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The Sunless City

Dick Donovan

A well-travelled journalist James Edward Preston Muddock though he was better known as Joyce Emerson Preston Muddock, wrote prolifically in a number of genres. The vast majority of his output were sensational detective stories in which Dick Donovan was the main character. In the lost world novel The Sunless City (1905), Josiah Flintabbatey Flonatin pilots a submarine through a bottomless lake. Upon passing through a hole lined with gold, he finds a strange underground world...


Dr. Thorndykes Case-Book

R. Austin Freeman

This book is a collection of short stories about one of Sherlock Holmes most prominent rivals: Dr. Thorndyke and Jervis. Doyles characters may be better, but Freeman spins a lot of mysteries based on reasoning.


Wyandotté, or, the Hutted Knoll. A Tale

James Fenimore Cooper

The action of the novel refers us to the events that took place on the eve of the struggle for the independence of the North American colonies. The heroes of the novel will have to face the distrust of their compatriots, survive their betrayal, withstand the pressure of a gang of Indians, courageously overcome all hardships.


The Bravo. A Tale

James Fenimore Cooper

A Venetian story about deceptions and secrets, love and selflessness, cruelty and injustice that took place around the 18th century. This is a story about the adventures of the rich and the misadventures of the poor. Venice, this mysterious city, unlike any other, hides its true face under the mask, everything is here.


Wyspa węży

Jim Poker

Jim Poker to jeden z pseudonimów literackich Juliana Mieczysława Ginsberta (18921948), używany obok Inż. J.G. i Kpt. Nemo. Ginsbert był polskim inżynierem mechanikiem, porucznikiem Wojska Polskiego i komandorem porucznik Marynarki Wojennej. Brał udział w obu wojnach światowych. Pracował jako dziennikarz, pisarz, publicysta oraz reżyser w dziedzinie marynistyki. Pisał powieści przygodowe, podróżnicze i marynistyczne. Stworzył typ powieści historyczno-awanturniczej, zrodzony z bogatej fantazji autora podpartej gruntowną wiedzą techniczną i wojskową.


Between the Acts

Virginia Woolf

The author describes us only one day. One summer day of 1939. England. Between the Acts plays devoted to the history of England and presented on the stage of the amateur theater, a drama of misunderstanding and alienation in real life of the main characters of the novel is played. Between acts, the ideals and hopes of people standing on the threshold of World War II are crumbling, the whole world is crumbling.


Żołnierz samochwał


Najpopularniejsza sztuka rzymskiego pisarza Plauta, która swoją sławę zdobyła dzięki tytułowej postaci żołnierza samochwała. Pyrgopolinices to zakochany w sobie wojak, postrzegający siebie jako żołnierza odważnego, nieziemsko przystojnego (bo z urodą wywodzącą się od Wenus i Marsa) i mającego wielkie powodzenie u kobiet. Swoją wielkość i boskie pochodzenie podkreśla bogatym strojem. W rzeczywistości jednak jest on tchórzliwym błaznem.


The Essays

Michel de Montaigne

Montaignes The Essays is an unusual book, largely due to the authors attitude to it. This is an exclusively everyday book, suitable for everyday use, in which the author does not discuss how the world works and where everything goes, but discusses the essential: how to raise children, how to build a married life, how to spend leisure time, etc. At the same time, Montaigne does not have a very high opinion of himself, although he praises him for his non-commitment to excesses and the measuredness of being.