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The Gold Magnet

T.C. Bridges

The cold drizzle made Plymouth unhappy, and it was with a sigh of relief that Bruce Carey exchanged the greasy, dirty platform of North Road Station for the warm, well-lit comfort of a first-class night mail coupe for London. At first he thought that he would have a car, but when the train was getting ready to start, a man jumped into it and fell on the seat opposite Bruce. He was breathing heavily, as if running, and Bruce, looking at him, was struck by the expression on his face.


Wielki człowiek z prowincji w Paryżu

Honoriusz Balzak

Wielki człowiek z prowincji w Paryżu to druga część powieści Stracone złudzenia autorstwa Honoriusza Balzaca. Młody Lucjan, początkujący prowincjonalny poeta, wyrusza do Paryża w poszukiwaniu kariery. Jego marzenia i oczekiwania zderzają się jednak z twardą rzeczywistością. Życie w stolicy okazuje się być zbyt drogie, a nikt nie chce kupować jego sonetów ani powieści. Postanawia więc ulec kuszącej propozycji i zostaje dziennikarzem. Nie wie jednak, jak zepsute i wyniszczające jest to środowisko.


Across the Stream

E.F. Benson

A mixture of romance and paranormal. The story of a child who belongs to the upper class. The main character, Archie, saw something strange in women. They wore skirts that might have hidden some kind of abnormality that would be scary to contemplate. Men were a true example of courage.




Odyssée est lune des plus grandes ouvres de la littérature mondiale, une création riche en événements vivants et en beauté poétique. Les aventures dangereuses de Odyssée rusée et qui souffre depuis longtemps. Il devait se battre avec Poséidon pour visiter le pays des cannibales et des sorciers. Cest le poeme que vous voulez relire.


Leone Leoni

George Sand

Le roman Leon Leoni raconte comment son personnage principal est victime de sa fatale passion pour les cartes et comment son désintéressement sans fin pour lamour féminin souffre de son égosme et de sa dépravation. Juliette est une jeune fille. Elle est belle, pleine de désirs et despoirs, de rves de mariage heureux. Il apparaît ici lhorizon.Pas un homme, mais un idéal. Mais avec lavenement de Leone, toutes les aventures commencent.


Adventures of Buffalo Bill. From Boyhood to Manhood

Prentiss Ingraham

Adventures of Buffalo Bill from Boyhood to Manhood is one of the masterpieces by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham, who was a prolific American author of dime fiction. Deeds of daring, thrilling peril and romantic incidents in the early life of W.F. Cody, the Monarch of Bordermen. It is a depiction of life and the ups and downs that are major influencing factors. The novel honestly portrays how fate plays with mankind and the turmoil that follow them. Thought-provoking! The author of The Masked Spy and over twenty Buffalo Bill titles, Ingraham plausibly claimed in 1900 to have written over 600 novels. Known as the King of Dime Novels, Prentiss Ingraham is an author who will be forever remembered for the image he created of the American West.


Raiders of Spanish Peaks

Zane Grey

Laramie Nelson and partners Lonesome Mulhall and Ted Tracks Williams work their way out to eastern Colorado to Spanish Peaks Ranch. There they meet a family from Ohio that has come west to start a new life and hopefully allow the husband and father to get well in the high and dryer climate. They purchase a ranch and then are in the process of loosing everything. As they soon find out, though, this deserted fort is equally suited for both protection and imprisonment. In fact, theyve been swindled into buying the longtime headquarters and hideout for a band of thieves and rustlers. Laramie, Lonesome and Tracks want to save this family. But in a place where there is no law but the law of the gun, can they? First published in 1938, the greatest writer of the American West, Zane Grey, brings a classic tale of drama on the frontier. Raiders of Spanish Peaks is a thrilling tale of a how a mans home is truly his castle.


Hans Frost

Hugh Walpole

Hans Frost is a great figure for his fans. The protagonist is the greatest writer. Hans Frost received his guests and graciously accepted the wonderful gift that his fans combined to buy for him. His books do not bring such a large income, and the wealth of his wife provides the luxury that he possessed from the time of their marriage. Natalies entry into his world is the catalyst that Hans needs to wake him from recession.