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Jules Verne

Le roman raconte comment le riche représentant de Keraban, ardent représentant de la vieille Turquie et ardent défenseur de celle-ci, ayant appris que le gouvernement imposait des obligations gouvernementales lors de la traversée du Bosphore par les caques, refusa de payer. Pour rentrer chez lui, sur la rive gauche du Bosphore, il doit contourner la mer Noire. Naturellement, dans ce voyage difficile, dautant plus difficile quun vrai musulman ne profitera daucune avancée technologique, et ses compagnons sont entourés de divers dangers et troubles.


Jewels of Gwahlur

Robert E. Howard

The cliffs rose sheer from the jungle, towering ramparts of stone that glinted jade-blue and dull crimson in the rising sun, and curved away and away to east and west above the waving emerald ocean of fronds and leaves. It looked insurmountable, that giant palisade with its sheer curtains of solid rock in which bits of quartz winked dazzlingly in the sunlight. But the man who was working his tedious way upward was already halfway to the top.


Heart of the World

H. Rider Haggard

A love story taking place in Mexico at the end of the 18th century. The beautiful Indian princess and the Englishman fall in love, but suffer because of their feelings and her Indian origin. Also, the novel touches on the theme of the division of the Indians into two groups, after the conquest of Cortes. One group runs north and the other south and remains separate until the events of this novel unite them.


Gucio zaczarowany

Zofia Urbanowska

Gucio zaczarowany, fantastyczno-przyrodnicza powieść dla dzieci autorstwa Zofii Urbanowskiej, opowiada o chłopcu, którego za karę za lenistwo przemieniono w muchę. Wyposażony w czerwoną chroniącą go przed niebezpieczeństwami czapeczkę poznaje świat przyrody oraz reguły nim rządzące. Odkrywa, że zwierzęta pełnią w naturze określoną rolę, a ich praca przynosi wszystkim wiele pożytku.


The Shakespeare Murders

A.G. Macdonell

An amusing thriller by A.G. Macdonell, one of six mysteries he wrote under the pseudonym Neil Gordon. Macdonell is best known for the gently satirical novel England, Their England, which appeared the same year as The Shakespeare Murders and enjoyed a great success, which probably led to his abandoning the mystery genre. In The Shakespeare Murders, the treasure was to be found in an English country house, and it was worth one million pounds, but what was the treasure, was it jewels or something else? Various parties were searching; American gangsters among them, and all had to unravel the clues to be found in the works of Shakespeare. Murder followed murder as the ruthless search continued... Macdonell uses his usual skill, well-dosed with ingenious twists, and a fast moving story-line, to keep the reader riveted to the book.


Penelope von der Polyantha. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Cynthia und Arthur Dorban lernen auf einer Zugfahrt durch Kanada die Protagonistin Penelope Pitt kennen und bieten ihr eine Stelle als Privatsekretärin auf ihrem Landsitz in England an. Die junge Penelope würde am liebsten aus dem kanadischen Edmonton, in dem sie aufwuchs, zurück in ihre Geburtsstadt London. Ein Traum wahr zu werden. Cynthia und Arthur Dorban leben auf einem Landsitz an der Südküste Englands. Durch Zufall entdeckt Penelope das gefährliche Geheimnis des Ehepaars und entgeht um Haaresbreite einem Mordanschlag. Sie entgeht nur knapp einem Anschlag. Sie flüchtet und rettet sich auf die Jacht Polyantha, wo auf sie noch mehr Rätsel und Gefahren warten. Auf der Jacht begegnet sie ihrem Schicksal...


Stories from Livy

Alfred J. Church

Stories From Livy is a great collection of stories about important events and people in Roman history. Tales of early Roman history drawn from the greatest of Roman historians, and admirably retold by Alfred J. Church. Features stories of the founding of Rome, the expulsion of kings, and the early days of the republic. It covers the period from the founding of Rome through the Samnite Wars (about 750 to 300 B.C.). Famous stories of the Roman kings, and such early heroes as Horatius, Coriolanus, Cincinnatus, Camillus, Manlius, and Mucius Scaevola are related. This is a faithful rendition of Livys History of Rome, but simplified for the general reader.


Six-Gun Gorilla

Autor anonimowy

Six-Gun Gorilla is one of the most fun and exciting comics in recent years. This book is a fusion of past and present. The plot of this book is fascinating and unusual: the action takes place in the 22nd century. People who want to die will be sent to the war zone, and their death will be transmitted on screens as a reality show. But this time everything happens differently.