullet was all it took to change Jack Anderson from a carefree boy into a hunted man. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists and turns. The journey is the entertaining part. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre. No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine.



George Sand

Le roman Lelia est une confession sincere dune femme noble et belle, mais froide comme une statue, déçue par lamour; un sentiment a survécu dans son âme agitée le besoin de croire en lamour et peut-tre en lamour divin. Le jeune poete Stenio aime passionnément Lelia et tente en vain de la faire revivre. La tendresse et la poésie des personnages, la beauté enchanteresse du style ne peuvent laisser indifférent. Le livre, sil nest pas completement autobiographique, reflete en tout cas les sentiments personnels ressentis par lauteur.


Timbal Gulch Trail

Max Brand

Les Burchard owned the local gambling palace, half the town, and most of the surrounding territory, and Walt Devons thousand-acre ranch would make him king of the land. The trouble was, Devon didnt want to sell. In a ruthless bid to claim the spread, Burchard tried everything from poker to murder. But Walt Devon was a betting man by nature, even when the stakes were his life. The way Devon figured, the odds were stacked against him. So he could either die alone... or takes his enemy to the grave with him. Max Brand at his best pure Western adventure! One rancher defends his land against those who want it by any means possible.