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Fajdros to kolejna, zaraz po Uczcie, wybitna rozprawa filozoficzna Platona. Za murami miasta, nad rzeką Illisos odbywa się rozmowa Sokratesa z Fajdrosem na temat mowy wygłoszonej wcześniej przez retoryka Lizjasza. Poruszają oni różne kwestie dotyczące nieśmiertelności duszy, jej wędrówki przez kolejne wcielenia. Pojawia się tu jedna z najsłynniejszych alegorii Platona dotycząca duszy jako wozu zaprzęgniętego w dwa konie rozsądek oraz pożądanie. Platon ustami Sokratesa próbuje również udowodnić przewagę mowy nad pismem.


Men of the Mist

T.C. Bridges

The TEA at the Wasperton School was nothing more than thick slices of bread and margarine and an ominous black mixture served in huge metal teapots. The food was so bad that the boys could hardly eat it, but they did not dare to complain, at least as long as they were under the gaze of their master, Mr. Silas Craishaw. Because his eyes were no less rigid than his cane, and not a day passed, but some of them felt a prick of it. Among the forty or so boys who were sitting at two long tables, there was a couple that was somehow different from the rest. Despite their worn clothes and patched boots, an atmosphere of reproduction reigned around Clem and Billy Ballard.


The Fifth Queen

Ford Madox Hueffer

The first book in the triology, The Fifth Queen recounts Katharines arrival at court and the early stages of her relationship with England king Henry VIII. Growning up far from court, she is wholly unused to the corruption and intrigue that now surround her. Soon Katharine is locked in a vicious battle with Thomas Cromwell, the Lord Privy Seal, as she fights for political and religious change. The book details a battle for power between Katharine, Throckmorton, and Cromwell.


The Doctors Wife

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Isabelle Sliford is a young girl who dreams of the books she reads and lives to read them. She sees life through the eyes of Brion, Shelley, Shakespeare and Dickens. George Gilbert, a handsome young doctor, sees that she and she are so different from the girls he knows, falling in love with her. He is pragmatic, and she is a dreamer of all that is beautiful, which causes the gulf between them.


Pillar Mountain

Max Brand

Loafer was a big dog who looked like a buffalo wolf; he was gray against one background and pale yellow against another; like a buffalo wolf, he had a great leonine body covered with a loose hide which humped in a wave above his shoulders at every lurch of his gallop. Strangers always said Wolf! when they saw him, and no one said Good dog! except his master.


Les Aventures dArsene Lupin. LAiguille creuse

Maurice Leblanc

Arsene Lupin le charmant héros des romans policiers de lécrivain français Maurice Leblanc. Lupin révele des crimes enchevetrés, vole habilement des bijoux, laissant la police dans le froid. Lupin choquant, rusé, mais rien de plus. Nous comprenons quil y aura un crime, que Lupin le commet, il nest pas toujours vrai de savoir comment il peut le faire. Il entre en concurrence avec le détective, essayant de se cacher de lui.


Precious Bane

Mary Webb

Precious Bane is also the story of Gideon, the doomed brother of Prue, no less decisive, but with different motives. Determined to defeat the poverty of their farm, he devotes all his strength to making money. The only thing that distracts him from these ambitions is that he abandons her for a stronger attraction to his money.


Hippolytos uwieńczony


Bogini miłości Afrodyta mści się na Hippolytosie, który jest czcicielem dziewiczej bogini Artemidy. Bogini sprawia, że w Hippolytosie zakochuje się jego własna macocha Fedra. Fedra stara się zdusić w sobie to uczucie, lecz gdy wychodzi ono na jaw, kobieta popełnia samobójstwo. Tezeusz, ojciec Hippolytosa, zastaje w domu martwą żonę oraz jej list, fałszywie oskarżający syna o gwałt. Ten przeklina więc syna, wykorzystując jedno życzenie, które obiecał mu spełnić Posejdon.