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His Fight for a Pardon

Max Brand

One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. In this short story told in the first person, Leon Porfilo, an outlaw of poor beginnings and lowly ancestry, goes up against Jeffrey Dinsmore, a gentleman outlaw born of the privileged class, in an attempt to clear his name and gain a pardon. In His Fight for a Pardon Max Brand depicts the power of the press to shape public opinion. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!



Fred M. White

Netta Sherlock was a great singer. It was always important for the singer to have a healthy and sonorous voice. And their fear was to lose it. So it happened to Netta. She lost her ringing voice. A difficult path she has to go.


The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaii

Jack London

This is a small storybook. Events that mostly revolve around one person. All his life in Hawaii, Percival Ford lived in the belief that he was following the path of his father, and there was nothing better than missionary virtue and moderation. But his pride was hit by that knowledge of which he had no idea, although it had been with him since childhood.


The Day of Uniting

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace established his reputation as a writer of detective thrillers, a genre in which he wrote more than 170 books, with the publication of The Four Just Men. Moreover, the author was a wholehearted supporter of Victorian and early Edwardian values and mores, which are now considered in some respects politically incorrect. In England, in the 1920s, Wallace was said to be the second biggest seller after the Bible. The Day of Uniting by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1930 and features a World War One ace as the lead detective who tries to solve a mystery. The story is fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read.




Skąpiec to prozatorska komedia Moliera, wystawiona na deskach teatru po raz pierwszy w 1668 r. Tytułowy skąpiec to Harpagon. Jest wdowcem. Ma dwoje dorosłych dzieci. Córka Eliza jest zakochana z wzajemnością w Walerym, który nie tak dawno uratował jej życie. Młodzi muszą jednak ukrywać swą miłość ze względu na ojca Elizy. Walery nie ma majątku, więc chce się wkraść w łaski Harpagona. Użył podstępu, by się dostać do jego domu jako rządca. Syn Harpagona, Kleant, jest w podobnej sytuacji co jego siostra. Jest zakochany w Mariannie, dziewczynie ładnej, dobrej i uczciwej, ale niezbyt bogatej. Kleant nie może więc liczyć na przychylność ojca. Sam stara się zdobyć pieniądze na swoje utrzymanie i pomoc dziewczynie, bo od skąpego taty ich nie dostanie.


A Crime of the Under-Seas

Guy Boothby

There is an old saying that one half of the world does not know how the other half lives, but as far as this is true, very few of us really understand. In the East, indeed, it is almost amazing. There are people involved in trade, some of whom are very profitable, about whom the world as a whole has never heard of, and which an ordinary Englishman, in all likelihood, would refuse to believe, even if the most reliable evidence had been provided before him.


The Bostonians. A Novel

Henry James

The action revolves around three characters: a young and beautiful maiden who travels around America with fiery speeches about the importance of women; her mentor, a lonely and cold lady who despises the whole male race. Different ideals are presented by the rivalry of Olive Chancellor and her cousin Basel Ransom for influencing the young girl Vera Tarrant, who has a strong oratorical gift. The social plan of this novel is concluded in the struggle of the conservative views of the southerner Ransom with the irreconcilable supporter and active participant in the movement for womens emancipation. Olive found in her young protege a strong instrument of influencing public opinion through her oratorical abilities.



George Sand

Cest une histoire sur les calculs libres, purs et dénués damour dune jeune et riche héritiere du titre comptant Valentina, qui a donné son coeur au pauvre jeune garçon Benoît. Pour le bien dun tre cher, la jeune fille est prte rompre les liens du domaine et faire des sacrifices. Grâce lhabileté de lauteur limage dune véritable sensualité et dune analyse subtile des expériences des personnages, cette intrigue apparemment ordinaire de la plupart des histoires damour captive des les premieres pages.