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Taps at Reveille

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Taps at Reveille (1935) is a collection of 18 short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1935 and dedicated to Fitzgeralds agent Harold Ober. It was the fourth and final collection of short stories Fitzgerald published in his lifetime. It brings together several of his best stories from the late 1920s and early 1930s, including Crazy Sunday, and Babylon Revisited, a story considered by many to be his masterpiece in the genre.

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The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories

So in this work the reader appears to be one of the companions in the train. At first, there are usual discussions on a common topic, when everyone expresses his opinion, and then, leaving at his station, he remains at his own. But those who go further can hear a frank story about passions, feelings, about the tragedy of one private life. Accurately written about the influence of music. And this moment only emphasizes that the person who so perceives music, deep down in his soul is capable of the strongest experiences. It is not surprising that it was music, observation of what was happening in the soul of musicians during a truly felt performance, that became a powerful impetus to that tragic act.

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Najpiękniejsze utwory. MultiBook

Juliusz Słowacki

Juliusz Słowacki (18091849) to wybitny polski poeta, dramaturg, filozof-wizjoner. Obok Mickiewicza i Krasińskiego uznawany powszechnie za największego przedstawiciela polskiego romantyzmu. Mimo iż żył zaledwie 39 lat, jego twórczość literacka jest obfita i różnorodna. Poeta pozostawił po sobie kilkanaście dramatów, wiele poematów i powieści poetyckich, setki wierszy oraz listów. W multibooku znalazło się 18 największych dzieł autora, takich jak powieść poetycka Jan Bielecki, poematy: Lambro, Żmija, Anhelli, Beniowski. Poema i Król-Duch oraz dramaty: Balladyna, Fantazy, Horsztyński, Kordian, Ksiądz Marek, Książę niezłomny, Lilla Weneda, Maria Stuart, Mazepa, Mindowe, Samuel Zborowski i Sen srebrny Salomei.

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A Self-Made Thief

Hulbert Footner

A strange and inescapable force lures Frank Heberdon, socially prominent young lawyer, on to life of crime, and he finds his lovely rescuer in a denizen of the underworld where they join forces. The development of Franks criminal career and the way he goes from theft and blackmail to drugs and finally murder makes as thrilling and absorbing a tale as Hulbert Footner ever wrote with a smashing surprise at the very end.

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Eurypides umiera, a wraz z nim nadzieja na kolejnego wielkiego tragika. A ponieważ nikt nie jest w stanie mu dorównać, Dionizos, bóg winorośli i sztuki teatralnej, postanawia wyruszyć wraz ze swoim sługą Ksantiasem do krainy umarłych, aby sprowadzić go na ziemię. Tam staje jednak przed trudnym wyborem wrócić z Eurypidesem, przedstawiającym bogów i bohaterów jako postacie dnia codziennego, czy Ajschylosem, autorem sztuk monumentalnych.

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In Praise of a Suffolk Cottage

Mary Cholmondeley

Most of the stories were written in a cottage in Suffolk. Everyone now has a so-called cottage. This is a story about how a seemingly simple cottage won the heart of the protagonist and it happened for a reason.

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Requiem aeternam. Confiteor

Stanisław Przybyszewski

Na początku była chuć słynne zdanie rozpoczynające Requiem aeternam zapowiada manifest panseksualistycznych poglądów Przybyszewskiego. Głęboko osadzony w młodopolskich nastrojach utwór stanowi wyraz koncepcji filozoficznych autora. W czasach autora bulwersował i szokował, wpisywał się w aurę skandalu otaczającą Przybyszewskiego. Sam autor zaliczał Requiem aeternam do cyklu poematów prozą albo rapsodii.

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Run to Earth

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Two different riddles, three villains, one of which was really the darkest paint, three murders, one suicide, the abduction of a child, three strong Victorian women one of them is unusually tragic, the other is quite a deceiver, like Becky Sharp, and divine retribution. Suffice it to say that one of the main characters is a young woman who lives with a man who claims to be a father, but exploits and intimidates her, and when this villain, Black Milsom, actually kills the young navigator captain for money.