
Midnight House

Ethel Lina White

The story Midnight House about the mysterious house. The owners, who went abroad. However, neighbors claim that they saw them in the city. This house is associated with ill-fated love and early death. For a long time, it was closed, but soon reopened...



E. Phillips Oppenheim

A solitary cabin stood far away in the backwoods of Canada, outside all tracks of civilization, in a region which only the native Indians and a few daring trappers cared to penetrate. Rudely built of pine logs, it was ill-calculated to withstand the piercing cold and frost which, for nine months out of the twelve, holds this region in an iron grip. Around it, a small clearing had been effected, but the ground was many feet thick in snow, which, save where in front of the door it had been cut away, surrounded the frail little building, and reached up to the rude window.


Crooks in the Sunshine

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another great collection of short stories by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. He was the self-styled prince of storytellers., generally regarded as the earliest writer of spy fiction as we know it today, and invented the Rogue Male school of adventure thrillers. This volume is a collection of 10 mystery and investigation short stories of Commodore Jensen, a beloved Oppenheim character.


The First Time He Died

Ethel Lina White

The main character, Sir Benjamin Watson, created a private zoo in the countryside on the territory of his country house. Ganges is an exotic jungle filled with snakes, elephants, tigers and lions. One summer day, Ann Sherborne arrives at Ganges for meeting friends from the university. There are strange events: a series of accidents involving the zoo animals. Who is involved in this?


Bank Nucingena

Honoriusz Balzak

Francja, rok 1833. Świat paryskiej arystokracji i finansjery. Eugeniusz de Rastignak zrobił szybką i błyskotliwą karierę. Jeszcze kilka lat wcześniej jako młody student przybyły z Angouleme zamieszkiwał w nędznym pensjonacie w Dzielnicy Łacińskiej i w ogóle nie liczył się w życiu wyższych sfer. Szybko jednak wzbogacił się i uzyskał tytuł para Francji. Kluczem do sukcesu tego prowincjusza był romans z Delfiną de Nucingen, żoną jednego z najbogatszych i najbardziej wpływowych finansistów Francji. Chociaż po czternastu latach związek ten się rozpadł, Rastignac w dalszym ciągu prowadzi półlegalne interesy z jej mężem... Bank Nucingena to znakomity obraz XIX-wiecznej francuskiej arystokracji i chciwych bankierów. Całość napisana w typowym balzakowskim stylu. Autor ani nie potępia, ani nie pochwala zachowania swoich bohaterów. Po prostu opowiada frapującą historię.


Historical Adventures

Robert E. Howard

The immortal legacy of Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Cimmerian, continues with this latest compendium of Howards fiction and poetry. He will always be best remembered for his sword and sorcery tales but his work was extraordinarily varied. Unlike most of his better known works such as Conan, Kull, Solomon Kane, etc., these stories are all historically based adventure stories. These adventures, set in medieval-era Europe and the Near East, are among the most gripping Howard ever wrote, full of pageantry, romance, and battle scenes worthy of Tolstoy himself. Lots of swashbuckling adventure here but no magic or supernatural elements. Historical Adventures is a must-have for every fan of Robert E. Howard, who, in a career spanning just twelve years, won a place in the pantheon of great American writers.


Frank Merriwells Return to Yale

Burt L. Standish

After a long adventure, Frank Merriwell finally returns to his second home, Yale University. His friends are so alarmed by this unexpected appearance that they simply do not know what to do. This story conveys such warmth. And the next few hours you spend, not looking up from the book.


Na zgliszczach Zakonu. Powieść historyczna z XV wieku

Zuzanna Morawska

Powieść historyczna Morawskiej opiera się na dawnych przekazach, dzięki czemu znakomicie oddaje realia i atmosferę początku XV wieku. Opowiada o konflikcie pomiędzy połączonymi siłami polsko-litewskimi a krzyżackimi. Ukazuje go przez pryzmat codzienności i cech charakterologicznych głównych bohaterów: Jagiełły i Witolda. Tło stanowią aspekty nie tylko wojenne, ale również kulturowe, religijne, obyczajowe.