Publisher: Ventigo Media

Rilla of Ingleside

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Rilla of Ingleside is a coming-of-age novel written in 1921 by L.M. Montgomery that focuses on the youngest daughter of the beloved Anne Shirley, now Mrs. Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series. In this final book in the Anne of Green Gables series, young Rilla Blythe dreams only of her first dance and getting her first kiss from the dashing Kenneth Ford. But undreamed-of challenges await the irrepressible Rilla when the world of Ingleside becomes endangered by a far-off war. Subsequently, Rillas brother Jem and his friend Jerry enlist and go to a training camp before leaving to join the front in France, and Rilla finds herself caring for an orphaned newborn. A story caught up in the shadow of war, the novel is an emotional journey of growth, loss, and sacrifice, but nevertheless a timeless piece of literature.


Der Brand der Cheopspyramide

Hans Dominik

Elias Montgomery. Kaum ein Bewohner der zivilisierten Welt, der ihn nicht kannte. Schon bei seinen Lebzeiten ein Sagenkreis um ihn. Elias Montgomery, der große Erfinder, dem es gelungen, das Problem der Atomenergie zu lösen. Die Atomenergie, jene riesenhafte, über alle Vorstellungen gewaltige Energiequelle, schon seit Jahrzehnten das höchste Ziel der Erfinder in allen Kulturstaaten der Welt. Aber der englische Erfinder Elias Montgomery stirbt. Drei islamische Reiche bedrohen Europa. Die einzige Hoffnung ist eine Erfindung des Magnaten und Erfinders Montgomery. Diese soll endlich die Atomenergie entfesseln können. Doch die Anleitung nahm der Erfinder mit ins Grab. Seine Erfindung, die durch Atomzertrümmerung ungeheure Energien gezielt freizusetzen vermag, wird auf Anlass des maurischen Kalifen Abdurrhaman, der bereits Spanien eingenommen hat, geraubt. Jetzt will er ganz Europa und droht, es ansonsten in eine brennende Hölle zu verwandeln. Bereits 1925, zwanzig Jahre vor Hiroshima, wagte der Autor einen visionären Ausblick auf die Gewalt, die politischen Auswirkungen und den Schrecken der Atomwaffen.


Nostromo. A Tale of the Seaboard

Joseph Conrad

Set in the fictional South American country of Costaguana, this story of revolution, deception, and self-betrayal centers on Nostromo, a handsome Italian sailor, who, like Costaguana, is being consumed by secret guilt and corruption. The story begins halfway through the revolution, employing flashbacks and glimpses of the future to depict the lure of silver and its effects on men corrupting and destroying some, revealing the strengths of others.Nostromo is considered by many to be Conrads greatest novel. The ambiguous nature of good and evil, the importance of duty, common themes in all of Conrads novels, get an epic treatment in Nostromo. Published in 1904, the book has the feel of a modern novel. Its a book about revolutions, money, and character, told through different voices, different eyes.


The Murders at Madlands

Aidan de Brune

Meet the famous Australian author Aidan de Brune and his latest mystery The Murders at Madlands. Eight persons are assembled in the dining room of the palatial home of Sir Rupert Haffervale, Sydneys business magnate. Five of them are his associates, prominent men in the life of the city. The sixth is the star reporter of a big daily. The occasion is the formal handing over of control of a huge trust to Sir Ruperts niece and heiress on her coming of age. At noon, as the knight is about to conduct his niece to the head of the table he falls forward with a bullet through his heart. The fatal shot was undoubtedly fired by someone in the room, yet no report was heard. Who was the murderer?


As a Thief in the Night

R. Austin Freeman

R. Austin Freeman was one of the best mystery writers ever and this book is one to prove it. Harold Monkhouse is a very sick man but no one including his doctor seems to know what is wrong with him. When he is found dead of arsenic poisoning, his brother demands an investigation and everyone in the household is a suspect. Who was behind this cruel death; the loving wife, Barbara; her friend, Madeline or Wallingford, the rather eccentric secretary? They all inherit something when Harold Monkhouse dies. Rupert, their loyal friend enlists the help of Dr. Thorndyke who with a lot of twists and turns solves the case. In researching the crime, Thorndyke and his charming assistant Polton do some fascinating analyses with X-rays. And the reader learns a lot about the versatility of arsenic in the hands of a creative murderer.


Dorothée, danseuse de corde

Maurice Leblanc

Maurice Leblanc, pere dArsene Lupin, raconte nous les mystérieuses et extraordinaires histoires. Cette fois laction se déroule autour de formidable héritage et des quelques familles. Une chasse au trésor fabuleux, une mort (ou un meurtre?) mystérieux, les secrets interminables... Et bien sr, il y a un peu damour dans ce roman. Ce livre est vraiment part dans lunivers de lauteur et réellement attachant.


Sandi the Kingmaker

Edgar Wallace

Colonial adventures in a 6 volume collection set on the Dark Continent. Sanders and Co. return to Africa (following the events in Bones in London) to bring the old Kings country under the Union Jack and to try and find what has happened to a missionary and his daughter. It is written in a delightfully humorous style. Sandi, the King-maker among other novels by Edgar Wallace conveys the paternal attitude that Englands officials felt toward the native tribes of Africa. Part of his famous African novels (Sanders of the River series), this volume is highly recommended for those who have read and enjoyed others in the series, and it would make for a worthy addition to any collection.


The Doctor, His Wife and the Clock

Anna Katharine Green

A mystery filled with guilt, love and anger led to death. The story is about Ebenezer Gryce, a young, energetic and determined police detective who is entrusted with the investigation of the high-profile murder of Mr. Hasbrouck, a wealthy and influential resident of the Colonnade in Lafayette Place. The only real clue is provided by the victims wife. She woke from a deep sleep and thought she was dreaming. She soon realized that her husband wasnt next to her in bed. While she was looking for him, she heard a voice say from across the dark room, God! What have I done! , which was quickly followed by footsteps and the front door closing. Enjoy this 7th Mr. Gryce book.