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The Net

Rex Beach

American Norvin Blake travels to the island of Sicily to attend the wedding of his good friend, Count Martel Savigno. However, the mafia appears in the story, which leads to tragic events on the night before the wedding. The main character has to find out who ordered the killer.


Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки (Wieczory na chutorze w pobliżu Dikańki)

Николай Васильевич Гоголь, Nikołaj Wasiljewicz Gogol

Сборник повестей «Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки» 2013 бессмертный шедевр великого русского писателя Николая Васильевича Гоголя. Перед нами оживает удивительный мир украинского фольклора 2013 мир русалок, ведьм, призраков, демонов и чертей. Мир, где самые невообразимые, а порой и страшные события описаны с тонким, типично украинским юмором и соседствуют с колоритно изображенным крестьянским бытом 19 века.Это произведение, наполненное народными традициями и поверьями, мистикой, сказочными событиями, изумительными картинам украинской природы, прекрасным знанием быта и жизни простых людей, необычайным юмором. Героями этой поэтической легенды являются сильные, честные, благородные, любящие жизнь люди. Они преодолевают любые препятствия и легко подчиняют себе даже нечистую силу.


Young Dr. Kildare

Max Brand

Young Dr. Kildare is the first in a popular series of eight novels by writer Max Brand, beginning in 1940 and finishing in 1943. Brand this time has young Dr. Kildare take on a special case to force his beloved Gillespie to take a rest from the research job which is draining him. The case involves a fear neurosis in the daughter of a multimillionaire, and Kildaire uses unorthodox means to get to the bottom of it. He has an ingenious way of bringing her out of darkness, and with a little detective work, uncovering exactly what happened. And in the process, Gillespie stages a comeback, and they go on with their research job. Dr. Kildare was such a popular series, it was made into a long running MGM movie series, radio programs, comics, and the TV series.



Robert W. Chambers

Robert W. Chambers is known for his science fiction, thrillers. He wrote a classic romance novel. When Mrs. Greensleeve first saw her child, she knew that he was different from other children.


Mikołaja Doświadczyńskiego przypadki

Ignacy Krasicki

Utwór, opublikowany w 1776 roku, uznawany jest za pierwszą polską powieść. Ma formę pamiętnikarskiej relacji, która obok innych zabiegów literackich (np. włączenie inwentarza pokładowego) miała nadać tekstowy walor autentyzmu. Trójdzielna kompozycja opowiada o kolejnych etapach życia głównego bohatera. Wykorzystuje też takie gatunki jak powiastka filozoficzna, robinsonada, utopia oraz powieść obyczajowa i przygodowa.


Master of the World

Henry Bedford-Jones

The fourth part in the series, Master of the World continues adventures of strange and mysterious gem named the Sphinx Emerald that leaves its trail through history. Alexander of Macedon had conquered most of the world, and his legions were rolling toward Carthage when a wily little priest strangely presented to him the Sphinx Emerald...


The Saint

Max Brand

He was smiling continually, with such an air of removal above the concerns of ordinary mortals, with such an upward lifting of the head, that his fellows in the boat had called him, from the first day of labor and thirst, The Saint. This novelette filled with excitement, suspense, good guys and bad, and plot twists aplenty! Brand is a masterful story teller, slowly revealing his main characters unique idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses that make them both human and admirable. Frederick Schiller Faust was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Faust also created the popular fictional character of young medical intern Dr. James Kildare in a series of pulp fiction stories.


The Song of the Lark

Willa Cather

Young and ambitious Thea Kronborg leaves Moonstone, a fictional city in Colorado, for Chicago to pursue her dream of becoming a pianist. The music teacher hears her voice and realizes that the girl has a gift for singing. He encourages her to continue studying vocals instead of piano.