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My Lodger

Mary Fortune

Mary Helena Fortune is one of the first female authors who became famous for detectives. My Lodger is no exception. This work captivated readers with a tense plot, where the reader must think.

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Kittys Class Day and Other Stories

Louisa May Alcott

Originally published under the title Proverb Stories in 1882 by Louisa May Alcott, this collection of sweet stories with a high moral tone includes: Kittys Class Day, Aunt Kipp, Psyches Art, A Country Christmas, On Picket Duty, The Barons Gloves, My Red Cap, and What the Bells Saw and Said. Using different characters in each story, she has portrayed various aspects of life brilliantly. It is a collection with lots of moralistic and didactical ideas. Using proverbs as heading for her stories she has presented profoundly didactic tales. Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist who, in the mid-1860s, wrote passionate, fiery novels and sensational stories. She also produced wholesome stories for children, and after their positive reception, she did not generally return to creating works for adults. Alcott continued to write until her death.

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The Goldfish

Mary Cholmondeley

This was the main characters first professional visit to the Robinsons. Arthur Robinson had a bronchial coryza. He seemed like most selfish people very much in need of a listener, and he poured out his views on art and the form his own message to the world was likely to take.

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The Green Mirror

Hugh Walpole

Mrs. Trenchards figure contains all the jealous stubbornness of a strong parent who does not want to let go of his child. Her strength lies mainly in her ability, as she is understood to be unsympathetic, to impose creative possibilities on those whom she loves, and singles out a caring Catherine as a person whose fate she wants to control. When Katherine agrees to be engaged during the year, she realizes the need to pay any reasonable price to keep her mother and Trenchards.

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His Back Against the Wall

Max Brand

Bad News for Bad Men is an excellent classic story by the incomparable Max Brand (Frederick Faust). Great read with Maxs leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. Max leads the reader to characters bigger than life, they come to life as people we wish we knew personally. People who deal with life by taking an active part instead of just observing as it passes by. Brand along with Zane Grey and Louis LAmour form the holy trinity of western writers. If youve read the other two and not Brand, then youre not experiencing everything the western can be. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre!

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The Great Pandolfo

William J. Locke

Paula Field was a woman who happily suffered from most people. Such a gift as a gift of a song or painting or a solution to acrostic. Consequently, she had many more friends around the world who loved her than it was humanly possible to love her in return. From time to time, the jealous turned around a scorpion and stung her. They called her insincere.

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Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist est un excellent exemple de fiction persuasive. Cest lune des histoires les plus célebres de Charles Dickens. Des personnages comme le maléfique Fagin avec son groupe de voleurs et de méchants. Lhistoire dOliver Twist, orphelin et bombardé par le mal et le malheur. Le roman est sans aucun doute fascinant, avec beaucoup de mysteres et de tournures insidieuses.

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Zęby tygrysa

Maurice Leblanc

Zęby tygrysa to dwuczęściowa powieść autorstwa Mauricea Leblanca opowiadająca o przygodach Arsenea Lupin. Jej akcja rozgrywa się w 1919 r., tuż po zakończeniu I wojny światowej, w trakcie pandemii grypy hiszpanki. W tym to czasie umiera amerykański milioner Cosmo Mornington. Nie wszyscy wierzą, że była to śmierć naturalna. Tuż bowiem przed swoją śmiercią Amerykanin zobligował swego przyjaciela don Luisa Perennę, by ten odnalazł jego spadkobierców. Jeśliby jednak tacy się nie znaleźli, fortuna przypadnie don Luisowi. Czy Perennie uda się spełnić wolę zmarłego?