Wydawca: KtoCzyta.pl

Cleopatra. Being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis

H. Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard relies on adventure and exotic concepts. This story unfolds in the era of the Ptolemaic era of ancient Egyptian history. The line of the dynasty defended by the priesthood of Isis is trying to survive in difficult circumstances. The main character Harmachis must overthrow Cleopatra, banish the Romans and return to Egypt its former status.


The Solution of a Mystery

J.S. Fletcher

One of the main characters, Richard Redford, is charged with murder. His life was threatened with death if he did not confess. But he chose such a point of view that he would have nothing to say to anyone. His indecision to speak causes bewilderment to others. Should a hero accept death with honor or not broken promises?


The Disintegration Machine

Arthur Conan Doyle

The Disintegration Machine is a story featuring Doyles famous character Professor Challenger. It was first published in The Strand Magazine in January 1929. The story centers on the discovery of a machine capable of disintegrating objects and reforming them as they were. This short story is a part of the Challenger series, a collection of stories about the wealthy eccentric adventurer Professor Challenger. Unlike Conan Doyles laid-back, analytic character, Sherlock Holmes, Professor Challenger is an aggressive, dominating figure. The professor is described as a lion of a man with a full beard and a rotund physique. One day, he is interrupted by the young journalist, Malone, to go investigate a machine designed by Latvian inventor, Theodore Nemor.


Le Meunier dAngibault

George Sand

Marcel de Blanchemon, veuve dun baron qui ne lui a laissé que des dettes, pense pouvoir épouser un ouvrier socialiste du nom de Henri Lemore, malgré les préjugés de classe de ce dernier. Mais Henri senfuit et se cache dans le moulin Anzibo. Marcel considere ce soin comme un manque damour.


Палата 2116 6 (Sala nr 6)

Антон Павлович Чехов, Anton Pawłowicz Czechow

Весьма необычное произведение А.П.Чехова, которое справедливо можно назвать каксамым пессимистичным, такинаиболее жизнеутверждающим вего творчестве. Вцентре сюжета2013 история главного врача психиатрической лечебницы, оказавшегося еепациентом. Главрач психиатрической больницы Регин находит среди своих больных человека с очень неординарным мышлением, более того 2013 пациент имеет свою жизненную философию. Врач часто посещает палату особенного больного. В длительных беседах и дискуссиях с пациентом, доктор осознает безумие нашего мира и вскоре сам сходит с ума... Что же таит эта загадочная палата номер шесть?


The King in Yellow

Robert W. Chambers

The heroes learn about the fictional city of Karkos, where the King in yellow rules, and two suns shine in the sky, and this circumstance becomes the beginning of mystical changes in their destinies. Strange and terrible events in which reality and dreams are intertwined are illustrated by the outstanding Argentine artist Santiago Caruso.


The Golden Key

T.C. Bridges

Four years of hard work under the tropical sun, a young American invested in this place. He, Dick, had been on it for a whole year. He knew how Dudley liked it, and knew perfectly well that it would be unpleasant for him to refuse him. What was his business when Dudley so quietly perceived all this?


Хозяин и работник (Gospodarz i robotnik)

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

Иногда нужно столкнуться с непреодолимой трудностью в жизни, чтобы вынести урок с жизни. Это и хотел донести Лев Толстой в романе 201e Хозяин и работник201d. Рассказ о двух людях, которые попали в метель. Хозяин вынужден спасаться, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. Он оставил своего работника на произвол судьбы. Вследствие, у хозяина не получалось выбраться и оказавшись перед лицом смерти, он понял свою ошибку.