
The Little Red Foot

Robert W. Chambers

This is an adventure thriller about independence. The protagonist fights for the freedom of the United States, as well as for the love of his life. If you are a fan of the historical adventure novel, then this book is for you.


The Black Robe

Wilkie Collins

The novel The Black Robe tells the story of a young rich heir who has fallen into the net of the Catholic Church. Only the devotion of his wife and love for his son allowed Luis Romain to throw off his heavy fetters and make the right decision.


A Room of Ones Own

Virginia Woolf

The beauty of A Room of Ones Own is that it serves as an example of peace of mind, which, as Wooolf insists, is the defining quality of all great artists. Her transparent and elegant essay is devoted not only to the necessary material conditions of writing, but also to the self-overcoming of the creator. Virginia Woolf, in her essay, talks about a womans right to work. The writer considers a centuries-old story during which a woman was only a silent shadow of a man.


Mount Royal

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

This book is romance, mystery, murder, Christian and the best part of lost love. The main character listened to the often told story, kneeling in the firelight, at her aunts knee, a ruddy glow gently touched her light soft hair and a brighter forehead, her large blue eyes looked with love on Mrs. Tregonells face. And he was a widower, Aunt Diana, she repeated with an expression of disgust, as if something had clenched her teeth.


Un drame en Livonie

Jules Verne

Un drame en Livonie est un roman de Jules Verne dont le theme principal est la confrontation de deux partis au conseil municipal de Riga: le parti slave, soutenu principalement par les couches inférieures de la population le prolétariat et la paysannerie et le allemand, la noblesse et la grande bourgeoisie, et la lutte sociale et politique de la population locale contre la domination des barons de lOstsee est liée une intrigue criminelle.


Keep the Aspidistra Flying

George Orwell

Keep the Aspidistra Flying is a bitter, ironic novel. The protagonist is Gordon Comstock, an unrecognized poet, failed writer, forced to work in an advertising agency to earn a living. He has a real talent for composing slogans, but his work inspires him with disgust, it seems to be a caricature of literary creativity. He despises material values and the vulgarity of the everyday way of life, the symbol of which is the ficus on the window. He blames money for all his failures.


Стихотворения (Wiersze)

Сергей Александрович Есенин, Siergiej Aleksandrowicz Jesienin

Лирика великого русского поэта Сергея Есенина невероятно легкая, мелодичная и чуткая, о понятных для каждого человека чувствах, эмоциях и переживаниях. Автор и сегодня остается одним из самых популярных и любимых русских поэтов. И в первую очередь читатели ценят его за необычайно тонкие и красивые стихи о любви. Любовь к женщине и любовь к своей прекрасной Родине тесно переплелись в нежных стихотворениях Сергея Есенина..



Михаил Афанасьевич Булгаков

201eМорфий201d погружает нас в пропасть, приоткрывает мрак души человеческой, попавшей в ловушку наркотической зависимости, врача, пытающегося подавить осознание проблемы и нашедшего выход, избавляющий от жизни, не найдя избавления от зависимости. Самоубийство 2013 единственный путь? Быстрое или медленное, разница невелика.