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Flash Multiplayer Virtual Worlds. Build immersive, full-featured interactive worlds for games, online communities, and more

Makzan Makzan (Mak Seng Hin), Seng Hin Mak

Flash virtual worlds are some of the most exciting—and profitable—online business being built today. Using Flash, developers can build interactive environments where users can interact with the virtual world and one another, compete, and have fun. Creating a playful environment on an electronic network presents unique challenges as you combine a fun, upbeat frontend with some serious and complex server logic.This handy book assists you in building amazing virtual worlds in no time by implementing ActionScripts in a Flash IDE. With this book in hand, you will build virtual worlds that have avatars walking around and interacting with non playing characters, completing challenging quests, and allowing users to link with real-world friends.The fun begins with first exploring existing virtual world games such as Club Penguin, Mole, Dofus, and World of Warcraft. We will then design our virtual environment. Then we will create avatars and move the avatars in the virtual world. We will add some triggers to add amusement and life to the virtual world. We will allow the avatars to interact with other players and create a buddy list for each user. Then we will integrate buildings and other environment to the virtual world. We will also let the players interact with non-player characters to complete some tasks. Finally, we move on to add interesting quests to the virtual world, which need to be accomplished by the player to gear up to the next level of the game.This example-rich, hands-on guide sequentially develops a multiplayer virtual world—the platform, the environment, quests, avatars, non-playing characters, and interaction between them.

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OpenCV Android Programming By Example. Leverage OpenCV to develop vision-aware and intelligent Android applications

Amgad Muhammad, Erik Hellman, Erik A Westenius, Amgad M Ahmed Muhammad

Starting from the basics of computer vision and OpenCV, we'll take you all the way to creating exciting applications. You will discover that, though computer vision is a challenging subject, the ideas and algorithms used are simple and intuitive, and you will appreciate the abstraction layer that OpenCV uses to do the heavy lifting for you. Packed with many examples, the book will help you understand the main data structures used within OpenCV, and how you can use them to gain performance boosts. Next we will discuss and use several image processing algorithms such as histogram equalization, filters, and color space conversion. You then will learn about image gradients and how they are used in many shape analysis techniques such as edge detection, Hough Line Transform, and Hough Circle Transform. In addition to using shape analysis to find things in images, you will learn how to describe objects in images in a more robust way using different feature detectors and descriptors. By the end of this book, you will be able to make intelligent decisions using the famous Adaboost learning algorithm.

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Effective Concurrency in Go. Develop, analyze, and troubleshoot high performance concurrent applications with ease

Burak Serdar

The Go language has been gaining momentum due to its treatment of concurrency as a core language feature, making concurrent programming more accessible than ever. However, concurrency is still an inherently difficult skill to master, since it requires the development of the right mindset to decompose problems into concurrent components correctly. This book will guide you in deepening your understanding of concurrency and show you how to make the most of its advantages.You’ll start by learning what guarantees are offered by the language when running concurrent programs. Through multiple examples, you will see how to use this information to develop concurrent algorithms that run without data races and complete successfully. You’ll also find out all you need to know about multiple common concurrency patterns, such as worker pools, asynchronous pipelines, fan-in/fan-out, scheduling periodic or future tasks, and error and panic handling in goroutines.The central theme of this book is to give you, the developer, an understanding of why concurrent programs behave the way they do, and how they can be used to build correct programs that work the same way in all platforms.By the time you finish the final chapter, you’ll be able to develop, analyze, and troubleshoot concurrent algorithms written in Go.

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Practical Mobile Forensics. Forensically investigate and analyze iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices - Fourth Edition

Rohit Tamma, Oleg Skulkin, Heather Mahalik, Satish Bommisetty

Mobile phone forensics is the science of retrieving data from a mobile phone under forensically sound conditions. This updated fourth edition of Practical Mobile Forensics delves into the concepts of mobile forensics and its importance in today's world.The book focuses on teaching you the latest forensic techniques to investigate mobile devices across various mobile platforms. You will learn forensic techniques for multiple OS versions, including iOS 11 to iOS 13, Android 8 to Android 10, and Windows 10. The book then takes you through the latest open source and commercial mobile forensic tools, enabling you to analyze and retrieve data effectively. From inspecting the device and retrieving data from the cloud, through to successfully documenting reports of your investigations, you'll explore new techniques while building on your practical knowledge. Toward the end, you will understand the reverse engineering of applications and ways to identify malware. Finally, the book guides you through parsing popular third-party applications, including Facebook and WhatsApp.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in various mobile forensic techniques to analyze and extract data from mobile devices with the help of open source solutions.

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Eлектронна книга

Odoo 10 Development Essentials. Explore the functionalities of Odoo to build powerful business applications

Daniel Reis

Odoo is one of the fastest growing open source, business application development software products available. With announcement of Odoo 10, there are many new features added to Odoo and the face of business applications developed with Odoo has changed. This book will not only teach you how to build and customize business applications with Odoo, but it also covers all the new features that Odoo has to offer.This book is the latest resource on developing and customizing Odoo 10 applications. It comes packed with much more and refined content than its predecessor. It will start with building business applications from scratch and will cover topics such as module extensions, inheritance, working with data, user interfaces, and so on. The book also covers the latest features of Odoo 10, in addition to front end development, testing and debugging techniques. The book will also talk about Odoo Community and Odoo Enterprise.

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